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Time management strategies in nursing practice
Susan Waterworth
New Zealand

Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland,

Submitted for publication 24 July 2002 Accepted for publication 20 April 2003

Correspondence: Susan Waterworth, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, 85 Park Road, Grafton, Auckland, New Zealand. E-mail:

W A T E R W O R T H S . ( 2 0 0 3 ) Journal of Advanced Nursing 43(5), 432–440 Time management strategies in nursing practice Background. With the increasing emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness in health care, how a nurse manages her time is an important consideration. Whilst time management is recognized as an important component of work performance and professional nursing practice, the reality of this process in nursing practice has been subject to scant empirical investigation. Aim. To explore how nurses organize and manage their time. Methods. A qualitative study was carried out, incorporating narratives (22 nurses), focus groups (24 nurses) and semi-structured interviews (22 nurses). In my role as practitioner researcher I undertook observation and had informal conversations, which provided further data. Study sites were five health care organizations in the United Kingdom during 1995–1999. Findings. Time management is complex, with nurses using a range of time management strategies and a repertoire of actions. Two of these strategies, namely routinization and prioritizing, are discussed, including their implications for understanding time management by nurses in clinical practice. Conclusions. Ignoring the influence of ‘others’, the team and the organization perpetuates a rather individualistic and self-critical perspective

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