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Shadowing Experience

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During my senior year at James Clemens High School, I participated in the Medical Academy internship program. In our semester course, we would travel 2 days a week to different hospitals and health care facilities to shadow nurses and get different experiences. Mrs. Collins, the teacher for this course, was a former registered nurse and challenged her students on a daily basis. We had various forms of assignments during this course, but the main assignments were long-form experience writings. I have chosen to write this essay based on my long-form experience writing assignment from one my shadowing days at Huntsville Hospital. This was my most memorable piece of writing because I was so impressed by the nurse constituent that I followed for …show more content…
Paragraphs were formed under each specific question that my instructor assigned. The first question was, “What new information did you receive? (Jordan, 1)” This question was basically an overall summary of all new things I learned. In this section I would focus on new medicine and technologies I’ve never seen before and describe them. The second question was, “What skills did you observe? (Jordan 1)” This question was to help my teacher understand exactly what I learned from the nurse I was paired with. In my situation, I observed my nurse give medication to all her patients. The nurse told each patient what medication they were being given and why. The third question was, “What skills did you preform? (Jordan 2)” This question was to inform Mrs. Collins what I actually did during my time on this floor. For my time on Antepartum, I didn’t get to physically do anything to the patients, but I did get to observe and comfort the patients by having personal conversations with them. The fourth question was, “Tell about a certain patient in your area? (Jordan 2)” This question had many different parts to it such as; the diagnosis of a particular patient, the equipment being used in the patient’s room, and what was one medication that the patient was on. This question was to helpful to Mrs. Collins in order to see if we were paying attention to details for the patient. The fifth question was, “Identify new medical terms/ abbreviations that you learned? (Jordan 2)” This question was more of a learning exercise for us. Mrs. Collins wanted us to notice the terms and then do research on them and educate ourselves on why the nurse was using that term. The sixth question was “Did you have to use gloves? If so where were they located? (Jordan 3)” This is a very straight forward question. My answer to this question for this specific long-form was no. Nevertheless, we still had to pay attention

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