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Shipperke Research Paper

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Pages 13
The Schipperke is not a Spitz type dog but is descended from a small black sheepdog called the Leauvenaar. This breed was bred down to become the watchdog and companion we know today. Early Belgian authorities believe the Schipperke originated in Flanders and the provinces of Antwerp and Brabant where it became a favorite of shoemakers, canal boat captains and other tradesmen. The known history of the breed begins about the year 1690, when a show for the breed was held by Guild workmen in Brussels. The breed was called the Spits or Spitske at that time and not called the Schipperke or “little captain” until 1888. It first came to the United States in 1889, but practically disappeared following World War I. …show more content…
In general the Schipperke has reached about 60% of its growth at 6 months of age. Schipperkes do not reach full maturity until they are approximately 5 years of age.

Early care of puppies has few requirements. The most important thing is seeing that the puppy eats enough. Schipperkes are not fussy eaters; they simply do not want to take the time to eat. Feeding several times a day seems to be the best solution to this problem. In later life the Schipperke becomes as obese as any house dog that is too close to the pantry, and must be watched carefully. Selection of a puppy less than 6 to 8 months of age for show is speculative. Selection for temperament is no different from that of any other puppy. At 6 to 10 weeks, adult size is undetermined.

Dewclaws, both front and rear, and tails, are removed at 3 to 5 days of age in the normal, healthy puppy. The tail is properly removed to the last possible joint, leaving no stub, despite the Standard which allows up to 1 inch of tail. The Schipperke that appears in the ring with an inch of tail will place last in the class, no matter what other good points it might possess. The SCA has complete instructions for tail docking in its book, The Schipperke Anthology, available from

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