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Feed the Homeless


Submitted By Jevonte
Words 913
Pages 4
Homes for the homeless

The U.S. Government defines affordable housing as housing that consumes 30 percent or less of a household's income. Using that definition, millions of people in the United States do not have affordable housing; that number is presently growing .In this day in age there should be affordable housing for the less fortunate. The purpose of the suite of Make Home is to bolster a damaged and fragile economy by helping families who have difficulty making mortgage payments as a result of reduced or lost incomes, lost jobs, and other unfortunate situations that can arise during periods of economic decline that are beyond control such as debilitating illness and death. Started by the Obama administration, the Make Home Affordable program is designed to assist struggling families with a suite of programs, including targeting monthly mortgage payments with the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), the FHA-backed Home Affordable Modification Program (FHA-HAMP), the Veteran’s Affairs Home Affordable Modification Program (VA-HAMP), the Principle Reduction Alternative (PRA), the Second Lien Modification Program (2MP), and the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Special Loan Servicing program. The homeless epidemic is constantly rising. Worldwide there is an estimate of 100 millon people are homeless worldwide. In the U.S. estimate about 1.37 million of the total homeless population in USA are children under the age of 18. 40% are families with children, 41% are single males, 14% are single females. These reason are that we need to build homes for the homeless andless unfortunate. Ever wonder how to build a simple home for very little money, without going into debt? The key is to use low-cost, locally available natural materials such earth, small diameter wood and straw to keep expenses to a minimum. The real fun is incorporating

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