...front door, unlock it, and reach in to turn on the light switch located inside by the front door. The light strangely does not turn on, now what? Its clear that there must be some explanation as is to why the light did not turn on, my first reaction would be to try one more time to see if “it really was the light” and not human error. Using the scientific method, I came up with two different reasons/scenarios as to how and why the light did not turn on in hopes that one will solve the current situation. Trial #1: * Observe: I have observed that the light does not work, since I tried flicking the switch a couple of times. * Hypothesis: Since the light is not working my first thought would be that the light bulb has burnt out. * Experiment: Since the house is dark, I take out my phone in hopes it will shine a path to the next light switch, which is a couple feet away. I switch on that light and observe if it or isn’t working. * Data: Once I have figured out if the other lights are working or not I can come up with my conclusion and collect my data. My data would conclude if the lights in the other part of the house were working or not. * Communicate/Conclusion: Once I observed my option of turning on another light I can see if my hypothesis was correct. If the light in another room worked I could conclude that the light walking in the front door has burnt out and I need to replace the light bulb. If the lights in the other room do not turn on I need to regroup...
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...The word 'science' is derived from the Latin word 'scientia' which means knowledge. Therefore, science is about gaining knowledge either through observing, studying, experience, or practice. Entire knowledge acquired through science is about discovering truths, finding facts, uncovering phenomenon hidden by the nature. Observations and experimentation, in science, support in describing truth and realities through systematic processes and procedures. For me, science is an intellectual set of activities designed to uncover information about anything related to this world in which we live. The information gathered is organized through scientific methods to form eloquent patterns. In my opinion the primary objective of science is to gather information and to distinguish the order found between facts. What Science Means to Me as an Upcoming Scientist Science exposes several ideas along with significant themes so that I could test them independently and without any bias to arrive at solid conclusion. For this purpose exchange of data and materials is necessary. I am able to generate real and tangible facts supported by reliable evidence. Work of scientist is based on theoretical science. It means, in theoretical science, there is only a sign, just a hint on which discoveries could be made, facts could be found. While studying science I am always working for determining truth, based on my perceptions, judgment, observation, experience, and knowledge collected through several means...
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...Economics of Daily Life Economics of Daily Life Economics is a study of how society manages its scarce resources. The literal translation for economy is “one who manages a household.” “In an increasingly complex world connected by social and economic interaction and interdependence, news of stock market fluctuations, consumer confidence scores, and various economic indicators fill the media” (Broome & Preston-Grimes, 2011). This means that economics is everywhere, even in a home. Every household makes decisions that follow the economic principles. There are tradeoffs, and incentives. Supply and demand regularly show up in a household setting, as do decisions regarding limits on price and time. I am a single mom and the science of economics is a daily occurrence, at the grocery store, while doing homework, and in my choice of home and bills. Economics is an inevitable part of most people’s daily lives. It occurs in every facet of home, work, and school. There are ten principles to economics. They are the decisions that need to be made in regards to the jobs that need to be done, and the management of the resources that will allow the necessities to be provided. One of the principles that occur most in my daily life is tradeoffs. Tradeoffs occur when a person has to choose between one thing and another, forgoing one desirable option, for the more beneficial, sometimes undesired option. In a study done in 2011, a Montessori middle school set up a school store. Some...
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...Asif Chowdhury SC300: Big Ideas in Science Professor: Judy Ikawa Unit 9 11/22/2011 Many of us use the scientific method unconsciously on a daily basis, for work, tasks such as cooking and budgeting. The same elements present in traditional scientific inquiry are present in these everyday examples. Understanding how to apply the scientific method to these seemingly non-scientific problems can be valuable in furthering one's career and in making health-related decision. The scientific method is a process to ask question and answer scientific problem solving by making observation and doing experiments. We can follow the below steps to solve our problem scientifically: Observation This is the first part of scientific method is discovered upon direct observation of what is around us. As a scientist we have to look critically and attempt to avoid all kind if sources and bias in this observation. Ask question The second step in the scientific method is formulated by questions. Ask as many questions as we need to answer. Science can answer many questions, but there are some which cannot be answered by science. Hypothesis The next part of our scientific method is to form a hypothesis. This is simply an educated guess as to the answer for the question. Prediction The prediction is an official way to put a hypothesis to a test. If the test works most likely we are on a right track to solve our problem. If we have carefully designed our hypothesis to be sure it...
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...Personal Exploration of Knowledge Darchelle Mitchell University of Phoenix Personal Exploration of Knowledge What is epistemology? Simply put, it is the science or study of knowledge. It is curious that often human beings do not question the origin of knowledge, especially concerning common-sense beliefs and practices, taking on the notion that having been there always, it is tested, established, and proven to be true over practice. If knowledge is socially created and structured by man, it will also be subject to the flaws and fallibility and human thought. Epistemology addresses this by asking questions like - how is knowledge acquired and established, how do we know what we know, what is knowledge? These are basic and intriguing questions about knowledge that is not often addressed by us human beings when confronted with new or ordinary ideas and knowledge systems. They are important to ask however simply because human society's bedrock is knowledge; we live our lives influenced by systems of knowledge that control our ways of thinking, doing, and living from our simplest to most complicated tasks. Epistemology To truly understand epistemology as the philosophy and science of knowledge, it is important to understand what knowledge means. Knowledge is the knowing and familiarity of a skill, a person, an event, of facts, of descriptions, of abstract concepts. Acquiring knowledge...
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...Unit 9: Importance of Science in Everyday Life Jacob Barac Kaplan University SC300- 16: Big Ideas in Science Instructor: Holly Painter October 27, 2012 Importance of Science in everyday Life For all the millenniums that humans have lived on the Earth, the most important aspect of existence has been the application of science in people’s life. Everything that occurs on earth, whether it is technological advancement or domestication of animals and crops is done by using science as the main catalyst or the driving force behind everyday humans’ success. It should not be surprising to anyone to see that science and its application of various methods is central and so essential to all the discoveries that people make around the world. Methodically, science is use as a guide to everything that humans do, and without it, life would be almost impossible to attain because human beings are not like other animals. The physical characteristics that humans have separate them from other known mammals. Therefore, innovative approach by means or through application of science and technology close the gap that exists between other animals and humans. With that being said, science is a machine that makes life easier to all humans on the planet. It is not surprising to witness humans looking for answers and solutions to all sorts of problem. This is so because humans are fond of using science to make discoveries. As normal as the life itself, the fact that light did not come on is not...
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...Page 1 Science Meets Real Life Science Meets Real Life Jackie Hoskins SC300 November 13, 2011 Page 2 The scientific method involves using several steps in order to reach a conclusion about a particular inquiry. The steps are basically an investigation process. The method is an ongoing cycle day in and day out. Some of the steps in the scientific method occur at the same time, in a different order or even can be repeated during the experiment in order to improve the conclusion. (about.com 2011). What steps are taken? Typically, the scientific method involves the following steps: First, ask a question or other questions in relation to the subject or topic. The questions need to be specific in order to provide direct focus to the inquiry. Secondly, research the topic. The research needs to be detailed in order to learn as much as possible to help with your question. Third, formulate a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a statement regarding the cause and effect of the situation surrounding your question. Fourth, Test the hypothesis. Testing involves the planning and carrying out of a procedure or set of procedures to gather data (about.com 2011). Whether we know it or not the scientific method is being used in everything we do. Take for instance that I arrive at home after dark and after opening the door I reach for the light switch and when I flip the switch to turn the light on nothing happens. I ask myself why is the light out? Or ask myself did...
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...SCIENTIFIC METHOD There is no mistaking it - the benefits from science are all around us. It has made our daily lives better through medicine, healthcare, technological, electrical and even mechanical innovation. If you are reading this paper on a computer, it is science that made it all possible. Understanding the many complexities of science can be quite a difficult undertaking, however, there is a common denominator that all scientists use in achieving the amazing results that they achieve; they use the scientific method. The scientific method allows scientists to utilize a common approach to address the requirements of the scientific community. These techniques allow other scientists, as well as just the layman, to know that there has been a standardized system applied to the scientific process. I will present a brief example of what the scientific method is and how to apply it to a real life issue. I have just arrived at home after a late night at work. I begin walking up to my front door and observe that the front porch light is not on. "That is interesting", I think to myself, "I wonder what it could be?" I begin to gather other information. I notice that there are lights on in my neighbor's house as well as a light being on in my own house in the kitchen. This tells me that there is not a power outage in my neighborhood. I open my front door and flip the interior light switch on and off; still the light does not come on. I...
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...Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Louis Pasteur, Nikola Tesla and so forth. The characteristics these great men all shared were their focus on and expansion of the periphery of scientific progress and quality of life for our race. In the media however, these men seem to take a back seat to the characters of scientists played on Broadway and on the silver screen. The portrayal of scientists in the media, at least in fictional platforms of media; i.e. prime time television shows, movies, books, plays, show eccentric and often deranged, disheveled men franticly working away, mad with power and playing god. In the animated comedy “Futurama”, created by Matt Groining, the “Professor”, whom is a scientist, is portrayed as a senile old man on the verge of death and/or dementia. The “typical” media portrayal of fictional scientists is exploited in the animated series, and serve as a good reflection, and a small truth on how society sees our scientist. Other characters that come to mind are Dr. Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll. All three fictional characters share the odd characteristic of reckless abandon in the pursuit of a greater good, only to loose control and overstep their bounds with dire consequences. The characteristics that I see in my vision of a scientist are 1.) A desire to contribute to human progress. 2.) Highly educated and intelligent. 3.) Stylish hair. I...
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...Microeconomics In My Daily Life Throughout my life, I have always been reading and hearing about economic issues and concepts, but I never thought about the impacts of economic models on my personal life. Before learning about microeconomic concepts, I always thought that a course in the field of Economics, would teach me theories that only apply to the economy of a nation as a whole and not to an individual’s life. However, there were a lot of concepts throughout this course that I found relative to my personal life. Among all the concepts that I have learned in the Microeconomics course, “Opportunity Cost”, “Sunk Cost”, and “Supply and Demand” have the most impact on my daily life. “Choice and Opportunity Cost” is one of the most important concepts of Microeconomics that I found it relative to my everyday life. Similar to many other students, limited time during the school semester, forces me to make choices about what to study, when to study, and how to estimate the opportunity cost of every choice. Applying opportunity cost concept in my day-to-day life helps me better schedule my study time. For instance, I usually choose to study during weekdays because the opportunity cost of studying on these nights is lower than studying on Friday or Saturday nights, when usually more exciting events are happening. On the other hand, if my alternative on weekend is to stay home and organize my closet and do my laundry, I would choose to study, because to me, the value of studying...
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...is way too soon to decide on a major that will determine the rest of my life. Lucky for me, I had the privilege to take a variety of different classes during my high school career to help me discover my college major and form new goals. Classes like weight training, chemistry, band, creative writing, and American politics never truly sparked a flame in my heart. But, when I took the computer programming class my senior year, I finally knew. Everything escalated from that semester on. I built my own computer, learned how to build a website, and even took on an intermediate programming class. Without these variety of classes, I may have never found my passion for computers. Having the opportunity of taking various classes in different fields allowed me to shape my own goals and let me experience the world in a different perspective....
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...Running Header: Unit 9 Final Project Unit 9: Final Project MT300-28 Big Ideas in Science: From Methods to Mutation Professor Atkins Submitted by Paula Ahl October 1, 2012 PART I: SCIENTIFIC METHOD Each and every day, we are faced with having to make split-second decisions, and the need to solve random problems that we encounter. To reach those decisions and work those problems out you are subconsciously using the scientific method. Apply the five steps of the Scientific Method to two situations that could occur in your everyday life. Use the scientific method in the first scenario provided below to solve the problem at hand. Please come up with a second detailed scenario on your own and follow the same steps in the scientific method to find a resolution. Scenario 1: You arrive home late at night. You walk up to the front door, unlock it, and reach in to turn on the light switch located just inside the front door. The light does not come on! Now what? 1. Name the problem or question you are trying to solve. One evening I came home late, my husband and children were out for the night, I unlocked the front door, reach in to turn the light on and it doesn’t come on. I go back to my car for the flashlight. I need to identify where the problem is generated from. Why doesn’t the light turn on when the switch is switched on? 2. What is your background research? Check the neighborhood to see if electricity is out. Check to see if breaker has flipped. ...
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...until I found out why the light wasn't working. Do background research: The light doesn't come on the first time that I flick the switch. Based on experience I know a few potential causes of this observation, namely: faulty switch, no electricity, or burnt out light bulb. Using this background information I can then form a hypothesis as to why the light bulb didn't come on when I flicked the switch. Hypothesis: The light bulb didn't come on when I turned the switch because the light bulb has burnt out. Experiment: Take the old bulb and test it in a known working socket (at a neighbor's). Experiments should ideally have only two possible outcomes. Either they will support the hypothesis or disprove it. If the light doesn't work at my neighbor’s house then there is something wrong with the bulb. If it does then something else is causing the lack of light. Results: The old light bulb lights up when placed in a working socket at our neighbor’s house. Now we know that there is nothing wrong with that old bulb. But we still don't know why it didn't light in the first place. It's time to test another hypothesis. Hypothesis 2: The light bulb didn't come on because there is no electricity running to the...
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...The Rise Of The Scientific Revolution Sir Isaac Newton once said, “Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my greatest friend is truth” (“Cambridge University Library - Newton Exhibition”). Truth really matters when it comes to the church telling lies and people believing their whole life. The Scientific Revolution started due to people questioning the church's ways. People did not agree with just believing the way the church said and have no reason to believe. It affected society by allowing more travel and new inventions to start a movement of creation known as the enlightenment. People started to realize the church used them for power and old them lies to get money and they stepped away lowing the power of the church sand starting...
Words: 1935 - Pages: 8
...with Peers III. Concluding Statement: Conclusion Recommendation IV. Bibliography (Appendices): Organization Structure Daily Time Records (DTR) Certification / Clearance Performance Evaluation Sheet Pictorials Documentation CERTIFICATION SHEET This is to certify that, this Narrative Report of Experiences of Daisy Pequiro Serdeña, a student of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) Major in Financial Management of Bukidnon State University-Gingoog External Studies Center,has all been done under our direct supervisor and guidance. CERTIFICATION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT, __ Daisy P. Serdeña has rendered and exemplary service to this office as an On-the-Job Training (OJT) for the period from _______________, 2013 to ________________, 2014 and that she has satisfactorily completed the Six Hundred (600) working hours as per requirement of her course, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) at Bukidnon State University. Further, this certifies that the above-mentioned trainee has no pending accountabilities with our office. This certification is issued upon the request of the aforesaid student-trainee,...
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