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Section 8 Clause 8

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Article I Section 8 Clause 8 the government has the power to promote the progress of science and art, allows authors exclusive rights to their work, secures time for them, and is the foundation for the national government's copyright law. Now, is the copyright law that is regulated by the national government constitution? Well, according to the observations collected, how the government regulates the copyright law is not appropriate under the Constitution because it censors freedom of speech and press, can cause cruel and unusual punishment, and it slows the progress of science and arts.

Copyrights Censorship
Freedom of Speech and Press
When it comes to copyright censoring freedom of speech and press, this is mainly towards the fact that the internet is censored due to the DMCA act. This Digital Millennium Copyright Act gives …show more content…
These copyright infringers are people who share music or download music through sources like Limewire or Kazaa and include individuals who posted a copyrighted image on their blog. Without knowing what is copyrighted and what is not is very hard to tell, but even if a person accidentally infringe they would still receive massive fines. The current fair use laws say that having the work cited, and a disclaimer, "won't prevent a lawsuit" from happening to the defendant(). The comparison between the damages and the money giving to the copyright owner are also extremely one-sided. The law provides the victim with" either actual damage (and the infringer’s profits, if appropriate) or statutory damages," statutory damages ranging from $200 to $150,000 per infringement().A blogging site found out this the hard way, when they took a picture from google images that turned out to be copyrighted, they had to pay $3,000 in infringement penalties. The penalties of either a fine or jail time is a frightening thing when everything could be

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