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Scientology Persuasive Essay

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church would focus on various Scientologists’ futile attempts to get at that dang ruin” (Collier,1). Now while Collier was able to see past the Scientologists’ attempts many people who are desperate enough to trust anything resembling salvation will follow Scientology. Janet Reitman, a New York TImes Reporter, shows the promise Scientologists offer after the personality tests. “ They suggested Life Repair, a $2,000 package of one-on-one private auditing sessions, which she said would help me handle my everyday problems” (Reitman 1). Some people get into Scientology without even knowing it. Scientology has many sister-companies, such as Narconon, a company supposedly dedicated to helping former drug users get rid of their addiction. Many people …show more content…
Scientology should be treated as a dangerous group because it breaks the law by going violating their basic human rights. Now, while Scientology may seem like it has the right intentions about clearing the mind of its followers, but this is a tactic used to keep many of its well paying members in the group. In these auditing sessions, a person is encouraged to share their most personal memories. Scientologists believe that thoughts have mass and painful or embarrassing memories stunt happiness and creativity by blocking up the brain.These memories can only be removed through the process of auditing where they share these experiences over and over until it no longer bother them. The auditor records these sessions and keep manuscripts in files so no detail is forgotten. Whenever someone threatens to leave Scientology the church threatens to release these secrets that have been revealed in the auditing sessions. Sarah Goldberg, a former Scientologist who left the religion in 2013, states in an interview conducted by the Huffington Post states, “I was audited for 35, 36 years, so there's really no aspect of my life that wasn't asked about or touched on” (Buxton 1). It has been rumored, by the Huffington Post, that stars such as John Travolta only stay with this group because they use

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