Free Essay



Submitted By monster080
Words 689
Pages 3
1. 谁掌握了现在就掌握了历史,谁掌握了历史就掌握了未来 2. 冷漠,有时候并不是无情,而是防止被伤害的工具 3. 付出真心,才会得到真心,却也可能被伤得彻底。保持距离,就能保护自己,却也注定永远寂寞 4. 就算是believe,中间也藏了一个lie 5. 朋友就是把你看透了,还能喜欢你的人 6. 没有一百分的另一半,只有五十分的两个人。 7. 几千年来,虚伪是潜藏在中华文化深处的暗流。国人在理论上把道德拔到神一样的高度,好像大家拼了命想当圣人,又在行动上演绎各种利益博弈、操纵。 8. 你攀爬的高低也许可以决定别人眼里你是谁,你选择的把手决定了你是谁。如果你对上帝吹了牛,最好的解决办法就是实现它,像《项链》女主人公那样。 9. 亲爱的小孩


Perhaps no issue in this world is as significant to______ as __________. Despite various responses people may have on the topic concerning the issue regarding whether/what__________ I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that________.
After ruminating all those______above, I, don’t want to admit, but have to agree with the fact that _______. Without______, the hope for ____ will run aground on the harsh reality.

In the lecture, the professor states that _____. On the other hand, the reading material contends that _____. The professor casts doubt on the reading passage by offering three specific points.
First of all, according to the professor in the lecture, _______. Howevethis directly challenges the statement demonstrated in the reading passages that _____.
Furthermore, contrary to the belief in the passage that_____, the professor in the lecture asserts that _____. To be specific, ________.
Finally, the professor points out that _____. This makes the final argument in the reading passage indefensible since _____. / This is indirect contradiction with the claim in the reading passage that ____.
In conclusion, the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the professor in the lecture, who uses three contradictory points to weaken the argument.

Perhaps no issue in this world is as significant to as. Despite various responds people may have on this topic concerning the issue regarding. I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that

After ruminating all those above, I, do not want to admit, but have to agree that. Without, the hope for will run aground on the harsh reality

Perhaps no issue in this world is as significant to as. Despite various responds people may have on the topic concerning the issue regarding, I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that

After ruminating all these above, I, do not want to admit , but have to agree that. Without, the hope for would run aground on the harsh reality.

In the lecture, the professor states that. On the other hand, the reading material contends that. The professor casts doubt on the reading passage by offering three specific points.

First of all, according to the professor in the lecture. However, this directly challenges the statement demonstrated in the reading passage that

Furthermore, contrary to the belief in the passage that. The professor in the lecture asserts that. To be specific.

Finally, the professor points out that. This makes the final argument in the reading passage indefensible since / this is indirect contradiction with the claim in the reading passage that.

In the lecture, the professor states that. On the other hand, the reading material contends that. The professor casts doubt on the reading passage by offering three specific points.
First of all, according to the professor in the lecture. However, this directly challenges the statement demonstrated in the reading passage that
Furthermore, contrary to the belief in the passage that. The professor in the lecture asserts that. To be specific.
Finally, the professor points out that. This makes the final argument in the reading passage indefensible since/ this is indirect contradiction with the claim in the reading passage.

In the lecture, the professor states that. On the other hand, the reading material contends that. The professor casts doubt on the reading passage by offering three specific points.
First of all, according to the professor in the lecture. However, this directly challenges the statement demonstrated in the reading passage that.
Furthermore, contrary to the belief in the reading passage that, the professor in the lecture asserts that. To be specific
Finally, the professor points out that. This makes the final argument in the reading passage indefensible since/ this is indirect contradiction with the claim in the reading passage.
In conclusion, the contentsby in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the professor in the lecture, who uses three contradictory points to weaken the argument.

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