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Semistructured Intake Interview

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These issues must be dealt with from a semistructured intake interview. In the study of family dynamics and treatment it has shown that chemical dependency clinicians should learn about the contextual, systems, and structural treatment theorist (Buelow, Buelow, 1998, P.172). Structure treatment should be implemented to ensure the veteran is receiving the best method possible to move the veteran through the stages of change. This include non traditional such as Alcohol Anonymous (A.A.) twelve-step programs, Narcotic Anonymous (N.A.) twelve-tradition programs, and Al-Anon. These founders use every method available to move the veteran through the process of change. Religion, confrontation, and sponsorship for families were the methods for these organizations. These methods have last the test of time yet they are continuing to be use today. This is proven evidence that family intervention should be used from the initial interview. …show more content…
Convincing the family member to participate in the initial process can be difficult. When a spouse, relative, or kin has enabled the veteran rather than confronting and opposing the use of substance, they are less likely to enter into the initial intake interview (Buelow, Buelow, 1998, p. 176). Family members are often confronted with shame, guilt and embarrassment. As a result, Challenges to convince the family members to participation often take a subtle approached when in the precontemplation and contemplation stage. Veterans at these stages are in denial as well as the family member. Using motivational interviewing is the therapeutic techniques to bridge the gap between family member and the

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