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Sensory Loss

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A stroke can damage parts of your brain that control your body's normal functions, including your senses. As a result, you may have trouble seeing, tasting, swallowing, or feeling touch or pressure sensations. You may perceive smell differently, or have problems feeling temperature changes or moving your body in a coordinated way.
You may have problems with all of your senses or only some of them. By following a treatment plan, you may recover lost senses and manage the changes to your lifestyle.
What are treatment therapies for sensory loss?
Treatment for sensory loss may include:
Physical therapy. This may include
Exercises to improve your coordination and balance.
Exercises that combine touch, balance, and movement (sensorimotor …show more content…
Exercises to help you increase your touch perception, such as feeling objects of different sizes and textures with your eyes closed.
Techniques for moving safely in your environment.
Prescription eye glasses for vision loss.
Hearing aids for hearing loss.
Follow these instructions at home:
Your risk of falling is higher after a stroke. Some people have difficulty feeling their legs and feet or coordinating movement. To lower your risk of falling:
Use devices to help you move around (assistive devices) as directed by your health care team, such as a wheelchair or walker.
Wear prescription eye glasses at all times when moving around.
Use lights to help you see in the dark.
Use handrails in stairways and grab bars in the bathroom.
Keep walkways in your home free from rugs, cords, and clutter.
Your risk of being burned is higher after a stroke. To lower your risk of burns:
Test the water temperature before taking a bath or washing your hands.
Allow hot foods to cool slightly before eating.
Use potholders when handling hot pans.
When using sharp objects, such as scissors or knives, use your healthy hand. Do not handle sharp objects with your hand that was affected by your stroke, if this

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