...In this essay I will attempt to discuss the concept of ‘sensitive mothering' as being vital to the social and emotional development of a child. In doing so I will discuss various developmental theories to a child's development and discuss the concepts of 'attachment theory' encompassing 'internal working model' and 'quality attachment' of John Bowlby. I shall also discuss the eight stages contemplated in Erikson's psychosocial development and the impact attachment has on the social and emotional development of an individual. Ainsworth (1969) believed that ‘sensitive mothering’ is an important element in the development of a satisfactory mother-baby attachment (MCI Module, undated). The term ‘sensitive mothering’ refers to someone who is responsive emotionally and physically available for her child and is cooperative with her/him, someone who provides the child a ‘secure base’ (Ainsworth 1969) to explore the world. (MCI Module, undated). Mothers who were highly responsive and available to their children were more likely to have infants who developed more harmonious relationships with their mothers. Mothers who were sensitive, their children were more sympathetic, more compliant with adults and less likely to develop behavioural problems. Sensitive mothering in the first year of life is thought to predict the quality of the mother-infant attachment. On the other hand, mothers who were insensitive, rejecting, under involved were more likely to have infants who develop an insecure...
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...Importance of Sensitive Mothering in Social and Emotional Development of a Child Sensitive mothering has been defined and explained by different authors, but it was originally defined by Ainsworth and other intellects as the mother’s capability to recognize her child’s signs accurately and responding to them promptly, appropriately and contingently. A mother who is sensitive is usually able to perceive things from her child’s perspective or point of view. The quality of mother-child attachment is normally explained in terms of the child’s ability to use the mother as a secure base from which the child explore, and comfort herself during the times of distress and agony. This explanation of sensitive mothering put forward that the distinguishing feature of such mother as being her ability to use information obtained from their children external behavior in making accurate interpretations about the mental state of the child that govern their outwards behavior. According to Ainsworth, this maternal cognition appears to go beyond the basic ability to simply recognize and promptly respond to child states such as hunger, distress and emotional discomfort. The sensitive mothering provides a secure attachment that is well thought-out to reflect the child’s confidence in the mother social and emotional availability, responsiveness and to promote a trusting and positive orientation towards themselves, mother and the world. In turn, insensitive and relatively unresponsive mothering is said...
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...Discipline and obdeince are words that is used in probably every society in all parts of the world. They have different meanings and there will be a far scale of what each of these means within all communities. The traditional meaning of discipline according to According to oxforddictionaries.com, the definition of discipline is “the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience” (http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition /english/discipline, date accessed 5/4/16). The definition of obedience is given as “compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another’s authority” (http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/obedience, date accessed 5/4/16).. Whereas when imagining a Montessori classroom people may think of children doing what they like when they like, this is a common idea amongst non Montessori teachers I have talked with. Maria Montessori said ‘A child who concentrates is immensely happy’ (Montessori, 1988 p249). Therefore when someone who is unfamiliar with how a Montessori nursery is structured they comment on how remarkable it is that a three or four year old child is concentrating on a talk for a longer period of time. Montessori observed children and through these observations found that the discipline and obideince to concentrate come from within the child, instead of something that is coming from the teacher. She discovered this is part of the Hormé the unconscious will power or life...
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...A child’s ultimate goal in life is to create the person s/he is to become (Montessori, 2012). There are intrinsic and universal powers within a child that are rudimentary in his/her arduous task of self-construction. Montessori identified these elements as: the human tendencies (1966, 2007a, 2007b), the planes of development (2007a), the absorbent mind (2007a), and the sensitive periods (1966). This paper will give an account on how these elements come together in a child’s life, and how, with the understanding of this concepts, the adults – parents, carers and educators alike – can prepare a favourable environment most suitable for the optimal formation of man. It will also provide examples of the unfolding of this process of growth and development. Montessori (2012) identified three planes of development which are grouped into six-year cycles: birth to age six, age six to 12, and age 12 to 18 (Montessori, 2012). The second plane, childhood, is peaceful and stable, while the first and third planes, the absorbent mind and adolescence, respectively, are periods of dramatic changes and creative transformations. Montessori believed that the first stage of growth is the most important one because “(a)t no other age has the child greater need of an intelligent help, and any obstacles that impedes his creative work will lessen the chance he has of achieving perfection” (2007a, p26). According to Montessori (2012), a child’s mind possesses unique powers, present only in...
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...Sensitive mothering is essential to the social and emotional development of the child. Discuss this statement in the context of relevant developmental theory. Explain what is meant by the term sensitive mothering. Explain why sensitive mothering is important in building a positive emotional base. (15) - Give a definition of sensitive mothering (also consider insensitive mothering). - Link this to a positive or non-positive emotional base. Link this explanation to Bowlby’s attachment theory and Ainsworth’s studies. You will need to show an understanding of the internal working model of attachment and how sensitive mothering impacts on the quality of attachment. (25) - Outline Bowlby’s theory of attachment, showing evidence of how the ethological studies of Harlow and Lorenz, and his own research with war orphans and evacuees and juvenile delinquents impacted his theory. - Determine the phases of attachment and the development of the internal working model of attachment. - Consider Ainsworth’s research and the types of secure and insecure attachments that resulted from the research. - This needs to be linked back to mothering style and the internal working model of attachment that each infant is developing. Links also need to be made to Erikson’s relevant psychological stages of personality development, emphasising the importance of a supportive social environment. (15) - Consider Erikson’s psychosocial theory of personality, especially the first stage...
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...this essay is to define the term sensitive periods, and explain how the teacher’s knowledge and understanding of these periods determines his/her preparation and custodianship of prepared environment. Maria Montessori describes sensitive periods as transitory periods that “correspond to special sensibilities to be found in creatures in process of development and are confined to the acquisition of a determined characteristic.”(Montessori, Secrete of childhood, p.36). After the acquisition of a certain characteristic this special sensitivity or impulse disappears. One could describe sensitive periods analogous to a window that opens and closes. During a sensitive period, when the window is open, the child is drawn to determined activities and performs them repeatedly with pleasure until it has acquired certain skills and abilities. However if the characteristic has not been formed before the sensitive period ends, i.e. the window closes, which could occur because of disturbances during the process of learning or lack of stimulation in deprived environments, the child’s psychic life will be disturbed. This will be discussed in more detail later on. Montessori observed six main sensitive periods; a period for sensitivity to order; a period for the refinement of the senses; a period of sensitivity to language; sensitivity for walking and movement; sensitivity for small objects; sensitivity to the social aspects of life (Montessori, 1936). Sensitive periods can overlap or be continuous...
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...Montessori Philosophy is based on three important discoveries; Tendencies, Absorbent Mind and Sensitive Periods. As Dr. Montessori said, the child has his own potential for life to develop. It is important for the adult to understand and allow the child build himself by his own experiences without the adult trying to fill their knowledge onto the child. Every child posses a pre-determined pattern of psychic unfold, which is not visible at birth but it is revealed when the child is exposed to the environment with freedom. When these two factors are provided, child’s psychic life will reach its potential and build his personality for his survival in the society. From birth and throughout the childhood, a child’s Absorbent Mind allows him to absorb impressions from his surrounding environment and directly store it into his psychic life. As an infant these impressions are absorbed unconsciously but gradually when the child has a conscious mind, he absorb impressions consciously and make language connections. There are blocks of time in early years of child’s life which he absorbs certain characteristics of his environment to the exclusion of all others. This is called Sensitive Periods. A child possess sensitive periods for order, to experience the world using his five senses, sensitivity for small minute objects, co-ordination of movements, for language and to be in groups. During these Sensitive Periods if the child was not exposed...
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...As human beings, we cannot live alone. Since we born, we are part of various groups in our society, such as family, neighbourhood, town, city and nation. Within those groups, we need to take part in socialisation, as we all are social beings. Therefore, it is necessary to have the skills for us to behave appropriately. To obtain these skills, positive self-esteem and self-image are required. Young children need to be loved and cared for as well as feeling safe and valued in order to have a healthy emotional development. This early emotional development involves developing relationships with others, which build the foundation for young children to develop their ability. Instead of feeling anxious about the possibility of being abandoned, children feel secured enable them to start exploring their environment and becoming independent. The very first relationship is usually built between a baby and a primary caregiver, usually the mother or mother substitute. This relationship is of particular significance as it develops the attachment, which is vital as the foundation of developing subsequent relationship (MCI, undated). "The propensity to make strong emotional bonds to particular individuals [is] a basic component of human nature" (Bowlby, 1988, p3) Attachment is described as “an enduring bond” (MCI, undated) and further elaborated by the attachment theorist, John Bowlby. He famously stated “what is believed to be essential for mental health is that an infant and young child...
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...impact Sensitive Mothering (Ainsworth in Smith, Cowie & Blades, 2003) has on child development, and its relevance in building a positive connection between mother and child. I will examine Bowlby’s attachment theory (Bowlby, 1988), Ainsworth’s research, Erikson’s psychological stages of personality development (Erikson in Stevens, 1983) and other relevant research to understand the role of sensitive mothering in developing essential emotional and social skills of three to five year olds and adults. Sensitive mothering (Ainsworth in Smith, Cowie & Blades, 2003) refers to the quality of the interactions between a mother/primary carer and a child. A sensitive mother is very connected and responsive to her baby’s signals, interpreting them correctly (Ainsworth in Smith, Cowie & Blades, 2003). Her show an emotional and physical availability for the child, positive communication, cooperation and stimulation of the child (Macleod-Brudenell & Kay, 2008). Insensitive mothering (Ainsworth in Sylva & Lunt, 1989) on the other hand, is characterized by the mother’s tendency to control the baby’s environment (Ainsworth in Sylva & Lunt, 1989). The insensitive mother is self-centred and sees the ways of the baby from her own perspective (Ainsworth in Sylva & Lunt, 1989). She interprets the child’s signals according to her own wishes, defenses or doesn’t respond to them at all (Ainsworth in Sylva & Lunt, 1989). (Ainsworth in Sylva & Lunt, 1989) found that Children who undergo sensitive mothering...
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...another student(s) past or present at this or any other educational institution, or from any other source such as the internet. Name: Date: 14th March 2014 Please type the assignment title below: |Sensitive mothering is essential to the social and emotional development of the child. Discuss this statement in the context of relevant developmental theory. | In this essay I am going to explain the concept of ‘sensitive mothering’ and how it is essential to the social and emotional development of each child. I will discuss this statement in the context of relevant developmental theory. I will discuss the concepts of ‘attachment theory’ encompassing ‘internal working model’ (Bowlbey, cited in Smith, Cowie, Blades, 2003, p98) and quality attachment of John Bowlby. I will also link this explanation to the studies of Mary Ainsworth. ‘Sensitive Mothering’ is defined by Ainsworth (1969) as the style of interaction between the primary caregiver, normally the mother or mother figure, and the baby. Sensitive mothering is when someone is consistently responsive both physically and emotionally to her child. This responsiveness provides the child with a ‘secure base’ (Ainsworth, 1969) thus encouraging them to explore the world. (MCI Module, undated). It involves being sensitive to the needs of the...
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...Explain how the role of the teacher changes in the process of the child’s growing normalisation (socialisation) | Reflecting how the role of the teacher in a Montessori Childcare setting changes considering the moment and type of children’s need is the aim of this essay. The focus will be anchored on what Maria Montessori defined by ‘normalisation’ (Montessori, 2007a) and how the teacher promotes its achievement, analysing how the professional and the child’s performances will develop in consequence of it. I will take in consideration the justifications and advantages outlined in the Montessori principles’, as well as what would be the consequences of the lack of this process. For better understand it, I will briefly re-visit the social embryonic stage socialisation is linked with the growing socialisation of children in pre-school ages, and highlight the importance of consistency and respect of the favourable environment. Montessori (1966) identified children arriving to Casa dei Bambini with several characteristics of behaviour which result in obstacles to the natural development of the child, these where called deviations and identified in categories of as fugues (active) or barriers (passive) - both, would disappear while the process of normalisation is successful. The process of normalisation in a Montessori classroom relates to the period of time that a child takes to focus his/her energies, will and concentration, self-absorbed and disciplined thanks to the engagement...
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...My first experience of how much a child craves independence was through my daughter. Contrary to my belief that a child would need much dependence on his/her parents, she showed me otherwise. Her burning curiosity towards activities which we as adults perform as second nature, and her desire to try them out on her own was so prevalent - she would exclaim ‘I want to do it all by myself’ - then exuberate tremendous joy over her accomplishment, boasting ‘I did it all by myself!’ - this unfolded a learning process for me - her desire to discover her environment on her own was so natural, that no matter how much I tried to help her, her desperation to do it on her own would prevail. Maria Montessori (1988, p83) described a child’s first natural instinct to be “ … to carry out his actions by himself, without anyone helping him, and his first conscious bid for independence is made when he defends himself against those who try do the action for him”. I firmly believe in Montessori’s principles, which respect and liberate the child - have utmost faith the child will reach his/her own potential if given the freedom to do so. Her methods enable the child to reach self-worth through success and self-mastery by teaching him/herself, and to achieve internal discipline through self-control. The child is prepared for life and equipped as a self-reliant, motivated individual. Montessori designed the ‘favorable environment’ (MCI, 2013) to meet the child’s individual needs, with the aim...
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...Following years of intense observations of child behaviour, Maria Montessori (1870-1952) developed a deep understanding of childhood development during the formative years. This essay will look at Montessori’s philosophy on a child’s development during this influential time and what the specific needs of a child are in relation to these periods. The essay will discuss Montessori’s stages of growth and my understanding of the role key individuals and the environment play in a child’s optimum development. Montessori identified three main periods of growth or planes of development, quite distinct from one-another and interestingly corresponding with the phases of physical growth - with the first and last characterised by great change and the second being much calmer (Montessori, 2007a). These successive developmental stages or “series of rebirths” (Montessori, 2007a, p18) are infancy (from birth to six years), childhood (six to twelve years) and adolescence (twelve to eighteen years). The first plane of development has two sub phases; the spiritual embryo (from birth until three years) and the social embryo (three years to six years). During this first stage, the child’s mentality is unique from the following planes of development; the mind is open and highly absorbent of all and any information and environmental occurrence and nuance. According to Montessori, during the spiritual embryonic phases, the child’s mind cannot be influenced upon or subjected to direct adult influence...
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...efine the term sensitive periods and link them appropriately to the child’s first stage of development. Explain how you would support these sensitive periods during this first crucial stage. In this essay I will define the term sensitive periods linking it with stage of development, I will also outline the importance of these periods , the consequences of not recognising it, and finally how we can support children in this crucial time. "A sensitive periods refers to a special sensibility which a creature in its infantile state, while it is still in a process of evolution". ( Montessori, 1966, p38) Maria Montessori believed that during first few years of life its very easy for a child to learn without an effort that later on will be more difficult such as language. She observed that there is an inner passion and urge to absorbed everything from their environment. Sensitive periods are characterized by behaviours such as an activity being irresistible for a child once he/ she starts it. Once the sensitive period is over, the sensibility disappears because the brain has progressed to a time when specific information is absorbed. In each period children are especially sensitive to a specific characteristic in his/her environment. They have this "inner power horme" (Montessori, 1966) which enables them to choose and explore necessary objects and relationships from their environment, for their intellectual growth. All of those periods are very specific and unique for a child development...
Words: 328 - Pages: 2
...has not been copied from another student(s) past or present at this or any other educational institution, or from any other source such as the internet. Name: Date: 22/11/13 Please write the essay title in FULL below: |Define the term Sensitive Periods and link them appropriately to the child’s first stage of development. | | | |Explain how you would support these sensitive periods during this first crucial stage. | | | |Briefly outline the stages of growth (planes of growth). | | | |Define the term sensitive periods and give full details of the six main...
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