...Developing Multiple Intelligence – Learning Styles (MI-LS) – Integrated Lesson/Unit The following steps given by Harvey F. Silver, et al. is coined in the acronym IDEAS: 1. Identify the type of lesson you wish to teach and specific standard(s), outcome(s), and objective(s) you want to address. In this step ask self these questions: a. Am I developing a lesson: i. Using learning styles and multiple intelligences to achieve specific content objectives? ii. Focused on the development of particular styles or intelligences? b. Am I developing a lesson: i. That’s part of a year – long curricular theme? ii. To teach a specific objective? iii. To address a specific student need (i.e. for a student educational plan)? 2. For each intelligence, develop a list of possible learning opportunities for students to achieve your objective(s). In this step, ask yourself the following question: (V) How can I incorporate word, writing, listening, discussion, language? (L) How can I incorporate calculation, problem –solving, reasoning, math? (S) How can I incorporate art, video, graphic organizers, icon colors? (B) How can I incorporate manipulative, hands – on learning, use of body? (M) How can I incorporate music, musicality, beat, lyrics, and sounds? (P) How can I incorporate cooperative learning, partnership, role playing? (I) How can I incorporate emotion, reflection, self – assessment? (N) How can I incorporate interactions with the natural...
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