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Personal Narrative: Orthopaedic Injury

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I first witnessed the profound impact a severe orthopaedic injury can have on someone's life during a high school soccer match. My close friend and teammate, Nick, who was being recruited alongside me to play collegiate level soccer, went in for a tackle during a match. As his leg planted into the turf, a player on the opposing team kicked him mid-shin. The impact of the force exerted onto his lower extremity resulted in an open tibia fibula fracture. As I stared at Nick's leg in shock, I realized that his life and future had drastically changed in a matter of seconds. What I did not foresee, was that his injury would also have a lasting effect on my life and future by opening my eyes to the field of orthopaedic surgery. Nick ended up undergoing an ORIF, with multiple revisions eventually regaining the majority of his mobility, a journey that would take two years. Through this time, I stayed in close contact with him. Intrigued by the details of his surgeries, a seed was planted that would eventually grow into the passion for orthopaedic surgery that I feel today. …show more content…
Still curious about the profession, I requested to shadow the surgeon. The intricate process of each surgery, the instruments used, and the surgeon's intensity fascinated me. That fascination soon evolved into determination, and I chose to focus my undergraduate studies in movement science with an emphasis on anatomy and biomechanics. In order to form a stronger foundation of the musculoskeletal system, I worked as a research assistant in the biomechanics laboratory. I researched kinematic variables and their relationship with the diagnosis of medical conditions. I also performed research on the correlation of early movement exercises and development milestones in children with Down

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