National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City
“Our goal is perfection, excellence will be tolerated”
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City
“Our goal is perfection, excellence will be tolerated”
Dealing with
Benefits of Computer Games for Children, Students and Adults within Brgy. 28
In partial fulfilment of the subject requirement
In ENGL 1023, Writing in Discipline
Submitted by:
Jerico L. Montifar
Ivan Floralde
Robert Ace Apalin
Francis Angel
Leian Dela Cruz
Submitted to:
Miss Jinky De Jesus
English Professor / IR / IP Adviser
11 March 2016 Friday
We would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Ms.Jinky De Jesus who gave us the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic ---, which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and came to know about so many new things and opened my eyes on a lot of wonderful exciting and refreshing details about our topic.
Secondly we would also like to thank our parents and companions who helped us in compiling and finalizing this project within the limited time frame. They also supported us financially and morally for us to finish this project. Without them, this will be a total failure.
We would also like to thank everybody who contributed to our success and thank the people we interviewed for sparing some time with us to finish and add information to the said research paper. Lastly we would like to express our deepest gratitude to everybody who supported us and pushed us all the way here. Thank you very much.
Table of Contents Page
Title page ……………………………………………………………………1
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………...3
Chapter I: Introduction……………………………………………………...4 a. Background of the Study b. Statement of the Problem c. Hypothesis d. Significance of the Study…………………………………………...5 e. Scope and Limitation
Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Studies…………………...6 A. Review of Related Literature * Videogames as an educational Research Tool * Language Skills * Basic Math Skills * Basic Reading Skills * Social Skills…………………………………………………..7 * Videogames and Development of Skills among Special Needs Group * Brain-Wave Bio-Feedback * Rehabilitation………………………………………………....8 * Video Games and Health Care B. Review of Related Study C. Hypothesis D. Significance of the Study E. Scope and Limitation
Chapter III- Methodology……………………………………………………9 A. Research Design B. Research Locale C. Sample And Sampling Techniques D. Instruction E. Procedure F. Statistical Treatment of Data
Chapter IV- Results and Discussion……………………………………….10 A. Results and Discussion
Chapter V- Conclusion and Recommendation……………………………11 A. Conclusion B. Recommendation
A. Background of the Study The computer industry has been renowned worldwide for its capabilities and mainly known as the biggest entertainment medium in the whole world. The advancements in technology have led to computer games that are increasingly complex, immersive, engaging, and enabling of a wide range of activities, goals, social behavior, etc. it is now difficult in the Philippines to find a household that doesn’t have a specific gaming console. Computer can be accessed easily throughout the entire country through renting a pc thus games are very accessible here in the country. B. Statement of the Problem Because of the accessibility here in the Philippines and due to the fact that children are the main age group that often uses this device, how does computer games benefit and impact grades, study habits and behavior of the players? All the following questions will be answered in this investigatory research. And also, this will serve as another reason to let the children play online games. C. Hypothesis The following research will test the following hypothesis: * People who tend to play more video games has better language skills * People who play video games can help people with attention deficit disorders * People who play video games can improve children’s health * People who play video games has better social skills * Videogames can be used as an educational tool
D. Significance of the Study This study allows you to help and inform the following: * Students- to help them realize that video games can actually improve themselves and to teach them that video games can be agreat way to relieve stress * Parents- to give them a reason for letting kids improve through a fun and innovative way called video games.
E. Scope and Limitation
* Scope- This project will consists of the beneficial facts of video games based on the real life experiments and experiences from professional players within the Brgy. This research will focus on measuring the impact of computer games and high school student’s performance in class and outside of class, study habits and
Social Interactions.
* Limitation- The study will attempt to find out the benefits of computer games to the study habits , grades and skills of high school students, children and adults. This study will only focus on the age group of 10 -18.
The most reported effects of video games- particularly in the popular press – appear to centre alleged negative consequences. These have included my own research my own research into video game addiction, increasing aggressiveness, and the various negative and psychosocial effects. However, there are many references to the positive benefits of video games in the literature. Research dating right back to the early 1980s has consistently shown that playing computer games (irrespective of genre) produces reduction in reaction time , improved hand-eye coordination and raises player’s self esteem . What’s more, curiosity, fun and the nature of the challenge also appears to add up to a game’s educational potential. This paper briefly overviews some of the educational benefits of videogame playing.
Videogames can clearly consume the attention of the children and adolescents. However, it is important to access the extent that videogames technology had an impact on childhood education. Since videogames have the capacity to engage children in n in learning experiences, this has led to the rise of “edu-tainment” media. Just by watching children it becomes very clear that they prefer this type of approach to learning. However, it appears that very few games on the commercial market have educational value.
These included videogame play being able to facilitate (i) discussing and sharing, (ii) following directions (understanding prepositions etc.), (iii) giving directions, (iv) answering questions, and (v) having a discussion topic with visual aides to share with others.
These included videogame playing promoting basic math skills as children learn to interact with the score counters on videogames.
These included “videogames” character dialogues which are printed on the screen (‘play’, ‘Quit’, ‘Go’, ‘Stop’, Load’ etc.).
Videogames provided an interest that was popular with other children makes talking and playing together so much easier. At school there are always other children who share a passion for videogame play.
Videogames have been used in comprehensive programs to help develop social skills in children and adolescents who are severely retarded or who have severe developmental problems like autism. Videogames provided the visual help adolescents learn impulse control. A videogame was used for four weeks with four subjects (11 to 17 years) diagnosed with impulse control problems. After the experimental trial, the participants became more enthusiastic and co-operative about treatment. BRAIN-WAVE BIO FEED BACK
New research suggests videogames linked to brain-wave biofeedback may help children with attention deficit disorders. Biofeedback teaches patients to control normally involuntary body functions such as heart rate by providing real-time monitors of those responses. With the aid of a computer display, attention-deficit patients can learn to modulate brain waves associated with focusing. With enough training, changes become automatic and lead to improvements in grades, sociability, and organizational skills. Following on from research involving pilot attentiveness during long flights, a similar principle has been developed to help attention-deficit children stay focused by rewarding an attentive state of mind. This has been done by linking biofeedback to commercial videogames. In their trial, Pope selected half a dozen ‘Sony PlayStation’ games and tested girls and boys between the ages of 9 and 13 who had attention deficit disorder. Half the group got traditional biofeedback training; the other half played the modified video games. After 40 one-hour sessions, both groups showed substantial improvements in everyday brain-wave patterns as well as in tests of attention span, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity.
There are also several case reports describing the use of videogames for rehabilitation. In one application, an electronic game was used to improve arm control in a 13 year old boy with Erb’s palsy. The authors concluded that the game format capitalized on the child’s motivation to succeed in the game and focused attention away from potential discomfort. Electronic games have also been used to enhance adolescents’ perceived self-efficacy in HIV/AIDS prevention programs. Using a time travel adventure game format, information and opportunities for practice discussing prevention practices were provided to high-risk adolescents. Game-playing resulted in significant gains in factual information about safe sex practices, and in the participants’ perceptions of their ability to successfully negotiate and implement such practices with a potential partner.
VIDEO GAMES AND HEALTH CARE Videogames have also been used to improve children’s health care. Several games have been developed specifically for children with chronic medical conditions. One of the best-studied is an educational game called ‘Packy and Marlon’. This game was designed to improve self-care skills and medical compliance in children and adolescents with diabetes. . In addition to more communication with parents and improved self-care, the treatment group demonstrated a significant decrease in urgent medical visits.
Most of our youth and students today are fond of going into internet shop to use computer, without knowledge of their parents what they are up to. They will ask money from their parents telling that they have something to search in the internet for their project or assignments, although others do so, but there are some who just make it as an alibi so that they can compete skills with their peers through playing games online like for example war craft, battle realms, DOTA etc.
DEFINITION OF TERMS: 1. Computer- A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. 2. Games- A game is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool.
The respondents of the study were High School, College students of Brgy. 28 Kaunlaran Village Caloocan City.
10 students from Blk. 28 ages 10- 18
Books to be reviewed and experiments will be done to the 10
The researcher will do the following: * Observe and describe a current condition and behavior of the test subject and look for beneficial attributes obtained from playing computer games * Usage of a modified survey to describe attitudes, belief and behaviors of the test subjects. * Use a descriptive relevant analysis gathered from the surveys and the inspection done
Use of pie graph to show the results
These results were based on actual test. It shows the improvement of the subjects in every aspect in 1 hour worth of gaming. Every one of them showed different skill gain in different areas. The highest improvement is language with a total of 24 %.
It is vital that we continue to develop the positive potential of videogames while remaining aware of possible unintended negative effects when game content is not prosocial. At the present time, the most popular games are usually violent. Given current findings, it is reasonable to be concerned about the impact of violent games on some children and adolescents. Game developers need support and encouragement to put in the additional effort necessary to develop interesting games which do not rely heavily on violent actions. Relationships between playing violent electronic games and negative behaviors and emotions may never be proven to be causal by the strictest standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt,” but many believe that we have already reached the still-compelling level of “clear and convincing evidence.”
Finally, most parents would probably support the use of videogames if they were sure they helped their children learn about school subjects. There are several elements which the teacher, parent, or facilitator should evaluate when choosing a health promoting/educational or helping videogame (adapted from Funk29).
Videogame technology brings new challenges to the education arena. Videogames represent one technique that may be available to the classroom teacher. Care should be taken that enthusiastic use of this technique does not displace other more effective techniques. Video and computer-based games may possess advantages not present in other learning strategies. For example, the ability to choose different solutions to a difficult problem and then see the effect those decisions have on a fictional game allows students to experiment with problem-solving in a relative safe environment.
Videogames have great positive potential in addition to their entertainment value. There has been considerable success when games are specifically designed to address a specific problem or to teach a certain skill. However, generalizability outside the game-playing situation remains an important research question. What is also clear from the empirical literature is that the negative consequences of playing almost always involve people who were excessive users of videogames. From prevalence studies in this area, there is little evidence of serious acute adverse effects on health from moderate play. Adverse effects are likely to be relatively minor, and temporary, resolving spontaneously with decreased frequency of play, or to affect only a small subgroup of players. Excessive players are the most at-risk from developing health problems although more research appears to be much needed.
1. Griffiths, M.D. & Hunt, N. (1995). Computer game playing in adolescence : Prevalence and demographic indicators. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 5, 189-194. 2 Griffiths, M 2. Griffiths, M.D. & Hunt, N. (1998). Dependence on computer game playing by adolescents. Psychological Reports, 82, 475-480. 3. 9 Blechman, E. A., Rabin, C., McEnroe, M. J. (1986). Family Communication and Problem Solving with Board games and Computer Games. In C. E. Schaefer & S. E. Reid (Ed.), GAME PLAY: Therapeutic Use of Childhood Games pp. 129-145. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons 4. Sedlak, R. A., Doyle, M. and Schloss, P. (1982) “Video Games - a Training and Generalization Demonstration with Severely Retarded Adolescents”, Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 17 (4), pp.332-336. 5. 2 Gaylord-Ross, R.J., Haring, T.G., Breen, C. & Pitts-Conway, V. (1984). The training and generalization of social interaction skills with autistic youth. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 17, 229. 6. Blechman, E. A., Rabin, C., McEnroe, M. J. (1986). Family Communication and Problem Solving with Boardgames and Computer Games. In C. E. Schaefer & S. E. Reid (Ed.), GAME PLAY: Therapeutic Use of Childhood Games pp. 129-145. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. 7. Subrahmanyam, K. & Greenfield, P. (1994). Effect of video game practice on spatial skills in boys and girls. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 15, 13-32.
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