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Submitted By lymzz20
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Developing Multiple Intelligence – Learning Styles (MI-LS) – Integrated Lesson/Unit
The following steps given by Harvey F. Silver, et al. is coined in the acronym IDEAS: 1. Identify the type of lesson you wish to teach and specific standard(s), outcome(s), and objective(s) you want to address. In this step ask self these questions:

a. Am I developing a lesson: i. Using learning styles and multiple intelligences to achieve specific content objectives? ii. Focused on the development of particular styles or intelligences? b. Am I developing a lesson: i. That’s part of a year – long curricular theme? ii. To teach a specific objective? iii. To address a specific student need (i.e. for a student educational plan)?

2. For each intelligence, develop a list of possible learning opportunities for students to achieve your objective(s). In this step, ask yourself the following question:

(V) How can I incorporate word, writing, listening, discussion, language?
(L) How can I incorporate calculation, problem –solving, reasoning, math?
(S) How can I incorporate art, video, graphic organizers, icon colors?
(B) How can I incorporate manipulative, hands – on learning, use of body?
(M) How can I incorporate music, musicality, beat, lyrics, and sounds?
(P) How can I incorporate cooperative learning, partnership, role playing?
(I) How can I incorporate emotion, reflection, self – assessment?
(N) How can I incorporate interactions with the natural world?

3. Examine alternatives and select the most appropriate activities to achieve your learning goals. Harvey gives an example.
Examples of MI activities Examples of a 3rd grade teacher’s intelligence activities for a punctuation unit. | V | Explain uses of punctuation marks. Practice using each type in writing. Edit a text. | L | “Why do we need punctuation marks?” Classifying sentences. | S | Visual organizer. Icons and symbols.Collage about punctuation marks. | M | Rap song. Create jingles to represent marks. | B | Role play. | P | Group and peer practices, writers’ club. Edit partner’s text. | I | Which is your favorite? Why?Personal narrative. | N | Natural similes (e.g., an exclamation point is like a lightning bolt because…) |
Note: intelligence abbreviation: V = verbal – linguistic; L = logical – mathematics; S = spatial; M = musical; B = bodily – kinesthetic; P = intrapersonal; N = naturalist.

4. Assess what style activities or teaching strategies you can use to achieve your learning goals. Next, you need to consider how you can incorporate style – base activities and strategies into your overall plan. To do this, refer to the thinking verbs – by style guide.

Thinking Verbs by Style and Objectives Goal | Mastery | Understanding | Self-Expressive | Interpersonal | Content acquisition | ExamineFactGatherInspectLook – upObserveRecollectReviewScrutinizeSeek | AskAssessInquireInvestigateProbeQuestionReadResearchStudy | AnticipateBrainstormExploreGenerateSearchSpeculate | Elicit a responseFeedInterviewListenPursueReflectSurvey | Critical analysis | AssessCategorizeCheckDetermineListOrganizePrepareSequenceTake NotesTrace | AnalyzeClassifyCompareCritiqueDeduceEvaluateImplyInferInterpretReasonResolveWeigh | Apply CombineConceiveExperimentGaugeGeneralizeImagineIntegratePicturePredictSystematize | AppraiseAppreciateDecideDeliberatePersonalizePrioritizeRateRelateValue | Application of learning | BuildConstructDepictFormMakeManufacturesolve | AdviseAnalyzeComposeDevelopFormulatePlanProveResponseWrite | ApplyCreateDesignDrawFabricateFrameGenerateInventMet aphorizeOriginatePaintPictureProduce | CoachDecideEditorializePersonifyRole playShare | Dissemination and use of learning | Describe displayDemonstrateInformPresentReportShow | ConvinceDebateDisclose ExplainPersuadePublishTeachDialogue | AdviceArticulateBroadcastCommunicateDisseminateElaborateElucidatePerformwrite | AdviseActCoachConvinceDiscussDialogue | Evaluating and improvement | CheckCorrectRewardTest | AssessCritiqueEvaluateJudgeWeigh | AppreciateAmendGaugeImproveResponseReflect | AppraiseApproveDecideEvaluateReactValue |

Once you have selected your activities and strategies, place them into a frame work.

Learning Style Grid MASTERY ACTIVITIES * Create a visual organizer to explain the uses of the punctuation marks (V, L, and S). * Correct a poorly punctuated text (V and L). * Have students practice punctuation using their bodies to represent the marks as the teacher reads sentences (B) | INTERPERSONAL ACTIVITIES * Use Team Games Tournaments to review use of punctuation marks (V and P). * Reciprocal Learning: Coaching each other (V and P). * Writer’s Club for editing, feedback on story (V and P). * Write a personal narrative using all learned punctuation marks (V and I). | UNDERSTANDING ACTIVITIES * Concept Attainment (yes – no examples) for students to figure out which punctuation marks to use when (V and L). * Inductive Learning: group and label sentences according to punctuation marks (V and L). | SELF – EXPRESSIVE ACTIVITIES * Write a rap or jingle to explain when to use each punctuation mark (V and M). * Create a natural metaphor for each punctuation mark (e.g., a period is a heavy rock) (V, N and S). * Draw a picture of a mark. Write a story and punctuate it (V, S and L). |
Note: intelligence abbreviation: V = verbal – linguistic; L = logical – mathematics; S = spatial; M = musical; B = bodily – kinesthetic; P = intrapersonal; N = naturalist.

5. Set up a sequential plan. Complete the lesson design matrix. Organize your unit into a lesson design matrix.
Lesson Design Matrix Purpose | Content | Process Activities – Strategies | Product | Interest:L.S. – M.I. | Learn the rules of punctuation marks | Natural metaphor | MetaphoricExpression, Kindling | Written explanation | * Self – expressive, Understanding * Verbal, spatial, natural | Learn to use all four punctuation marks | Question mark, period, comma and exclamation point | ContentAttainment | Generate rules for each using each type of punctuation | * Understanding * Verbal and logical | Explain punctuation rules | `` | Visual organizer | Completed organizer | * Mastery * Verbal, logical and spatial | Rein forest rules | `` | Game | Play the game | * Mastery * Verbal and bodily | Practice using punctuation rules | | ReciprocalLearning | Revise text | * Interpersonal, mastery * Verbal, interpersonal | Apply skills | | Write to Learn | Personal narrative | * Self- expressive, interpersonal * Verbal, intrapersonal | `` | | Writer’s club | Edited pieces | * Mastery, understanding, interpersonal * Verbal, intrapersonal | Note: L.S. = learning styles M.I. = multiple intelligence |

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