...BOX 62000 - 00200, NAIROBI KENYA e-mail: wguyo@jkuat.ac.ke PHONE: +254-722-593525 warioguyo@gmail.com PERSONAL INFORMATION Sex: Male Date of birth: 11th.May.1975 Nationality: Kenyan ID No. 12754448 Marital Status: Married Religion: Muslim CAREER OBJECTIVE To work in a challenging and dynamic position in an area of Professional Human Resources training, development and Knowledge management, with a view of integrating creativity, team work and research to provide practical way forward that will map comprehensive strategies for human capacity development PERSONAL PROFILE • Good communication and interpersonal skills with ability to relate to people at all levels. • Ready to learn and take instructions. • Strong team leadership character, trustworthy and reliable personality. • Excellent endurance and ability to work under pressure and dead lines. • Able to mix and socialize quickly with people of diverse cultures and background. • Strong ambitions for success with equally focused determination and stamina to achieve. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Date Institution/Award 2007 – 2012 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, School for Human Resource Development. Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management 2005 – 2007 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, School of Human Resource...
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...ONLINE HOUSE ALLOCATION SYSTEM FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. (A CASE OF KENYA PORTS AUTHORITY) MWASENE ASHA SULEIMAN System project proposal submitted to School of Human Resources Development (SHRD) in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of a degree in Bachelor of Business Information Technology of The Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology JANUARY, 2016 DECLARATION. This application project proposal is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other University. MWASENE ASHA SULEIMAN (HD232-C005-0599-2012) ………………… …………………………… Signature Date This application project proposal has been submitted for examination with my approval as University Supervisor MR. SAM KYANG’ANDA ………… …….…………… Signature Date CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background. Technology has evolved to be used in various ways. One of this ways includes collection and retrieval of information. Through these characteristics...
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...RESEARCH PROJECT CHALLENGES FACING THE PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN KENYA A CASE STUDY OF CO-OPERATIVE BANK OF KENYA 1.0 INRODUCTION 2.1 Background of the Study Commercial banks are institutions which accepts deposits, makes business loans, and offers related services. Commercial banks also allow for a variety of deposit accounts, such as checking, savings, and time deposit. These institutions are run to make a profit and owned by a group of individuals, yet some may be members of the Federal Reserve System. While commercial banks offer services to individuals, they are primarily concerned with receiving deposits and lending to businesses. 2.2 Profile of the Co-operative Bank of Kenya The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited ('the Bank') is incorporated in Kenya under the Company's Act and is also licensed to do the business of banking under the Banking Act. The Bank was initially registered under the Co-operative Societies Act at the point of founding in 1965. This status was retained up to and until June 27th 2008 when the Bank's Special General Meeting resolved to incorporate under the Companies Act with a view to complying with the requirements for listing on the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE). The Bank went public and was listed on December 22 2008. Shares previously held by the 3,805 co-operatives societies and unions were ring-fenced under Coop Holdings Co-operative Society Limited which became the strategic investor in the Bank with...
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...CURRICULUM VITAE FRANCIS MURIITHI MURIUKI MT.KENYA UNIV. Bsc. Business Information Technology A. PERSONAL INFORMATION |FRANCIS MURIITHI |Nationality: Kenyan | |ID: 28989938 |Languages: English and Kiswahili | |Email: francmuriithi@gmail.com |Age: 23 years | |Cell Phone: 0719688118 |Gender: Male | |P.O. Box 1070 -10300 |Marital Status: Single | |Kerugoya, Kenya | | B. CAREER OBJECTIVES To provide excellent services in the ever dynamic information technology field, and be able to utilize acquired skills and abilities to contribute towards achievement of the organization’s goals to correspond with the global new technologies. To acquire and enhance my working knowledge, appreciate dynamics of Computing and IT as well as gain competency in a challenging environment. To improve on my I.T knowledge and knowhow and gain experience in hardware, software, web...
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...of Research Development Nairobi Kenya 1. INTRODUCTION Background Kenya’s leading development challenges today include alleviation of poverty and environmental management in the context of rapid population growth and urbanization. Kenya’s population was 28.6 million people in 1999 and is expected to reach 43 million in the year 2020. According to the government statistics, the national level of absolute poverty increased from 44% in 1992 to 56% in 2002 (GoK 2002). Nairobi has registered the highest rate of urbanization (4.5%) with a population of 2.2m in 2000 projected to reach 3.2m in the year 2010. About 50% of people in Nairobi live below the absolute poverty line of Ksh. 2 648. As the urbanization trend continues, urban environments are deteriorating. Most of the urban poor are concentrated in the informal settlements where there are no infrastructure and services to address environmental problems and are engaged in urban agriculture. One of the biggest policy challenges today is the inclusion of environmental policy into urban policy. UPA can be an integral part of a set of policies for sustainable urban environmental management. Urban AF can play an especially vital role in waste management by transforming waste into food and fuel. Waste management approaches in place include waste collecting, sorting, treatment and recycling at the community level in corporation with local organizations. A national study of six Kenya towns including Nairobi revealed...
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...The Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) initiative in Kenya was in response to the continuous poor performance in Mathematics and Science despite the effort of employing qualified teachers, increasing salary, providing equipments and constructing laboratories and Mathematics classrooms. SMASSE-INSET program was made available and compulsory to all serving Mathematics and Science teachers in the country in 2004 at the district level. The Activity, Student, Experiment and Improvisation (ASEI) through Planning, Doing, while Seeing then Improving (PDSI) approach introduced through the SMASSE project is an attempt to improve performance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the attitudes of teachers toward SMASSE-INSET and establish the relationship between attitudes and implementation of SMASSE-INSET resolutions. Evaluation research design was adopted and the target population included all mathematics teachers of Nandi Central District secondary schools. Sixty (60) mathematics teachers participated in the study. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study show that Mathematics teachers tend to have a positive attitude toward the SMASSE-INSET project and despite the challenges they face, they work hard to implement ASEI/PDSI pedagogy, which is a student-centered approach. Teachers with a more positive attitude toward SMASSE-INSET program tend to apply the...
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...FACTORS INFLUENCING E-PROCUREMENT PRACTICES IN PARASTATALS IN KENYA. (A Case Study of the New Kenya Cooperative Creameries.) BY KINYUA ANTONY NJERU BBM/5285/12 A RESEARCH PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO KARATINA UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL OF BUSINESS IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF A BACHELORS DEGREE IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. JULY, 2015 DECLARATION I hereby declare that this research proposal is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other university. Sign……………………………… Date……………………………….. Antony Njeru Kinyua BBM/5285/12 This proposal has been submitted to the School of Business for examination with my approval as University supervisor. …………………………………….. Date…………………………………….. Ms Ester Maina. DEDICATION I dedicate this work to my parents, brothers and sister. I also dedicate this work to my fiancée and to all my business partners. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I hereby take this opportunity to acknowledge with gratitude Karatina University for providing me with the opportunity to pursue my bachelor’s degree in Business Management. My special thanks go to my supervisor Ms. Ester Maina for the invaluable support and insightful guidance in the production of quality work. I acknowledge my colleagues for their encouragement during the time of study. I am highly indebted to my family for their facilitation and encouragement, in ensuring that I carried up with the course and project preparation successfully. Most...
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...OIL DISCOVERY IN TURKANA, KENYA Following the announcement by the Kenya Government of the oil find in Turkana, the media has been awash with articles on this important discovery. The Ministry of Energy has provided the information on Turkana. Kenya has four petroleum exploration basins Lamu, Anza, Mandera and Tertiary Rift with a combined surface area of about 500,000 square kilometres. For effective petroleum exploration these basins have been divided into smaller units called Blocks. Depending on progress made in exploration, these Blocks are revised from time to time to include new ones created to meet the increasing demand by oil prospecting companies. Currently there are 46 of them from an initial 21 blocks in 2005. Oil exploration which includes drilling of exploratory wells is an extremely capital intensive undertaking and for countries such as Kenya without any proven commercial discoveries (otherwise defined as frontier exploration areas), it is usually difficult to attract major oil prospecting companies. Kenya status as a frontier exploration area, therefore, is a key disincentive to major international oil companies who have the requisite resources for underwriting attendant high petroleum exploration risks. Such major and high profile oil prospecting companies usually divert their risk capital to countries with proven and delineated hydrocarbon reserves and where production is on-stream or being negotiated. As at 2005 only three companies, Star Petroleum, Afrex and...
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...RESUME AILEEN MWARI MURUNGI P.O.BOX 152-60300 ISIOLO KENYA EMAIL ADDRESS: aileenmurungi@yahoo.com/aileenmurungi@gmail.com CELL NUMBER: 0727244946/0725630005 OBJECTIVE: Career opportunity within a competitive and motivating working environment to enable me to advance my career through continuous and consistent training. GOAL: Develop analytical and leadership skills to help contribute to profitability and goals of the organization in a focused and innovative way. PERSONAL INFORMATION DATE OF BIRTH: 2ND DECEMBER 1982 NATIONALITY: KENYAN MARITAL STATUS: MARRIED I.D.NUMBER: 22507765 EDUCATION * CURRENTLY - BACHELOR OF COMMERCE DEGREE UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI (RUNNING) LEVEL IV * JANUARY 2004-NOVEMBER 2006: KABETE TECHNICAL TRAINING INSTITUTE DIPLOMA IN COOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT-SCORED PASS WITH CREDIT * JANUARY-MARCH 2007:MBAYA KARICHU INSTITUTE CERTIFICATE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SCORED AN AGGREGATE OF A- PLAIN * 1998-2001:KIRIGARA GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL KENYA CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION SCORED C+[PLUS] * 1989-1997: LOWERCHURE PRIMARY SCHOOL –SCORED 468 MARKS PROFFESSIONAL EXPERENCE AUGUST 2008 TO AUGUST 2013: FAULU KENYA DEPOSIT TAKING MICROFINANCE SERVING AS A BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OFFICER IN ISIOLO TOWN. Main duties include: * Office management * Portfolio management * Disbursements * Client retention and on time service delivery * Identifying new areas of growth * Undertaking AMA-area market...
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...Millennium development goals and how Kenya has achieved it Millennium development goals are similar to vision 2030, how Kenya took it upon them to make some changes that would lead to development of the country. The development plan that was launched by President Kibaki on 10th June, 2008 was put in place to transform national development. The vision is a national plan to make Kenya as wealthy as the rising stars of the Far East like Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. It targets an annual growth rate of 10percent. The plan to get to Kenya to be a middle income economy and rapidly industrializing country with a high quality is life. The development plan was to work in phases. i.e.: The first stage of 5 years to 2012 being based on a Medium Term Plan (MTP) which started in the year 2006. Under the plan, the government is to focus on the incorporating two elements focusing on the recovery from effects of the post-election crisis. Intervention areas include security, peace-building and reconciliation, resettlement of internally displaced persons, revitalization of productive sectors including agriculture, tourism and business and restoration of damaged infrastructure. The next 22years from 2006 would then be a period of expanding the economy and political and social space whereby the country will have attained a middle-level economic status. All Kenyans, me included hope to see the country gaining a middle income status and providing a higher quality of all for all citizens. This though...
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...Discuss the models of change management and using one change model, show how an organization you know introduced change successfully. Highlight how resistance to change was managed Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 3 CHANGE MANAGEMENT 3 ESSENCE OF CHANGE MANAGEMENT 4 Attributes of Successful change management 5 CHANGE MANAGEMENT MODELS 5 1. LEWIN’S CHANGE MANAGEMENT MODEL 5 2. MCKINSEY 7S MODEL 8 Advantages of McKinsey 7-S Model 10 Disadvantages of McKinsey 7-S Model 10 3. KOTTER’S 8 STEP CHANGE MODEL 10 Advantages 14 Disadvantages 14 4. Action Research Model 14 5. The positive model 16 6. ADKAR Change Management Model 17 Transition of WWF Kenya Country Office to WWF KENYA (National office) using Action Research Model 19 Resistance to change 22 Types of resistance to change 22 Management of resistance to change 23 References 24 INTRODUCTION CHANGE MANAGEMENT Organizational development (OD) is a field of study that addresses change and how it affects organizations and the individuals within those organizations. Effective organizational development can assist organizations and individuals to cope with change. Change is the vein that keeps an organization alive and change management can make or break the organization. Change management is technical term for the approach to change organizations, teams or/and individuals from their current state to desired future state. Change management can also be described as an...
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... 11/7/1992 GENDER: MALE NATIONALITY: KENYAN ID NUMBER: 29808279 RELIGION: CHRISTIAN MARITAL STATUS: SINGLE LANGUAGES: ENGLISH, KISWAHILI (both spoken and written) SUMMARY A hard-working and motivated BSC Biochemistry and Molecular Biology graduate with proven communication, organization and numeracy skills seeking to gain relevant experience to diversify and excel in varying fields. Looking to apply solid knowledge of biochemistry and molecular biology practices to setting and building on skills developed during course work studies. Eager to share the knowledge I have gained. Pro-active and keen to learn, ready to back up the knowledge I have gained with relevant experience .Wishing to make a positive contribution to production and research institutions. EDUCATION BACKGROUND 2012-2015: BSC BIOCHEMISTRY (MOLECULAR BIOLOGY) JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY, SECOND CLASS HONOURS (UPPER DIVISION) Jan 2007 –Nov 2010: KENYA CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION St JOSEPH’S MUTITO BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADE ATTAINED: B (64 POINTS). 1997-2006: KENYA CERTIFICATE OF PRIMARY EDUCATION IKANGA PRIMARY SCHOOL ATTAINED 349 MARKS OUT OF 500 MARKS BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY EXPERIENCE Sept-Dec 2013: Attachment at Machakos Level-5...
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...Birth: 22nd June 1984 Marital Status: Single Gender: Male Religion: Christian Nationality: Kenyan Phone No: 0721 313 034 CAREER OBJECTIVE: To pursue my career as a professional, to be in a position that will take full advantage of my experience, technical knowledge and skills in a competitive world of dynamic business environment. PROFESSIONAL BACKGRAUND: YEAR 2014 CPA PART III: SECTION UNITS COVERED SECTION 6 Advanced Taxation Advanced Auditing and Assurance Advanced Financial Reporting UNITS COVERED SECTION 5 YEAR 2014 CPA PART III: SECTION 5 YEAR 2013 CPA PART II: SECTION 4 UNITS COVERED SECTION 4 ÿ Taxation ÿ Company Law ÿ Quantitative Analysis Year 2012 CPA PART II: SECTION 3 SECTION 3 ÿ Financial Reporting. ÿ Financial Management. ÿ Management Information Systems YEAR 2008 – 2009 CPA PART I: SECTION 1 & SECTION 2 SECTION 2 ÿ Cost accounting. ÿ Economics. ÿ Auditing and Assurance SECTION 1 ÿ Financial Accounting. ÿ Introduction to Law. ÿ Entrepreneurship and Communication YEAR 2006 – 2007 ATC Intermediate Level & Final Level Intermediate level: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction to Financial Accounting Introduction to Law Entrepreneurship and Communication Principles of Management Business Mathematics/statistics Final level: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Financial Accounting Fundamentals of Information Communication Technology Cost Accounting Taxation Auditing ...
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...AN ASSESSMENT OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES IN ACHIEVING ENERGY SECURITY FOR EFFECTIVE OPERATION OF HOMES, SCHOOLS AND HEALTH FACILITIES IN KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYA BY ONYANCHA MORARA GEORGE A Research Project Submitted to the Graduate School in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Conferment of the Degree of Master of Business Administration DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS FACULTY OF COMMERCE KISII UNIVERSITY 2014 DECLARATION DECLARATION BY CANDIDATE This research project is my original work and has not been submitted for the award of a diploma or degree in this or any other institution/university. Signature……………………………….. Date…………………………… Onyancha Morara George CBM12/10003/10 DECLARATION BY SUPERVISORS This research project has been submitted for examination with our approval as University Supervisors. Signature:………………………………… Date:………………………… Dr. Nemwel N. Bosire Lecturer, Department of Business Signature:………………………………… Date:…………………………. Mr. Martin O. Lumumba Lecturer, Department of Business COPYRIGHT All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by means of mechanical reproduction including photocopying, recording or retrieval from systems without express permission of the researcher or Kisii University on his behalf. ©2014 DEDICATION This research project is dedicated to my father, the late Onyancha Michieka and mother...
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...Proposals and Challenges: Review of Kenya Vision 2030 First Medium-Term Plan, 2008-2012 Ezekiel Mbitha Mwenzwa Department of Social Sciences Karatina University P. O. Box 1951, Karatina, Kenya. Joseph Akuma Misati Department of Sociology Maasai Mara University P. O. Box 861 20500, Narok, Kenya. Abstract Kenya faces several development challenges including poverty, disease, unemployment, negative civic engagement among others. The development bottlenecks worsened following the introduction of the IMF/World Bank-propelled Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) of the late 1970s and early 1980s. While the SAPs had envisaged benefits, they largely became part of the problem rather than the solution to development in Kenya. Accompanying these were negative civic engagements, particularly, ethnic conflict and political maladministration especially after the re-introduction of multiparty politics in the early 1990s. These drawbacks notwithstanding, development planning went on culminating in the Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation (ERSWEC) 2003-2007 in 2002 and its successor, the Kenya Vision 2030 in 2007. While the former was implemented, the latter is on course with the First Five Year Medium-Term Plan running from 2008 to 2012 recently concluded. The blueprint is driven by three pillars, namely; The economic, social and political pillars aimed at transforming the country into a middle income nation status by 2030. In the social pillar of...
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