...Sexual Harassment Lesson Outline Objective: The objective of this lesson is for each student to be able to define sexual harassment, give examples, state ways to stop the harassment, and state options for reporting. 1. Definition of sexual harassment – Paraphrased from The Citadel’s policy a. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. b. It is usually repeated behavior, but could be one serious incident. c. It is frequently a display of formal or informal power intended to demean, embarrass, intimidate, or coerce a person. d. Sexual harassment can occur between members of the same sex. e. There are two types of sexual harassment: i. Quid pro quo sexual harassment: 1. Submission is a condition of advancement or opportunity 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used to make decisions affecting an individual’s advancement, academic standing, or opportunities ii Hostile environment sexual harassment: 1. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a person’s work, academic performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work, learning, or social environment. 2. How do people sexually harass? a. Verbal: 1. Unwanted requests or demands for sexual favors ...
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...Overview of Ethics and Sexual harassment Overview Sexual Harassment is an intimidation, bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. Sexual harassment is considered as a form of harassment which includes any unwelcome conduct or comment which has a negative impact on the victim’s work environment. Sexual harassment, like other types of harassment is considered as a form of discrimination. It may either be verbal or non verbal. Sexual harassment occurs when sexual contact is the only form the employee can get his or her benefits. This includes salary, promotion and continual of employment in the company. A sexual harassment complaint can only be valid if the offense is severe and influential to the working condition of the victim. The sexual harassment case report must have purposely interfered with the person’s thinking, performance and working environment. History of the term was first used in 1973 when a woman by the name of Dr Mary Rowe reported Gender discrimination. However, sexual harassment has been known to be discussed earlier in the decade. Other terms were, “sexual intimidation”, “sexual coercion” and “sexual exploitation on the job” Objective This paper reviews the problem of Sexual harassment and the negative impact on the victim’s work environment. Over the years, many people have believed that the issue of sexual harassment should not be discussed in public. Sexual harassment was to...
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...Sexual Assault Kimberly Lewis UMUC Sexual Assault Introduction According to Ageton (1983), sexual assault has remained a devastating predicament that impacts negatively the lives of children, women and men. Rape is one of the crimes that go unreported because the data that is available does not estimate the real magnitude of the heinous act. Sexual assault victims often suffer from injuries that are inflicted by an executor of the act, or end up dying. Statistics confirms that in the US, one in every 34 men and a fifth of the women experienced either completed or attempted rape in their lives. Some researchers report that after every 3 minutes, someone suffers sexual assault in America. The effect of sexual assault does not only affect emotions but also financial, social, physical and interpersonal domains (Fisher, 2010). Groth (1979) establishes that sexual assault victims may experience many, none or some of the likely repercussions of an attack at different given times. There are certain effects of rape that researchers have never fully identified. Some researchers allege that there is no known way that an individual can apply to identify a sexual assault victim by just looking at them. They allege that effects are not signs of weaknesses, deficiencies or illness, nor are they an individual’s characteristics. Researchers deduce that they are mere responses to events that are traumatic (Fileborn 2011). An array of long-term and short-term...
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...DEFINING THE TWO TYPES OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT Abstract This paper is an analysis of the two types of sexual harassment as defined by the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission. It examines Quid Pro Quo harassment and a hostile working environment and how it affects leadership, employees and the atmosphere in the work place. It will define the victim’s rights and the consequences the offender may face. Finally, it reveals methods that can be used to prevent harassment in the work place. History showed the need for legislatures to enact new laws to help employees and employers defend themselves from sexual harassment suits. When the federal law prohibiting sexual harassment in the workplace was enacted in 1964, it made certain that employers were responsible for preventing and stopping sexual harassment in the work place. The law, definition and preventive measures made it possible for employees to defend themselves and retain their jobs. Employers have defended themselves and employees alike by enacting policies and procedures that define and interpret sexual harassment and what constitutes an offense. Conclusions based on the research of literature regarding sexual harassment indicate that after years of defining harassment, creating laws and policies, evidence shows that harassment is still a factor in the work place. Sexual advances, and hostile work environments still exist and employees are looking towards management to provide them...
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...1. In my opinion there should be a zero tolerance policy for sexual harassment. If you are found guilty of it I think you should be fired right there on the spot. I don't care if the person being "harassed" is at the same level as the harassor or if they are a superior and a subordinate. No one should have to deal with that in a work place. Now the issue would be was it without a doubt sexual harassment or does it fall into the gray area. 2. If a sexual harassment claim has been made the human resource department should investigate the claim thoroughly to make sure the claim is valid. If the claim is found to be invalid the accuser should be either terminated. 3. I know there are some cases that would fall into the gray area. Not every case is as clear cut and isolated to one event. Sometimes there are cases when a female coworker could be wearing a outfit that is not 100% appropriate for work, as an example. A male colleague could say something to her about her outfit that was not meant to be sexual but that's the way the female coworker took it and reported him to HR. In this case what the male colleague said could be taken out of context and in an absolute zero tolerance policy he could be fired on the spot. There does need to some room for these types of situations and others like it. An investigation needs to be had by a non biased person, the work record of the people who are involved should be taken into consideration and a counseling session with the outcome of the...
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...Sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Loius Jenson v.Eleveth was a first sexual harassment lawsuit given class action status.It took her over 20 years of battle before she found justice .This lawsuit is a great groundbreaker in sexual harrasment law . The movie “North Country” is based on a Jenson’s true story and a book,” Class Action: The Story Of Loius Jenson and the Landmark Case That Changed Sexual harrasmment Law”,by Clara Bingam and Laura Leedy Gansler. Josey Aimes(Charlize Theron),took a job at a Minnesota mines.The job was hard, and was occupied mostly by men. However,the pay was good and Aimes had two children to support,so she did not think twice. Before Affirmative Action many women and minorities ,were excluded from many diffrent jobs.However,after Affirmative Action,just like,Jenson,many women although were allowed to get a "mens" job, they all had to fight for respect and equality. She and her other female coworkers were being constantly harrased and intimidated by men. Men's behavior was extremly inappropriate and what nowdays would be absolutely intolerable.For instance,when one females tries to use outhouse,she was trapped , rocked and then tipped over by the men.Jenson, confirmed that the movie had depicted many of the real life events precisely.Women were a constant target for lewd jokes,verbal abuse,stalikng.When Aimes first started working at the mine,she received a few indicent comments,but she did not take it too seriously...
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...SEXUAL HARASSMENT AT WORKPLACE Tehelka editor Tarun Tejpal has been accused of attempt to rape by one of her female colleague. Tehelka is an investigative journalism magazine which specializes in sting operations, exposing corrupt leaders & sexual violence against women. In last few years Tehelka has lost its old sheen. But journalist thought of Tejpal as campaigner of bottom dog. Not anymore. The victim has accused Tejpal of sexually exploiting her in a lift during a festival in Goa. The case got highlighted when emails were leaked to media. Cases like this are not new in India. Unlike western countries where sexual harassment cases at workplace are considered to be normal talk, in India it is always scowled as a non-issue. In many of the cases people keep mum and they keep on suffering in silence. Generally victims don’t report the harassment because of the feeling that they could be blamed for any unwelcome advances and also due to so many routes to complain – which could range from reporting to HR of your company to filing a lawsuit --- in short they are hard to navigate . To give constitutional inviolability to this sensitive topic, the union government implemented the sexual harassment Act 2013. This act is borrowed heavily from Vishakha guidelines of Supreme Court. But a confuse law & a lack of organized system at work places poses a serious challenge to the purpose of law. And if we assume that all rules...
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...Sexual harassment is a form of bullying or coercion of a sexual nature. The effect of sexual harassment differs from person to person and depends on the severity of the incidence, but in all the cases is affects the well-being of a person and environment of an organization negatively. This form of intimidation is not new in Australian workplace. NSW Tribunal Observation says that “a person is sexually harassed if he or she is subjected to unsolicited and unwelcome sexual conduct by a person who stands in a position of power in relation to him or her”. [O’Callaghan v Loder (no 2) [1983] 3 NSW LR 89 at 92] The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) makes sexual harassment unlawful. Sexual harassment continues to be a gender issue where one third of the women have experienced some kind of harassment from the age of 15 compared to one in ten men. (AHRC 2008 National Survey finidings) Nearly one in five complaints received by the Australian Human Rights Commission under theSex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) relate to sexual harassment. The vast majority of these take place in the workplace.2 (Australian Human Rights Commission, 'Annual Report 2006-2007') A telephone poll commissioned by the Commission in 2003 found that over 28 per cent of women had experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, compared to seven per cent of men. Less than one third of interviewees from the Commission's telephone survey who experienced sexual harassment in the workplace made a formal report or complaint...
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...Sexual Harassment In The Military Specialist Edward J. Nofe Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 18th Military Police Brigade Grafenwoehr, Germany January 5, 2015 Joni Ernst is a well-respected United State Senator from Iowa. She has served more than 20 years in uniform. She is the first female combat veteran to serve in the Senate. She along with countless men and women in the military has been a victim of sexual harassment. The truth is nobody is immune from this problem certainly not when you still have reports ranging from inappropriate advances to sexual bribery. Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between the same or opposite genders. Harassment differentiates from assault in the sense that harassment can be directly associated with your work setting. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that erodes morale and negatively impacts unit cohesion. All individuals in the unit must be treated fairly and with mutual respect .The consequences of sexual harassment affects the individual in the workplace through stress, physical fitness, and reenlistment intentions. Sexual harassment affects the unit’s effectiveness, cohesion and goal realization. Sexual harassment is not limited to the workplace, but can also occur in the work related environment. That’s why the importance of maintaining a secure and sound command climate...
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...1. Define sexual harassment as the term is used legally. The definition of sexual harassment that is in the guidelines of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) also is copied by most states and employers for their own use. The guidelines state: “Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (1) submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of employment or participating in educational programs; or (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment or academic decisions affecting the individual; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee's work performance or student's academic performance creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning environment. Sexual harassment is a form of Sex Discrimination that occurs in the workplace. Persons who are the victims of sexual harassment may sue under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C.A. § 2000e et seq.), which prohibits sex discrimination in the workplace.” (Legal Definition of Sexual Harassment, 2012) 2. Explain how sexual harassment differs from gender discrimination. Sexual Harassment is the action of making offensive and unwelcome sexual comments and advances towards another person. Unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature with the intent of creating a submissive environment falls...
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...I would like to select the organizational communication topic of sexual harassment. I believe this is an important topic that needs to be discussed in the workplace. Not only does the employee need to be protected but all companies need to protect themselves. (The U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission, 2013) The following topics need to be discussed and the company policies need to be put into place to protect all parties: (Global Compliance , 2013) 1. Does your company offer adequate training on the subject of sexual harassment? 2. Is your company incorporate the best practices and are they compliant with the applicable laws? 3. Does your company offer regular harassment prevention training to employees? 4. Does your company offer refresher training if they are not doing full yearly training? 5. Does your training cover all forms of harassment not just sexual in nature? 6. Is your training content developed by qualified professionals who know the current laws? 7. Do your employees understand the concept of protected classes? 8. Do your employees understand the term “hostile work environment”? 9. Do your employees understand the concept of “quid pro quo harassment”? 10. Do your employees know what retaliation is and how they are protected? 11. Do your employees know who to contact or who to report allegations of harassment to? 12. Are your employees familiar with how allegations are handled within your company? I will address the...
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...Throughout the 1840’s and 1850’s a growing tension developed between the Northern and Southern states of America. That tension was primarily focused on the existence of slavery in the Southern states. Most Northern states had abolished slavery by 1850 and made a promise to the people to end slavery completely. They wanted the South to begin to become similar to the North, and to live under the concept of free labor, and not rely on slavery for productivity. The resentment for the interference of the North angered southerners because they felt that it was not the place of the federal government to interfere. Ever since the American Revolution sectional differences arose, the first being those favoring greater states rights and those favoring greater federal rights. Ever since the Revolution more and more dissimilarities arose between the North and the South due to differences in modernization and societal development. These different ideals caused tensions between the two sections and difficulties in staying together as a single union. The Southern ways of life were being targeted and altered by the North’s inconsiderate decisions of their societies foundation, though the North had a strong basis. The southern secession in 1860 was in direct result of the inability for the North and South to cooperate and coexist, and was the only possible alternative, in the minds of the southerners, for the different methods of living to remain. There were many aspects that varied among the North...
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...Sexual Harassment of Female Secondary to Undergraduate Students in Elite Educational Institutes of Lahore Danyal Haider Raja Qaiser Zeeshan Butt Osama Eshaq Rabia Nafees Shah Academic Writing June 27th 2015 Lahore School of Economics Sexual Harassment of Female Secondary to Undergraduate Students in Elite Educational Institutes of Lahore Introduction The idea for this research sprung from the rising trend of illicit student-teacher relationships in the United States of America, projected actively on the social media. This movement inspired the thought that such behavior may well be prevalent in Pakistan as well and never come to the forefront. The research aims to identify the types of harassment that exist in the secondary and undergraduate sectors of education in Pakistan and the reasons why these incidents are not brought to the attention of the legal system. So far there has not been a study on female sexual harassment in Pakistan that explores the incidence of harassment among the female student community, which is irksome especially given the recent accusations of harassment leveled against an instructor at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), a prestigious university in a posh area of Lahore. One would assume that such an incident would be stimulus enough for rights’ groups to initiate a research into this aspect of female harassment, which is why we have taken it upon ourselves to do so. The research will be primary in nature, conducted...
Words: 3650 - Pages: 15
...several months the #METOO movement has been gaining mass attention from the media in light of multiple Hollywood stars being accused of sexual misconduct. In this, many celebrities have come forth discussing the sexual violence they have faced from people such as Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby. Due to this, hundreds of womens around the world are coming forward, sharing their stories of rape, sexual harassment, and other types of sexual violence. While some have claimed that the #METOO movement is a cry for attention from women, it has been consistently seen that by various women have been able to find their voice in what is tried to be made a secret occurrence. Altogether, it can be seen that the #METOO movement has been beneficial...
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...Baderman Island Resort is a self-contained, all inclusive resort. Baderman Island has a passion for guests and is dedicated to provide a unique and quality experience to Island guests and day visitors. The leaders and management team within the organization, empowers its staff to offer unsurpassed quality of customer service. The island and those affiliated with the management group are determined to offer a variety of restaurants, accommodations and many activities to entertain guests of all ages. The resort is managed by the Boardman Management Group (BMG). The CEO reports to the Chairman of the Board and works closely with the Resort Board of Directors. Together, they will supervise the relationship between the resort and the management Group. Each department handles different situations. BMG is responsible for IT, marketing, accounting and human resources. Each unit of the resort has a general manager that reports to the vice president that will be directly responsible for their department. Lodging, food, recreation and activities, transportation and merchandising. Each department is responsible for their budget as well as area profitability. With an office now directly located on the Baderman Island, BMG will be all Boardman Management Group operations for the management of Baderman Island as well the management of all offsite properties. Also new to Baderman Island, a web log. Guest is encouraged to leave comments or start discussions in regards to their stay. ...
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