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Science and Theology


Submitted By cfgoetz
Words 341
Pages 2
Central to this section of the book is the issue of theological considerations in science. More specifically, the question is raised: “Is there a place for the supernatural in the field of science?” Considering this question has considerable implications for your worldview. It may in fact, be determinative of or determined by your worldview.
The reason this central issue is a worldview issue is that, when we consider the place of theology in science, we are really considering the place of God in our world. If you were to adopt a methodological naturalism worldview, you might say that there is a God, but that he does not interact with the world he created (deism). This view explicitly denies the validity of Biblical miracles such as Christ’s virgin birth and His resurrection—both of which constitute the foundation of a Biblical theistic worldview. Denying the historicity of these events affects every other aspect of your worldview, including questions of our origin, identity, meaning, morality, and destiny.
I have chosen to take a cautious but assertive approach to this issue. I am wary of ever defaulting to the “God-of-the-gaps” mentality—assuming supernatural causation in the case a natural explanation is not immediately available. To do so would be to think very little of not only the world around me, but also of the God who created it. That being said, I believe the occurrence of phenomena such as irreducible complexity and specified complexity make it only logical to consider supernatural involvement in science. It seems to me obscenely unscientific to begin “scientific” inquiry by denying the possibility of the supernatural. That would mean to begin with a bias, which prevents objectivism and limits the acquisition of truth. A much more reasonable approach would be to admit that there are things which occur that cannot be explained by natural mechanisms. Nevertheless, we should do our best to use the brains (given to us by God) to seek to first find natural explanations if they are in fact available to us.

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