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Scientific Method


Submitted By Keymoney
Words 1497
Pages 6
Application of Scientific Methodology on Two Sample Case Studies
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Scientific method is one of the most reliable methods that are used to convey information and knowledge among researchers. In 18th century there were difficulties in the ways in which scientists could verify the works of other colleagues (Achinstein, 2004). Thus there was agreed upon a method to be used when conducting research which became the scientific method. This method is relied upon because it is a source of reliable knowledge and that research that is conducted in this advocated way provides knowledge and information that has a high probability of being true. Through this methodology thus a researcher must be able to convince his colleagues that the concepts are in fact correct. This is important because research work is based on the foundation of trust. Very few researches provide completely new information that was unknown in the past. Most of them build up on existing information and thus drawing conclusions from other peoples work hence the foundation of trust. I am going to look in to detail of the scientific methodology by considering two scenarios which are actually problems that we are going to solve through the concept of scientific method.
Scenario 1
You wake up early one morning to go to work or take your kids to school and you cannot find your car keys
Let us examine the steps that make up the methodology in solving scenario 1 problem 1. Make an observation
There are actually so many things that we happen to observe and take them for granted. A lot of the information and knowledge that we know now was as a result of people who saw beyond (Harris, 2008). An example is Sir Isaac Newton who is famous for his law of gravity when an apple fell on him. It is thus through observing that we can ask questions that we seek answers for.

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