...Analyse the importance of poverty as an explanation of social class differences in educational achievement Introduction Sociologists have argued that social class differences in educational achievement can be explained in terms of 4 not necessarily mutually exclusive kinds of theory: IQ theory; theories emphasising social class differences in material circumstances; theories emphasising social class differences in subcultural attitudes and values; and theories emphasising the importance of within school labelling processes. Sociologists tend to be critical of IQ theory for several reasons and point out that there is good evidence to show that social class is a major determinant of educational success even independently of measured differences in IQ. I shall therefore concentrate upon the three more sociological approaches and in each case it may be argued that the factors which may disadvantage working class students in general are especially likely to disadvantage those working class students who experience poverty. However before analysing the possible effects of poverty on educational achievement some preliminary investigation of the nature and extent of poverty in the UK is first necessary and for these purposes we must first distinguish between absolute and relative poverty. Absolute poverty is said to occur when individuals lack the money necessary to ensure their basis physical survival whereas relative poverty exists where individuals have insufficient money to...
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...CHALLENGES STUDENTS FACE IN LEARNING ESSAY WRITING SKILLS IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MANGA DISTRICT, NYAMIRA COUNTY, KENYA BY NYANG’AU BENARD NYASIMI E55/CE/14078/2009 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION KENYATTA UNIVERSITY JULY 2013 * DECLARATION This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for degree in any other university. Signature: ______________________________ Date: ________________________ BY NYANG’AU BENARD NYASIMI E55/CE/14078/2009 We confirm that this thesis was carried out by the candidate under our supervision as university supervisors. Signature------------------------------------------------------ Date-------------------------- Dr .Sophia. Ndethiu. Department of Educational Communication and Technology. Kenyatta University. Signature------------------------------------------------------ Date------------------------- Dr. John. Kimemia. Department of Educational Communication and Technology. Kenyatta University. * DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my loving wife Zipporah Nyasimi and our sons Philemon Siko and Enock Ongeri . * ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to acknowledge the support of those individuals who made it possible for a successful completion of this work. Special thanks go to my supervisors Dr. Sophia Ndethiu and Dr. John. Kimemia for the support, guidance...
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...positive, enlightening classroom in which they can blossom physically, cognitively, and emotionally. A teacher that understands their students’ physical development may find it easier to identify a possible cause to a problem a child is having in school. Understanding the stages of cognitive development is of the utmost importance. Knowing a child’s starting point is essential for a teacher so they can plan the right way to help move the child through their zone of proximal development. It is a teacher’s job to promote thinking abilities in their students. By asking higher order questions a teacher will help in their cognitive development. A child’s development of personality and self-esteem is important to not only their schooling, but in their whole life. A teacher can help their students establish this personality and give them multiple ways to develop their sense of self. My purpose in this child study is to be able to analyze an individual child’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development and determine how the changes she is going through will affect her learning and behavior. Making my decision on which child to study was not an easy one. I sat with Kimberly Mach, a sixth grade language arts teacher at Memorial Middle School who has become a mentor for me in my internship. We discussed the child study project and the specifics it would entail. We discussed several students that could be used in this study; all of the choices were middle-level, average students, that...
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...University of Toronto Faculty of Arts and Science and Rotman School of Management RSM 260H1S – Organizational Behaviour Duration: 110 minutes Aids allowed: one aid sheet (front side only of an 8.5”x11” piece of paper) Paper foreign language dictionary for international students Please answer all questions in this exam. Answers to the multiple choice questions need to be filled in on the scantron sheets (remember to use pencil to fill in the circles) and also circled on the exam itself. Answers to the short answer questions should go in the exam booklet provided. All three components (scantron sheets, exam booklets, paper copy of exam) should be turned in at the conclusion of the exam. This exam consists of 25 multiple choice questions, 10 true/false questions and 2 short answer essay questions – you must answer ALL questions. The exam consist of 9 pages (including cover sheet) Name: ___________________________________________________________ Student #: ___________________________________ Question | Grade | 25 multiple choice questions(2 points each) | /50 | 10 true/false questions(1 point each) | /10 | Essay question #1 | /20 | Essay question #2 | /20 | Total: | /100 | Note that all page numbers refer to the 8th edition of John and Saks SECTION 1: Multiple choice questions (25 questions x 2 points each = 50 points total) Answer all multiple-choice questions. Circle the ONE best answer to the question, and fill it in on your...
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...Sigrid Hazel Jimenez Literacy narrative For the past month I’m now convinced that I’m in a new world thus shouldn’t retreat for this is a big opportunity that I must grabbed beforehand, a cold breeze that tickles my body, the season turned to be winter and the night was clear and cold, cars progressed for about forty to fifty miles per hour had notified me that there’s no turning backs before while I stood at the third arrival gate of Phoenix Sky Harbor Int’l Airport awaited for my brother to fetched us everything I’ve seen that night marked my entrée to the United States. I’ve been very blessed, because this is a lifetime opportunity that anyone searched for. No matter what might happened to me after years passed I would always be a proud Filipino. I have to embrace this country’s culture and lifestyle for me to handle things on my own. Thanks to my family who never left me empty-headed about different matters herein this land, it is like you’re like a newborn baby that needed to be looked after. The language has never been a problem to me for I’ve been in that curriculum since I entered preschool. I spoke the language, but never been an outstanding speaker or writer. I used to have an average scores in my writing skills and fair scores in my speaking skills. I’m more of a listener than a speaker, thoughts because the best way I could have expressed my feelings is through writing and I lived by the thought that writing could express deeper feelings than speaking and wouldn’t...
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...engages with a wide variety of problems and approaches to “education as the practice of freedom.” Her essays exposed the degree to which our traditional system of education reproduces and sustains structural inequalities. Equally important, these essays offered new ways of thinking about pedagogy, and new strategies for creating a liberatory classroom. The only major downfall I saw in this volume is that the essays often repeated themselves. hooks acknowledges as much in her introduction, saying that since she wrote each essay separately, a certain degree of overlap exists in the collection. I would perhaps recommend that readers space out the essays rather than attempting to digest them all at once; this will allow readers to digest her thoughts before moving on, and will help them avoid becoming frustrated by these overlaps. hooks states that she intends these essays to be “celebratory” (10), and indeed I found that the experience of reading them was often a joyful one. The degree to which she loves teaching and connects with her students is incredibly inspiring. Teaching to Transgress has earned a permanent place on my bookshelf; I anticipate that I will turn to it often as I begin to teach students and create my own pedagogical style. Intro: Teaching to Transgress bell hooks ushers the reader into her collection of essays with a description of the various pedagogies that informed her own education. First, she presents us with the exciting, enlivened learning...
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...Academic Exchange Quarterly Spring 2001: Volume 5, Issue 1 Assessing the Effectiveness of ProblemBased Learning in Higher Education: Lessons from the Literature Claire H. Major, University of Alabama Betsy Palmer, University of Iowa Major is an assistant professor of higher education administration. <cmajor@bamaed.ua.edu>. Palmer is an assistant professor in the Counseling, Rehabilitation and Student Development department <betsypalmer@uiowa.edu>. Abstract ProblemBased Learning (PBL) is an innovative educational approach that is gaining prominence in higher education. A review of the literature of PBL outcomes summarizes, across multiple studies, the positive effects of problembased learning. Since PBL brings with it unique challenges to traditional assessment, however, this study suggests alternative approaches. Alternative assessment may provide additional insight into the effectiveness of PBL and other alternative pedagogies. Introduction Traditional instruction, such as the typical lecturebased session that developed before textbooks were massproduced, often involves delivering as much information as possible as quickly as possible. The lecture method was one of the most effective and efficient ways to disseminate information and has often been used for this end. Because many faculty members are poor lecturers, and because students are often poor participants in the lecture, this type of instruction has often allowed...
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...most melancholy emotions of sorrowful indignation have depressed my spirits, and I have sighed when obliged to confess that either Nature has made a great difference between man and man, or that the civilization which has hitherto taken place in the world has been very partial. I have turned over various books written on the subject of education, and patiently observed the conduct of parents and the management of schools; but what has been the result?--a profound conviction that the neglected education of my fellow-creatures is the grand source of the misery I deplore, and that women, in particular, are rendered weak and wretched by a variety of concurring causes, originating from one hasty conclusion. The conduct and manners of women, in fact, evidently prove that their minds are not in a healthy state; for, like the flowers which are planted in too rich a soil, strength and usefulness are sacrificed to beauty; and the flaunting leaves, after having pleased a fastidious eye, fade, disregarded on the stalk, long before the season when they ought to have arrived at maturity. One cause of this barren blooming I attribute to a false system of education, gathered from the books written on this subject by men who, considering females rather as women than human creatures, have been more anxious to make them alluring mistresses than affectionate wives and rational mothers; and the understanding of the sex has been so bubbled by this specious homage, that the civilized women of the present...
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...Essay Writing 2: Planning & Structuring Your Essays Effective Learning Service Essay Writing 2: Planning & Structuring Your Essays University of Bradford, School of Management Essay Writing (2): Planning & Structuring Your Essays ESSAY WRITING (2): PLANNING & STRUCTURING YOUR ESSAYS WHY WRITE ESSAYS? Look for the word ‘essay’ in the dictionary and you will find one meaning listed is ‘to attempt’. An essay is an attempt by you to communicate your arguments or knowledge of a subject to the reader, usually your tutor. The mark awarded is a reflection, not on your intellect generally, but on your ability to communicate your ideas on the subject in question. Many tutors – and students – believe essays help in four ways: Ø They can be a good way to learn. The process of writing will help you clarify your thoughts on a subject or topic Ø They show your tutors that you understand key ideas on any particular subject Ø They are useful as a means of gaining feedback on your academic progress Ø Essays are usually an important part of overall assessment. Essay writing can therefore be viewed in a positive way. However, essays can cause be a source of anxiety to many students, particularly at the start of their academic careers. Many students feel vulnerable when they write and submit essays and feel their intellect generally is subject to official scrutiny. They have plenty of thoughts and ideas inside their heads – but how to get these out in a readable form? This is the challenge...
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...response. So, while we’ll try to clarify what we had in mind when framing a few of the knottier questions, we won’t be offering you a list of “right” answers. Instead, regard this manual as your personal support group. Since the publication of the first edition, we’ve had the chance to learn from the experiences of hundreds of instructors nationwide, and we’d like to use this manual as a forum where we can share some of their concerns, suggestions, experiments, and hints. We’ll begin with a roundtable on issues you’ll probably want to address before you meet your class. In the first section of this manual, we’ll discuss approaches to Rereading America and help you to think through your class goals. We’ll examine some options for tailoring the book to fit your interests and the time constraints of your term. We’ll also take up some pedagogical issues. We’ll offer advice on how to broach particularly hot topics in your class. We’ll explore in some detail how to get the most out of journal assignments and learning logs. And...
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...Journal of Management and Sustainability; Vol. 4, No. 4; 2014 ISSN 1925-4725 E-ISSN 1925-4733 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education Analyzing and Evaluating Critically Tesco’s Current Operations Management Shuang Zhao1 1 Business School, University of Kent, UK Correspondence: Shuang Zhao, School of Economics and Management, Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities, Tongliao, China. E-mail: honeyzhaoshuang@126.com Received: August 31, 2014 Accepted: September 20, 2014 Online Published: November 26, 2014 doi:10.5539/jms.v4n4p184 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jms.v4n4p184 Abstract This essay analyses and evaluates critically Tesco’s current operations management. The essay discusses from 3 major perspectives namely, operations strategy, operations design and operations management. Firstly, it will show an introduction. The second section will analyze Tesco’s formats and international expansion at corporate strategy level. And then, based on the customer-centric conception, it will discuss the low price policy, cost control, loyalty card strategy, supply chain management, delivery system management and inventory management at the business unit strategy level and functional strategy level. Following this, it will make a comprehensive conclusion and show the strengths and weakness of Tesco’ operations management. Finally, the article will give some appropriate recommendations to Tesco’s sustainable development. Keywords: operations strategy, operations...
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...GRE Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay Topic - 1 "Important truths begin as outrageous, or at least uncomfortable, attacks upon the accepted wisdom of the time." GRE AWA Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay Sample Solution – 1 “The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.” ― Niels Bohr[->0] This is a proven fact that truth is the initial stage of progress. However, it is also believed that truth always starts away from the traditions and conventions. Therefore, people consider truths as attacks upon their beliefs, which people are following from ages. Truth also means some new facts that are unknown to us. People do not want to deviate from the facts, which they have learnt from their ancestors, and it is true to say that shedding ones dogmas is often difficult. They feel that it is an attack on their wisdom. If we look at the history of the world, we will find many examples where truth has generated commotions in the society. Different people have different views about the existence of God, life after death and origin of earth etc. For example, people took a long time to accept that the earth is round. Religious leaders and clergymen opposed this idea as it was against what they were teaching. Similarly, when Polish astronomer, Copernicus discovered that the earth goes round the sun and not vice versa, he was opposed by churches for many years. In fact he and his supporters were...
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...Within Students Essays 0 Reclaiming Cultural and Social Diversity: Mobilizing Youth for National Harmony and Peace: the Search for Resources Within Contents Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. 2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3 ESSAYS ....................................................................................................................... 5 1. Social & Cultural Diversity............................................................................................... 6 2. Citizenship ...................................................................................................................... 7 3. What Is A Good Pakistani Citizen? Define His/Her Responsibilities & Rights. ............... 8 4. What Is A Good Pakistani Citizen? Define His / Her Rights And Responsibilities .......... 9 5. What Is A Good Pakistani Citizen? Define His / Her Rights And Responsibilities ........ 11 6. Sectarian Violence: Implications for Citizens and Country............................................ 12 7. Becoming A Responsible Citizen: Can Education Help? .............................................. 13 8. Becoming A Responsible Citizen: Can Education Help? .............................................. 15 9. Becoming A Responsible Citizen Can Education Help? .............
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...LESSON PLANNING ON COGNITIVE ASPECTS UNDER CONTINUOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION (CCE) Sandip Ratna, Department of Mathematics, State College of Teacher Education, Kohima::Nagaland, e-mail: sandipncte@yahoo.in Abstract 21st century classroom is all about skill development, lateral thinking, creativity, judgement, higher-order skills like reasoning and analysis and teaching needs to serve discouragement for rote memorization. Education, as a planned endeavor, at a personal level on a small scale or institutional level on a large scale, aims at making children capable of becoming active, responsible, productive, and caring members of society. Hence for responsibility of the school and teachers became more important in formal form of education, with the changing needs of the time, we need to change the pattern of instructional strategies so that educational aim can be achieved. With continuous and comprehensive evaluation we must adopt modified entities of cognitive domains known as revised version of Bloom’s Taxonomy developed by Dr. Lorin Anderson, 1999, a former student of Bloom's, and his colleagues. The updated version of Bloom’s Taxonomy with respect to cognitive domain under scholastic aspect in formal education system can be used for the purpose of 21st century formal classroom for teaching-learning as they are from simplest to most complex objectives: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Keywords: Lesson Planning...
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...Joshua S. Grover 06/28/10 Organizational Behavior in Education Final Leadership Essay Responsibility: perhaps no better word describes what a leader faces as he or she manages an organization. As future leaders are cultivated and preened for future positions, it is necessary and vital to instill upon them the importance of such a position. It was in the midst of great self-reflection I realized how much I long to be an effective leader. It wasn’t until I participated in Education 630 under the instruction of Dr. Dennis Van Berkum of Minnesota State University, that I fully realized my potential as an educational leader. Through the required course-work, I’ve come to understand what an effective leader is. As a result I have chosen to compose the following essay on leadership. I will outline my point of view on organizational theory, leadership, and culture. I will also provide a personal perspective of decision making. Throughout this process I will also include my plan for growth in such an organization. It is clear that throughout the last century many different concepts have been attempted as an organizational theory. When reflecting on traditional theories it is evident that all of them have some principles that can be useful in today’s school systems. There are three organizational theories that beg investigation: Bureaucratic, Scientific Management, and Classical theories. In the following words, I will explore each theory and its validity as a useful management...
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