...Many of us have siblings. You want to care and love on them as much as possible. Saving Sourdi demonstrates the love one sibling can have for another sibling as well as the struggle it takes to care for a loved one. In Saving Sourdi, May-Lee Chai utilizes sibling love, family protection, and courage as the three themes that Nea demonstrates for her older sister. The first theme, sibling love, shows the relationship between Nea and her older sister. Their relationship goes back and forth between good and bad. “Uncle fired Duke… It was during the Saturday lunch rush when Sourdi and I were not working and could not witness what had happened” (May-Lee Chai 74). This is good because they get to see each other and spend time together. “Now when I crept into Sourdi’s bed at night, when she talked about running away, she meant Duke and her” (May-Lee Chai 74). This is not a good situation because her older sister talks about running away with Duke. If this happened, Nea would never get to see her sister anymore. Having sisterly love is important because you need that special connection if you have a problem. You may not want to talk with your parents right away about something but need someone to be there for you. A sister connection would be good in that situation. The next theme, family protection, shows what Nea would do to save her sister. “I grabbed the knife and ran back out to Sourdi” (May-Lee Chai 70). Nea grabs a knife and comes back out to the bar and protects...
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...In the story “Saving Sourdi” by May-Lee Chai I chose to write about the character Sourdi. Sourdi was the main objective of the story. She was Nea’s (the main character) older sister. Sourdi seems to have a round character. She blossoms from a teen into a young mature married woman. She begins a new life with her husband forming their own family. I can relate to Sourdi in the story because I am the oldest of four siblings. I have a five and six year age gap from my two younger sisters. My younger sisters were very overprotective of me when I was growing up. They would always team up and try to stand up for me. They did not realize that I was capable and mature enough to defend myself if I needed to in any situation. In the story “Mines” by Susan Straight I chose to write about the character Clarette. Clarette’s purpose in the story is to show others that she is a motivated strong hard working woman that will support and raise her children no matter how depressing her job can be. Clarette seems to have a round character. She is a single mother that strives hard to provide and raise her children from negative influences. I can relate to Clarette in the story although I do not have children yet. I will always strive to provide my future children with everything they need so they grow up and develop into a positive member of our...
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...Ashly Aquino Professor McIntyre ENC 1102 April 22, 2016 Saving Sourdi “Saving Sourdi” is a short story written by May-Lee Chai. This short story is about two sisters, Nea and Sourdi, who have a sisterly bond however, Nea the protagonist character starts feeling like her relationship with her sister is being threatened by the men that enters Sourdis life. This causes Nea to become a courageous, protective, and ignorant character throughout the story. While Nea assumes that she is helping her sister, she fails to realize that she makes the situation worse. The author uses characterization as a literary device to show how siblings can act towards a loved one ignoring the consequences that are yet to come. “A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves- a special kind of bond.” (Toni Morrison) Having a sister can be either a blessing or a curse. A sister can be your mirror, partner in crime, your midnight companion, and a teacher. For many it's a blessing however, at times a sister can bring out many attributes and moods. Nea and Sourdi are two sisters that grew up together and were seeking for the real America with their mother. The sisters encountered many events and shared many moments “…the two of us, so we could talk about things like boys at school or who was…”...
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...The Character analysis of Saving Sourdi “The hardest part about growing up is letting go of what you were used to, and moving on with something you’re not.”- Kamari aka. Lyrikal Saving Sourdi is discussing a classic plot of the metamorphosis from childhood to adulthood. In her story, the two main characters Sourdi and Nea develop in distinct difference to each other. Nea, the younger sister, has difficulty growing up and maturing as her own life, as well as her sister’s life, progresses. Her naivety, aggression, and anxiety influence her decisions throughout the story in a negative way. Characters in this story are easily believable and relatable, everyone has had a point in their lives where they didn’t want to grow up, handled a situation poorly, or realized that their relationship with someone has changed drastically to the point of no repair. Nea, the protagonist, is a true hero. We can see her attempts at protecting her sister and watch as they fail time and time again. Nea is a flat and static character. Throughout the story she does not change, she remains childish in her actions and decisions. Their mother addresses this issue early on by saying, “You not thinking. That your problem. You always not think!” Growing and maturing is crucial in life. Some people, however. Nea can be described as an impulsive, strong-willed, and selfish adolescent who will never truly grow up. The family has never had it easy, always having to work and tolerate prejudice due to their...
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...Saving Sourdi is a short story, which deals with the struggles and perceptions of Nea, who is one of the characters. The main characters are the elder sister Sourdi and the younger sister Nea. These two sisters are close and grew together all through to their life. Their growth and togetherness exhibit their different roles played in this story thus clearly bringing out their definite characters. This story is illustrated to show how the character of Nea and her viewpoint shapes the interpretation of the reader about the story. Saving Sourdi is a tale that holds up the strong bonds of sisterhood and family and change as people grow to maturity. The story is created from a point of view that can influence how one views the characters and their choices. This short story by May-Lee Chai is quite interesting in showing how the characters ultimately play different roles. Nea, who is the sister to Sourdi, is the narrator as well as the principal protagonist in “Saving Sourdi” as they grow up into adulthood (Chai, 43). Although Nea and Sourdi grow up together, the development of their characters is differently manifested. Nea falls behind, maturity-wise, but Sourdi continuously matures. This is most likely due to her aggressiveness together with her nervous behavior that plays the negative roles all through the story. It is evident from the story that Nea continually attempts to save her sister all through the entire story but with no success over and over. Her action shows her perseverance...
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...“Saving Sourdi” by Mailee Chai, is a story of a women name Sourdi , where her life is been arranged for marriage to a husband who will provide a lifestyle suitable to raising a family. However, she was provided with a good environment to raise their children in, and a strong man who will support their needs financially. As a young child Sourdi was really close to her younger sister Nea; They talked about things every night before going to bed. Exclusively their relationship had fell down the Drain. When Sourdi, reached time for her to become a woman. She was arranged to get married to a man named Chhay, and moves out. Even though Nea didn’t like the whole situation, she had to deal with it. The fact her sister detached from her, and they barely see each other. When Nea answers one of Sourdi’s phone call one night, Sourdi Sound like she was crying. When Nea asked what happened , she ignored her question and asked for her mom. Nea got suspicious thinking Mr. Chhay had hit her sister. So Nea gets Sourdi ex-boyfriend and told him everything, but never mentioned that she never told Sourdi she was coming over, to see what was going on. When Nea and Sourdi ex-boyfriend Duke arrived at Sourdi place, Nea sat there, waiting for a sign to go in. When Nea got in Sourdi’s House. Sourdi was surprised because, she was not expecting any company over. Nea saw a bruise in Sourdi’s face. At that moment Nea thought Mr. Chhay had hit Sourdi. Duke made a big movement by knocking Mr. Chhay in...
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...In the story, "Saving Sourdi" by May-Lee Chai, the reader feels empathy for Nea because she was too young and naive to understand what was happening. The reader understands why Nea was upset about her sister, Sourdi moving on since they were typically best friends growing up. As a young child, kids usually try to act older and more mature than they are. They are noisy and want to know about every little thing. This is a normal characteristic that most children have acquire. Nea, the younger sister, has difficulty growing up and maturing in her own life, as well as her sister’s life, as it progresses. Her naivety and aggression influences her decisions throughout the story in a negative way. Chai’s character is easily believable and relatable. Everyone has had a point in their lives where they didn’t want to grow up, handled a situation poorly, or realized that their relationship with someone has changed drastically to the point of no repair. The reader experiences her attempts at protecting her sister and we watch as they fail time and time again. Nea is a flat and static character. Throughout the story she does not change. Nea remains childish in her actions and decisions. Their mother addresses this issue early on by saying, “You not thinking. That your problem. You always not think!” (Chai 70). Chai does not show us another side to Nea making her a flat character. We see her in the same light despite the life lessons she experiences. Nea is the same drastic, hardheaded...
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...are out of her control, looking for the power of Naga to save her sister Sourdi from any “danger” that comes her way. However, through the obstacles that her and her sister encounter, she comes to learn that true strength is realizing that you cannot always help or “save” someone; true strength is recognizing your own weaknesses and limitations as well. May-Lee Chai beautifully illustrates Nea as she transitions from childhood to adulthood. As she grows to learn that she has to let her sister go. Chai described Nea as a very naïve, but also a very compassionate girl. She would always refer to her family as a hard working group of people who wanted the best in life, that simply just couldn't gain an advantage. Nea understood that there was always a better life and wanted nothing less but for them to prosper. She described there upbringing as being rough as they once lived in the violent and harsh neighborhoods in Texas. "We lived packed together in an apartment with bars on the windows on a street where angry boys in cars played loud music and shot guns at each other in the night". Once they escaped the ghettos of Texas they moved to Northwest America with their Uncle who was the owner of a restaurant "The Silver Palace" during the multiple transitions Nea grew a very deep relationship with her sister Sourdi who she looked up to dearly "My sister was beautiful.” Nea had always sought out to help Sourdi, but the way she seen and reacted toward situations would prove her lack...
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...Paige Brier Amy Manley Vampire Literature and Film 28 April 2015 Feminism in Vampire Literature and Women’s Changing Roles. The role of woman in vampire literature has changed significantly over the decades. Works expanding from the traditional Bram Stokers Dracula to more modern work as well-known as Twilight. Lucy in Dracula was portrayed as being “slender with large brown eyes and full lips”, she was considered a “damsel”. Her character became the stereotype for the females in novels that followed. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer the role of women changed. The female was no longer the “damsel” but now was the warrior. In the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, by Laurell K Hamilton, Anita is one thing the vampires fear most that is why she is called the “Executioner”. But there are many similarities in the women of classic and modern day literature and film as well. The role of women in the Victorian era were to be virginal and innocent, or else they were a mother and wife. If she was not either of these she was considered impure and dirty. Bram Stoker Dracula is a prime example of this system. In future writing women have gotten a chance at significant change. Now women can be the slayer, the persuader, and the enforcer. Women have grown in brains and brawn. The main female character in Dracula, found him in his sleep and during a period of time Dracula changes Lucy into an independent woman. According to one of the prevailing interpretations of the novel, Dracula acted as a catalyst...
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...Your thesis statement is no exception to your writing: it needs to be as clear as possible. By being as clear as possible in your thesis statement, you will make sure that your reader understands exactly what you mean. Tip: In order to be as clear as possible in your writing: Unless you're writing a technical report, avoid technical language. Always avoid jargon, unless you are confident your audience will be familiar with it. Avoid vague words such as "interesting,” "negative," "exciting,” "unusual," and "difficult." Avoid abstract words such as "society," “values,” or “culture.” These words tell the reader next to nothing if you do not carefully explain what you mean by them. Never assume that the meaning of a sentence is obvious. Check to see if you need to define your terms (”socialism," "conventional," "commercialism," "society"), and then decide on the most appropriate place to do so. Do not assume, for example, that you have the same understanding of what “society” means as your reader. To avoid misunderstandings, be as specific as possible. Compare the original thesis (not specific and clear enough) with the revised version (much more specific and clear): Original thesis: Although the timber wolf is a timid and gentle animal, it is being systematically exterminated. [if it's so timid and gentle -- why is it being exterminated?] Revised thesis: Although the timber wolf is actually a timid and gentle animal, it is being systematically exterminated because...
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...Thomas Legend 351 Snake Lane Chicago, IL 54587 Dear Mr Legend, I am writing on behalf of Nea Vigil regarding the position of a Veterinarian position at Chicago Animal Hospital. She was my neighbour for five years. I watched Nea grow up to be a helpful, and responsible young lady. She also showed all neighbourhood that she has a caring quality. Everyone in our neighbourhood loved Nea with her personality that they were there for her no matter what. Nea is a very caring and protective person. Whether it is taking care of child or nursing an animal in need, she is always there to support and help. She puts others before herself. She has more emotion that anybody that I know. For example, one day, a dog in our neighbourhood had been hit by a car and he was so helpless. Of course, Nea took the responsibility of taking care of the dog before anyone else. She also has the ability of deciding quickly and seeing the mistakes that should be fixed. Nea also has a good outlook on life. She never give up on her responsibilities. For example, whenever her parents leave their home she took care of their house and also her sisters. With all these, Nea is a great candidate to be a veterinarian especially in that reliable company. She has all the skills that a veterinarian should have; caring personality, emotional but brave to help others, quick thinking and so on. Her passion will lead her to best qualities in that company. For any questions, feel free to have a contact with me...
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...Reading Response #2 After reading “Saving Sourdi” and to define Nea, the little sister, I can say she is a static character. From the beginning to the end she stayed in the same state of mind. I found her hilarious. There were some things she would say for example, “ I should have fought harder then. I should have stabbed this man, too.” It’s as if she has no filter, no emotions towards people outside of her family. She loves her sister, and has a very difficult time accepting she wont always be around. A man will take her away from Nea and she will have to learn to accept that. Now reading “How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie” was a challenge. This was not my favorite read. I caught myself saying aloud, ‘what the hell?’ “If she’s a whitegirl you know you’ll at least get a hand job.” I literally felt offended, but I continued to read on. He describes girls of different cultures in different offensive ways. I could easily say the same about the opposite sex (just saying). I knew from the beginning from reading the title this wasn’t going to be a walk in a park for me and shall be interesting. I understood the condition in the Terrace neighborhood wasn’t a nice area to live, so that sort of explains the type of people around the area. This story was very challenging for me to understand overall. Back to “Saving Sourdi”, Duke was a flat character. He developed feelings for Sourdi and didn’t nor couldn’t do much about her marring another fellow. He seemed...
Words: 387 - Pages: 2
...story with hidden knowledge and secret meanings beneath the words. Reading Saving Sourdi, by May-Lee Chai, the character of the protagonist Nea seems to be a static character because she appears at first to not change her behavior or attitude. However, upon further analyzing she proves to be a dynamic character who maintains her personality while undergoing a dramatic shift in perspective. This can be observed by Nea’s toughness, impulsivity and loyalty to her sister despite her lack of understanding regarding her sister’s choices. Almost throughout the story, Nea remains tough and resilient. When she was eleven years old, she stabbed a man to “protect” her older sister (Chai 181). She did not even feel bad about it, saying, “what I didn’t tell Sourdi was that I was still a wicked girl. I was glad I’d stabbed that man,” (183). Also, throughout the story she drinks and smokes. “I took out the pack of cigarettes I’d stolen from Ma’s purse and lit one,”...
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...As the hot day of August were approaching, the attack suddenly ceased. Yet the stillness made the nerves in town worse. No one knew why the yankees were silent as the newspaper had suspended publication after the siege began and rumours were spreaded. Scarlet, mad to hear news from Tara, still tried to wear a brave look on her face. Thirty days had passed since the siege started but it seemed a life time to her. Peachee Creek, Deccatur, Ezra church and Utoy Creek had been names of pleasant places to her now they were all devastated. At last, Scarlett heard from news that the Yankees were on the forth side of the town . She was terrified as Careen was very sick and Scarlett didn't know whether she was dead or alive. Lastly, a courier came from Jonesboro with news that the Yankees had been beaten back and a letter from her father who was in Jonesboro chasing for a doctor to go to Tara with him. The letter indicated that her mother and both girls had the typhoid. She was told that in no circumstances was she to come and expose herself and Wade to the desease . After reading the letter, the repeated thing left in Scarlett's mind was the prayers for her mother. For the next week , she stayed at home waiting for news from Tara in an intense anxiety but the mails were still disrupted so there was not a word from Tara. Scarlett had seen the typhoid in Atlanta hospital and she felt so helpless while her mother was seriously ill. She longed to be home in Tara . She blamed Melanie...
Words: 521 - Pages: 3
...May-Lee Chai’s “Saving Sourdi,” 181-94 Background / Back-Story Places and events alluded to (you may wish to look up the following terms): Cambodia (183-84) Angkor Wat (194) the Naga (194) Phnom Penh Pol Pot the Khmer Rouge—1975-1979 Choeung Ek “the Killing Fields” Consider numerous references throughout the story to bones, fields, barbed wire Consider the images in Nea’s two dreams: 186, 191 Plot Sequence: The scenes are mostly chronological with a peripheral flashback to the scene when Nea was 4 and Sourdi was 9, and Sourdi “saved” Nea “in another world, a place almost unimaginable to me. . . . ” (191) Ages of Nea and Sourdi (Sourdi is 4½ to 5 years older than Nea)— 1. Opening scene when Nea stabs one of the drunks: Nea is 11 (181), Sourdi would be 15½ to 16. 2. Sourdi’s marriage to Mr. Chhay: Sourdi is 18 (187), Nea is 12½ 3. Scene nearly two years after the wedding when Nea and Duke drive to Des Moines, Iowa, to “save” Sourdi. Nea says she is 14½ (187). Nea says Sourdi is 20. Setting: What about the neighborhood where they live in South Dakota? They wanted to find “the real America, the one where we were supposed to live” (182). Cambodia to Texas to South Dakota. Each scene has its own particular setting and mood. Consider the importance of the setting of the field Duke wants to show the two girls (184- 85. Consider the description of Sourdi’s house and yard on Locust Street in DesMoines (191 ...
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