...Service Product, Capacity and Demand for Hotel Student’s Name: University: Date: Introduction Australian hotels are one of most luxurious areas in the whole world. The hotels management is excellent and safe guarded following the support from both private sector and the government (Carroll, 1991). The services get promoted through the internet making hence providing a large market for the hotels. Moreover, the hotels have a history of excellent accommodation, excellent facilities and friendly and well competent staff. Most of the hotels in Australia are along the coast beaches which provide a beauty to be told by the customers. Queensland in Australia is one of the best scenarios one can opt to build his own hotel. The area has a considerable number of luxuries hotels and has also a room for more. Most of the hotels in this destination offer reservation services, accommodation and other forms of tourism related services. These hotels have a support from the local government in relation to tourists and guests’ safety, convenient, and comfortable hotels where people can stay and explore different attractions in the area. People...
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...Produt of Service/ Nivea Wilma Stout Delta State University Business strategy Q.1 Nivea for Men is a body lotion that is commonly known for its high-quality freshness and fragrance that lasts for up to twenty-four hours. Q.2 The price of the product is customer friendly and affordable thus the product can reach people of different walks (Krüger& Stumpf, 2013). The company has also launched this new product, and its price was a bit higher than other products thus showing that Nivea for Men has additional products in it to ensure that it works effectively. Therefore, the company mainly focuses on the value for money which the company is providing to its customers. Prices, therefore, help in reflecting the brand’s quality (Stoebe & Zerres, 2013). Distribution and place performance is also another strategy that has helped the company in marketing its products all over the world (Krüger& Stumpf, 2013). Nivea for men is already available in up to one hundred and fifty countries of Europe, both North and South America, Asia and Oceania (Tungate, 2011). The company is also willing to find many outlets from local regions therefore enhancing its sales. Nivea for men is the leading brand in Europe, and its growth rate potential is very high. Due to its performance the product can, therefore, be able to market itself in the global market (Stoebe & Zerres, 2013). Promotion strategy, through promotions such as advertisements and offers, the product can earn...
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...Products and Services Paper Products and Services Paper Technology has drastically changed the retail industry. Today consumers are armed with tons of information that could be analyzed to help make buying decisions. Thus one could say that technology has provided the consumers with an avenue through which they can communicate feedbacks on product quality and brand to the retailers and brand. As a result of technological innovations, consumers can compare prices, research products, check inventory, provide product reviews, and even exchange or return recently purchased products from the comfort of their homes. This paper will present a case study outline of technological innovations that have helped shaped the retail industry with a focus on the Macy’s stores. Technologies affecting retail: Retail business as we know it today has been shaped by a mix of technologies. First and foremost amongst these technologies is the Internet. Others include Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Network technologies, social networks, mobile technologies, and e-commerce. Effect of technology on Macy’s The trend: Consumers are increasingly becoming very comfortable shopping online. According to Arvidson (2013), the US Census Bureau reported that about $165 billion worth of transactions took place over the internet in 2010. This represented a 15% increase over the previous year and it is a trend that is expected to continue on the...
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...PROJECT IN BASIC MICRO ECONOMICS Submitted to: Ms. Kaye Villaflor Submitted from: Grace Rachelle A. Andino BSBA 2b Feb. 27, 2014 1.) Definition Credit Card A small plastic card issued by a bank, business, etc., allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit. http://www.webcrawler.com/info.wbcrwl.305.03/search/web?q=definition+for+credit+card ATM Card An ATM card (also known as a bank card, client card, key card, or cash card) is a payment card provided by a financial institution to its customers which enables the customer to use an automated teller machine (ATM) for transactions such as: deposits, cash withdrawals, obtaining account information, and other types of banking transactions, often through interbank networks. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATM_card Debit card A card issued by a bank allowing the holder to transfer money electronically to another bank account when making a purchase. https://www.google.com.ph/search?biw=1280&bih=709&noj=1&sclient=psy-ab&q=define+debit+card 2.) Differences between credit card, debit card and ATM card ATM cards An ATM card is a PIN-based card. That means that in addition to using it at ATMs, you may also be able to use it to make purchases (by entering your Personal Identification Number) if the merchant is using one of the same electronic ATM networks that’s listed on the back of your card. Debit card A debit card looks just like a regular ATM card, and you can use it at...
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...Product and service marketing are fundamentally different A service, unlike products, is an action that one person can offer another that is intangible and does not result in ownership of a physical product. Different marketing tactics work better for services versus products. A business needs to develop marketing plans for both services and products. A few of the differences between service marketing and product marketing, when a business markets a service, they are actually marketing a relationship and value. This relationship and value needs to be marketed differently than if the business is marketing products. Another difference between marketing services and marketing products is that when a customer buys a service, the customer is buying something that is intangible, instead of a tangible product, like a television, phone, or a tablet computer. Also, a customers’ idea of a service is often times based on the reputation of a single person and not a brand or product. Instead of building a reputation based on the quality of several different products, a service reputation is built on how well a person delivers on the service offered. For example, how well a retirement fund manager does managing a stock portfolio. Lastly, it is relatively easy for a consumer to compare the quality of different products. It is easy to see if one television has a better picture than another side by side, or if on computer operates faster than another, or the quality of two different vehicles...
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...Part 1: Defining Marketing and the Marketing Process (Chapters 1–2) Part 2: Understanding the Marketplace and Consumers (Chapters 3–6) Part 3: Designing a Customer-Driven Strategy and Mix (Chapters 7–17) Part 4: Extending Marketing (Chapters 18–20) After examining customerdriven marketing strategy, we now take a deeper look at the marketing mix: the tactical tools that marketers use to implement their strategies and deliver superior customer value. In this and the next chapter, we’ll study how companies develop and manage products and brands. Then, in the chapters that follow, we’ll look at pricing, distribution, and marketing communication tools. The product is usually the first and most basic marketing consideration. We start with a seemingly simple question: What is a product? As it turns out, the answer is not so simple. Chapter Preview 8 Products, Services, Building and Brands Customer Value Before starting into the chapter, let’s look at an interesting brand story. Marketing is all about building brands that connect deeply with customers. So, when you think about top brands, which ones pop up first? Perhaps traditional megabrands such as Coca-Cola, Nike, or McDonald’s come to mind. Or maybe a trendy tech brand such as Google or Facebook. But if we asked you to focus on sports entertainment, you’d probably name ESPN. When it comes to your life and sports, ESPN probably has it covered. W The ESPN Brand: Every Sport Possible—Now Television: From its original...
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...Project One Activity 1 The four countries I have selected from the given groups include China, United Kingdom, United States and Nigeria. Group 1~ China Demographics China has the largest population in the world. “One Child Policy” has been implemented in China since 1979 which have helped to prevent an extra 400 million births to the country. According to the fifth Census, China’s population was 1.3 billion. China has 1 majority which is called “Han” and 55 minorities. Economic system In the first 30 years after the founding of the PRC in 1949, China’s economic system was planned economy. In 1978, the household contract responsibility system was introduced in the rural area. In 1984, the economic restructuring shifted from the rural areas to the cities. In 1992, China established the socialist market economic system. Culture and Social Structure China’s history is more than 5000 years with diverse customs and traditions. Every ethnic group has its own culture, even some have their own languages and words. There are many dialects in China, and the main language is Mandarin. People’s tastes are varied as well. People from the South prefer sweet, people from the North prefer salty, while Eastern people like spicy and Western people like sour. Legislative System China's legislation includes the legislation of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee, regulation making by the State Council and its relevant departments, as well as the legislation...
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...STUDY OUTLINE FOR CHAPTER 4 PRODUCT AND SERVICE DESIGN 1. Why is product or service design strategically important? Product and service design has typically had strategic implications for the success and prosperity of an organization. Furthermore, it has an impact on future activities. Consequently decisions in this area are some of the most fundamental that managers must make. 2. List some of the things that product and service design does. 1)Translates customer wants and needs into product and service requirements. 2)Refine existing products and services. 3)Develops new products and/or services 4)Formulates quality goals, and cost targets. 3. Give a few examples for each of these major reasons for design or redesign: Economic -low demand, excessive warranty claims, the need to reduce costs. social and demographic -Aging baby boomers, population shifts. political, liability, legal -Government changes, safety issues, new regulations. Competitive -New or changes products or services, new advertising/promotions cost or availability -Raw materials, components, labor, water, energy Technological -Product components, processes 4. What are the key questions of product and service design? 1)Is there demand for it? What is the potential size of the market, and what is the expected demand profile? 2)Can we do it? Do we have the necessary knowledge, skills, equipment, capacity, and supply chain...
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...Operation Management Product and Service Design Mc Donald Company By Dimas Candrika Usman Priyandono Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada 2015 History of Mc Donald McDonald's Corporation is a fast food restaurant which is very famous and is one of the largest and has spread globally. The main dish in restaurants McDonald's is a hamburger, but also serves soft drinks, french fries and dishes that are maked to the restaurant where it is located. McDonald's emblem is two yellow bow that is usually displayed outside their restaurant and can be immediately recognized by the public. The company's business began in 1940 with the opening of a restaurant by Dick and Mac McDonald in San Bernardino, California. They introduced the "Speed Service System" in 1948, which later became the basis pinsip modern fast-food restaurant. Early McDonald's mascot, named Speede, is a man with a hamburger-shaped heads that use a chef's hat. Speed was replaced by Ronald McDonald in 1963. McDonald's does not currently make 1940 as the year of birth of the McDonald's restaurant. They selected 15 April 1955 when Ray Kroc bought McDonald's franchise license from Dick and Mac in Des Plaines, Illinois, as the day of his birth. Kroc later bought shares of McDonald's brothers and led the company to expand to the whole world. McDonald's shares went on sale to the public in 1965. Until 2004, McDonald's has 30,000 restaurants around the world with an average...
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...2.1 product and services marketing 3. Critically examine the winning strategy of Indigo Airlines which has recently posted net profit. Identify and evaluate the reasons for the failure of other Airlines. INDIGO AIRLINES Was an American airline headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. It is generally regarded as the world's first business jet airline. It was founded in 1997 by aviation veteran and University of Chicago graduate Matt Anderson business executive and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University alumnus John N. Fenton and McKinsey consultant and MIT PhD Tom Svrcek. Its headquarters were first located in Chicago's Near North Side, and later at Chicago Midway Airport WINING STRATEGY OF INDIGO AIRLINES: Consumer response to Indigo was strong. The company held a perfect[clarification needed] safety record and delivered unusually[clarification needed] high on-time and flight completion performance. Its passenger repeat rate was nearly 100% and its revenue per passenger mile or yield, over $1.00. The company was actively followed by major media including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the Financial Times, Fortune, Time, USA Today, CNN, CBS and ABC television and was featured in a 2001 Pulitzer Prize winning article in the Chicago Tribune.[citation needed] Indigo also became the object of organized lobbying from Congressman Steven Rothman of New Jersey (D-NJ9), who felt that Indigo represented unwelcome expansion at New Jersey's Teterboro Airport.[citation...
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...ANNAMALAI[pic]UNIVERSITY | | |DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION | M.B.A. (marketing Management) FIRST YEAR ACADEMIC YEAR 2011 - 2012 ASSIGNMENT TOPICS THIS BOOKLET CONTAINS ASSIGNMENT TOPICS. STUDENTS ARE ASKED TO WRITE THE ASSIGNMENTS FOR EIGHT PAPERS AS PER INSTRUCTIONS. Last date for submission : 28-02-2012 Last date for submission : 15-03-2012 with late fee ` 300/- NOTE: 1. Assignments sent after 15-03-2012 will not be evaluated. 2. Assignments should be in the own hand writing of the student concerned and not type-written or printed or photocopied. 3. Assignments should be written on foolscap paper on one side only. 4. All assignments (with Enrolment number marked on the Top right hand corner on all pages) should be put in an envelop with superscription “MBA Assignments” and sent to The Director, Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar – 608 002 by Registered post. P.T.O. 5. No notice will be taken on assignments which are not properly filled in with Enrolment Number and the Title of the papers. 6. Students should send full set of assignments for all papers. Partial assignments will not be considered. ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Write assignments on any TWO topics in each paper out of the FOUR. For each topic the answer should not exceed 15–pages. Each assignment carries 25 marks. (2 topics) ...
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...Business Report: Analysing Service Design Elements MRKT20026 – Service Product Marketing Assessment 3 Term 2 2012 Student Name | Student ID/Number | Tatiana ZAPATA | S0203520 | CQU in Brisbane Campus Lecturer/Tutor: Patrick GOH Paper Count: 2.628 Due Date: 27 of September 2012 Date Submitted: 27 of September 2012 Executive Summary This report provides a critically analyse of a design elements of two different service providers, Juan Valdez coffee shop and Guzman & Gomez fast food restaurant. This also involves the Russell’s Model of Affect and how this model is relates to the service elements identified in the services providers. The report also provides some recommendations to service providers in order to improve their physical environment to better suit the needs of their customers. Regarding the aim of this report is analysing the service design elements, relate the elements to Russell’s Model, and linking with relevant literature. The findings reveal that servicescape can be defined as a consumer’s mental representation of a service environment on dimensions typically used to imprison and people’s personality. The Russell model also allows a direct assessment of how costumers feel while they are in the service environment. It can be conclude that service environment plays a major part in shaping customers perception of a business image and positioning. A well designed service environment makes costumers...
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...World Trade Organisation History At the United Nations conference held at Geneva in 1947, twenty three countries including United States of America signed General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). During the same year, a charter was put on the table for setting up, within the United Nations Organisation, of a new agency to be called International Trade Organisation (ITO). Fifty nations signed the charter in Havana the following year, but it was never subsequently ratified by the required number of countries. The purpose of the agreement was to promote international trade free of barriers in the aftermath of World War II, and to draw up proposals for the implementation of policies based on those principles set in the agreement. It covered all the issues like tariffs, quotas, taxes, international commodity agreements and whatever was considered to have a bearing on the development of international trade, and was based on policies of non-discrimination and tariff reductions. GATT has been expanded and updated through a series of multi-year conferences. The most famous have been the Kennedy Round (1963-1967), the Tokyo Round (1973-1979), and the Uruguay Round (1986-1994). The Uruguay Round ended with the decision to dissolve GATT and establish the more powerful and more institutionalised World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995. The WTO replaced GATT as an international organization, but the General Agreement still exists as the WTO’s umbrella treaty for trade in goods. Trade...
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...Gerencia de mercadeo y ventas Primer trabajo Analisis de un producto o servicio y sus niveles Caracas, 8 de mayo de 2012 Supermercado Plaza Niveles del producto * BENEFICIO ( Funcionales y emocionales) El supermercado plaza brinda el servicio de satisfaccion personal basica como lo es la alimentacion, este servicio permite el disfrute de una gran variedad de alimentos. Es una cadena, que cuenta con sucursales ubicadas en la gran caracas y en la ciudad de valencia. La alimentacion y la compra de productos es de primera necesidad y es la base de la piramide de necesidades de Maslow por lo que el supermercado plaza es un servicio muy importante en la actualidad, ademas esta esta conformada por un equipo muy talentoso con mas de mil personas comprometidas con el servicio y la atencion del cliente. * DIMENSION (Confiabilidad, responsabilidad, aseguramiento, empatía, tangibles) El Supermercado Plaza esta ubicado en varias zonas de caracas, sobretodo en varios centros comerciales del este de la ciudad. Esta conformada por un equipo talentoso con mas de mil personas comprometidas con el servicio y la atencion del cliente. El personal del supermercado Plaza se rige bajo unos valores especificos que son: * Servicio: Este es un servicio donde el personal y todas las personas que lo conforman se esmeran cada dia por conseguir satisfacer las expectativas de los clientes, en este pais eso es algo muy impotante porque la mayoria de las veces es dificil conseguir...
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...基于观察法的产品开发流程研究 ——IDEO设计方法分析 ∷王大龙 WANG Dalong Product Development Based on Method of Behavior ∷上海交通大学媒体与设计学院 Observation Study, IDEO Design Method Analysis 摘 要:IDEO作为国际顶尖设计公司有一套系统、精良的设计方法,在产品设计领域以其对消费者行为的观察和分析的 调研方法著称,本文以IDEO的Coasting自行车设计为例,从正反两方面提出并分析了该流程中的三个有价值的环节,即 基于行为分析的调研模式、并不充分的设计衔接以及整体解决问题的思路,一些结论希望对自己和设计同行有所帮助。 关键词:行为分析 行为观察 设计衔接 体验设计 整体化解决问题 Abstract: As a famous design company over the world,IDEO maintains the most professional design method system which is constructed around the core of behavior observation.This essay takes a bicycle design process as an example to get you into their design flow and tools which are explained through three aspects. Keywords: behavior observation, behavior analysis, design join, experience, systemic design method Internet 检索:http://www.artdesign.org.cn/ 一、案例介绍 战胜癌症重回赛场的美国人阿姆斯特朗连续七 届夺得世界最艰苦的环法自行车赛冠军,刺激了成 千上万的自行车爱好者选择高精尖的公路自行车和 相关装备,作为生产这些高精尖自行车核心部件的 日本Shimano公司自然受益超过其他公司。而调查却 显示:过去十年,“自行车迷”增长超过三倍,而 休闲自行车主却降低了差不多50%,整体的数字在 下降,没有创造新的消费者。现在有超过1.6亿的美 国人不骑自行车,这是一个很大的市场,他们为什 么不骑,怎样劝说他们?这些问题启发Shimano公司 去设计一辆新的自行车,规划自行车工业的未来。 I D E O成为了首先被想到的设计公司。采取他们特有 的那种基于观察的调研工作,而不是通过问卷和焦 点小组,设计工作开展起来了。 调查的结果就是设计一辆新的自行车,一辆回 到过去改变未来的自行车。但是S h i m a n o只销售配 件,不销售自行车。但为了实现这种把自行车带回 大众的观点,S h i m a n o和它的O E M作沟通。I D E O根 据调研得来的大众意见制造了原型样机,简单、舒 适、可承担、随时能用、有些传统但是要创新、少 一些健身的多一点快乐的。任何创意都考虑到了, 方便的搭连在汽车上,把手上内置咖啡杯座,轮胎 上内置反光灯,内置花瓶,铃声可下载和可定制, 他们甚至在公司后面的小道上用方向盘来操控自行 车。最后的Coasting自行车(新的车模名字),看 上去并不是特别的创新感,提高手把,让骑车者 不需要满背偻腰,横挡降低,让人可以自然的坐上 去。整体来说,把自行车融入它的环境中。细节有...
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