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Schindler Argumentative Essay

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When man is faced with the incomprehensible struggle for survival, he is able to adapt and adjust not only his way of thinking but his way of being. Adapting is one of the greatest strengths that man is capable of doing in order to survive. Even when someone is thrown into the toughest and most unfathomable situation, the will to live kicks in and allows someone to find that inner strength to adapt, survive, and push through whatever obstacles are thrown at him. Man needs a purpose to survive whether it is for himself or for the sake of another, and in order to do so, he will need to adapt. The holocaust is a good example of when people were put to the test and forced to adapt either to benefit themselves, make choices that they would normally …show more content…
Originally, at the start of the war he begins his business by hiring cheap Jewish labour. As the war progresses and he becomes aware of the atrocities around him, he channels his energy into doing all he could to save as many Jewish workers as possible as opposed to gaining wealth. Schindler says, “I could have gotten more.”(Schindler’s List) In each scenario, Schindler adapted first to his own needs and then for the needs of others. He made his factory produce faulty shells so he could help save people. Towards the end, he has little to no money, since he spends it all on buying Jewish workers so they can be saved from going into the concentration camps. Whether it was one person or a thousand, he made lasting impacts on their lives by changing his mind set so he could help others survive in a difficult time. The way Schindler adapts is by transforming himself from a man who showed indifference to the Jews to one who focuses his life on saving them. Itzhak Stern sums it up when he tells Schindler, “There will be generations because of what you did.” (Schindler’s

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