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Scarlet Ibis Figurative Language

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“The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst is about William Armstrong, also known as Doodle, who had a physical and mental condition. When he was born William’s brother was six years old, and when William died his brother was thirteen. The story is called “The Scarlet Ibis” because the family saw a bird dying in their backyard which was far away from its native land, and William died away from his home. Mr. Hurst was born in North Carolina at a farm by the sea. He studied singing and in Italy and he became a banker. During his thirty four years as a banker he also published a few short stories including “The Scarlet Ibis”. I personally did not like how the story went but I do like how Mr. Hurst wrote it. I also like how he referred the scarlet ibis …show more content…
What I like about “The Scarlet Ibis” is all the figurative language that the author, James Hurst, writes. I also like the writing style of the author, because he gives details that people may need to think about. I do not like the resolution like others but it makes the story better although tragic. “The Scarlet Ibis” is like the “A Seperate Peace” in my opinion because both main characters end up giving in to selfishness and frustration. There may be other stories that others can compare the story to but “A Separate Peace” reminds me of this story the …show more content…
Brother is usually annoyed by Doodle because he talks a lot and wants to be with him a lot of the time. Brother is also embarrassed by his brothers condition because he had a mental disability and a physical disability. Doodle’s brother always seemed disappointed in his brother, but he soon sadly realized his unique qualities after his death. In the brother’s eyes Doodle is the antagonist but that changes also after Doodle’s death. The characters act in a believable way because in a situation where a sibling embarresses another sibling one of them just want to get back at them. Some may go too far and injure their sibling or worse, but sometimes they tease one another although that can turn into a bad situation also. Although the story itself does not have any twists or unexpected things it does have a lot of predictable parts. In the beginning of the story the brother gives hints that Doodle is dead when he is narrating the story, “...and I remember Doodle” (1). Although the story does not have twists or unexpected endings, the story tells you hints about Doodle’s death by explaining the disabilities that he has and how dangerous it can be for Doodle to do lots of activities. The climax is where readers are able to put together the pieces to how Doodle may die, so when the story tells about how Doodle’s brother is making Doodle worry about him when he starts to run, they can infer that Doodle may

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