Screening and Decolonization of Mrsa in the Preoperative Patient
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Screening and Decolonization of MRSA in the Preoperative Patient
Suzanne Miller
Aspen University
Staphylococcus aureus is the most common organism responsible for surgical site infections. The colonization of Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has been identified as a significant risk factor for patients undergoing orthopedic surgery, putting this patient at a higher risk of developing a surgical site infection. Screening preoperatively and treating colonization is a tool to aid in the prevention of surgical site infections in patients undergoing elective joint surgery. Results of various studies of patients undergoing elective joint replacement surgery have been reviewed. A nasal swab was obtained and cultured during preadmission testing. If the culture showed that the patient was positive for MRSA colonization they were treated with nasal mupirocin. They also were instructed to bathe with surgical wipes containing chlorhexidine prior to the procedure. The results of the research suggest that the use of a screening protocol prior to surgery can decrease the risk of MRSA in the postoperative patient.