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Submitted By lk1234
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Pages 6
The United States of America is a melting pot of many different people, religions and beliefs. Though many people have strong beliefs about certain religions, unlike many countries, the US allows people to practice any religion that they please. Throughout the years, many faiths have been the center of controversy. However, one particular belief system known as Scientology is the most controversial religion of the 20th century. Scientology was founded in 1952 in the United States of America by a man named L. Ron Hubbard. Although it is an actual religion, many people view Scientology as a trend. However, just like any other religion, Scientology has its own churches, beliefs, practices, and scripture. The word Scientology was created by Hubbard that derived from the Latin word Scio which meant “Knowing in the fullest meaning of the word” (Melton). The actual definition of Scientology is "the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes, and other life" (Melton). Hubbard began his journey while studying the human mind which led him to write many of his publications. Slowly, he began to further his studies by teaching classes which taught people how to become “auditors” which would allow them to teach these beliefs to others. His teachings used an array of methods that focused on the study of the mind and the problems that many people faced. Hubbard then researched other elements to the brain which he then called “thetan”. Thetan was the observer but to other religions it seemed as though hewas the soul of a person. Within his studies, he realized that thetan had other lives before this one which is a form of reincarnation (Melton). After Hubbard discovered many aspects of the mind along with creating many publications, he then dabbled in more work to further educate himself on the matter. He collaborated with Volney Mathison, an engineer, in creating something called the E meter. This device measured a change in people emotions, which can be compared to a lie detector test. Many of his studies were formulated in order to reach an understanding of how the mind works. Hubbard then decided to change directions in his field in a slight way which led him to the creation of the religion of Scientology. He founded the “Hubbard Association of Scientologists” and turned his attention more towards the “spirit” rather than the “mind” (Melton). It was in 1953 when Scientology was considered to be a religion. Hubbard’s former students took the initiative to create the first Church of Scientology in Los Angeles, California in the year of 1954. Although this was an independent project, Hubbard gave them permission to do so. Soon after, another church opened in Auckland, New Zealand. Scientology was spreading quickly and many people were interested in knowing what this new religion was about. In March 1955, Hubbard opened the founding Church of Scientology as the executive director

(Melton). Many people were buying more of his books and teaching themselves the practices scientology entailed. “Scientology is practiced in daily life by enormous numbers of people who have no formal training beyond the study of a textbook” (Hubbard 8). Hubbard proved that Scientology could be practiced by anyone as long as they were willing to do so. Scientology became so popular that the first non-English speaking Church of Scientology was established in Paris, France in the year of 1959 (Melton). Today, there are over 6,000 Scientology churches and missions worldwide in about 159 countries (Miscavige).
Scientologists have certain cultural beliefs that are specific to the particular faith. Scientology is about enlightenment through spiritual trainings. The main focus is on finding the “ultimate truth” while trusting in the Supreme Being. Scientology is about believing in good rather than evil because being good is in the nature of Scientologists. Also, improving one’s own life is important because it will ultimately allow one to help other people, such as your family or friends. Scientologists consider the individual as a spirit rather than a body (Melton). There are basic steps and concepts that guide people in their journey of understanding life and the ultimate truth. That method is called The Eight Dynamics of Existence. All eight of these concepts involve the idea of surviving in the world, as oneself, through family, as mankind, in

groups, as animals, plants, and the physical universe. The purpose of The Eight Dynamics of Existence is to bring order into one’s life by clarifying the purpose of their existence (Miscavige). Scientologists have a cross with eight corners that represent The Eight Dynamics of Existence. The cross is a symbol that represents the Church of Scientologists (Hubbard). Just like any other religion, Scientologists practice their beliefs in specifics ways. One of their practices involves spiritual advising called “auditing”. Through this method, one is supposed to reflect on their existence in hopes of bettering oneself. The E meter, created by Mathison and Hubbard, is used to determine the mental state of a person, and to fix their unhappiness. The point of auditing is to guide people to have a higher state of spiritual existence. This experience is to free them of all dependencies in order to live as a spiritual being. Liberation from these material objects is the goal. Hubbard believes that if a person understands life, they should be able to complete this process without worries. Also, another important practice is education. Training teaches a person the reason why things happen rather than how it happened. Education and training teaches important information about laws of life that are necessary to maintain personal liberty (Miscavige).
Scientology started off as an idea but evolved into much more than that. It is an

important religion that many believe in and cherish. Although some people might not understand the meaning behind this religion, it is just like any other. Scripture is important to any faith just as it is to scientologists. Although the bible is crucial to some religions, there isn’t an equivalent text for scientologists. However, Scientologists study Hubbard’s writings. Although this may not seem credible to some, scientologists trust in Hubbard’s work because he created the whole religion. Even though they don’t have a bible, Scientologists are just as devoted to the religion. Studying Hubbard’s work is crucial to the wellbeing of an individual because it teaches the followers how to act appropriately. Through his publications, Hubbard believed that he discovered a scientific and clear way to spiritual reality and truth (Melton). Although religion alone is a controversial topic, Scientology is one of the most controversial faiths in this generation. Some people can argue that this is a cult-like practice and just a mere trend. However it has been proven that it is much more than a fad. Scientology is the belief in freedom and truth. More so, Scientology is about the “good” in men and how one can survive life. The basic principles of Scientology are similar to other religions. Although Scientology seems much different than most religions, they practice different principles specific to their beliefs just as any other religion would. There are certain beliefs, such as being free, that enables them to further their journey in the religion. The greater virtue of enlightenment pushes these

individuals to continue searching for the supreme being and the truth. Spiritual training is one of the most important aspects to their faith. Finding the ultimate truth is a life-long goal for Scientologists while trusting in the Supreme Being to guide them. Through churches and missions, Scientologists allow people to explore the meaning of truth and freeing oneself of dependencies. After research, Scientology doesn’t seem much different than any other religion.

Hubbard, L. Ron. Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought. Los Angeles, CA: Bridge Publications, 1988.

Melton, J. Gordon "Scientology Beginnings." Balanced Views of Religion and Spirituality with Faith. Pathos Inc. Web. 28 Feb. 2012.

" Church of Scientology: The Bonafides of the Scientology Religion. Church of Scientology
International. Web. 28 Feb. 2012.

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