Premium Essay

Sexual Harassment Scenario


Submitted By Kwright2710
Words 381
Pages 2
Sexual Harassment Scenario
December 7, 2012
Annise York

Sexual Harassment Scenario Questions
Is this incident simply a schoolboy prank, or is this sexual harassment?
I believe that this is sexual harassment. I think this was sexual harassment because the boys were putting their hands on the girls, which is not allowed especially when the boys were pulling on the girl’s bra straps.
Should the boys involved be punished? If so, what should the punishment be?
Because they were putting their hands on the girls, they should be punished. Overall the boys should be suspended for a few days, and if it happens again further action should be used. No one should be touching someone else, and if it continues and is not stopped who is to say that these boys don’t grow up to rape someone, or be placed in jail because they could not keep their hands to themselves.
Should this incident be limited to the class, or should the principal and parents be notified?
This is a situation where parents, other teachers, and the principle should all be notified. It is not a matter to laugh or joke about. If the situation gets worse the people that were not informed would be annoyed especially if it is the parents of the kids it is happening to. As a principle it is their job to make sure that the school is safe for everyone, including the teachers and parents, as well as the kids.
Should Ms. Reid turn the incident into a learning situation for the entire class? If she does so, how should she do it? What can the class learn from the incident?
I think that this situation is hard to teach to the rest of the class. Using something like this as an example could lead to more problems with other students that may think the situation is funny, or are curious to see how far they could go. I would use this incident as a learning situation, however I would not use what happened, and I would

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