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Short Notes on Basic Developmental Psychology


Submitted By vellac
Words 826
Pages 4
* Introduction to developmental psychology (history, basic issues) * Theories of development * Research methods in child development
Child development as a science
Parental preoccupation with “expert” child rearing started in the early 20th century.
Parents started turning to paediatricians and psychologists for advice.
John Watson pushed for rigid feeding schedules for infants and an orderly approach to child rearing.
Benjamin Spock’s urged parents not engage in conflicts over issues such as weaning and toilet training, and to display affection to their children.
Today Watson’s views are seen as emotionally cold and excessively rigid, while Spock’s recommendations as overly indulgent.

What does developmental psychology study?
Developmental science seeks to identify variables that influence development and to explain how they work together to shape an individual’s life. Scientists develop theories and conduct research aimed at describing, explaining, and predicting age-related changes in behaviour, thinking, emotions and social relationships.

Orderly and relatively enduring changes over time in physical and neurological structures, thought processes, and behaviour.

3 broad goals in the study of 3 child development: * To understand changes that appear to be universal * To explain individual differences * To understand how children’s behaviour is influenced by the environmental context or situation.

Perspective on development

1) Nature and nurture
Idealists and rationalists, Plato and Descartes believed that at least some knowledge is inborn. Empiricists insisted that the mind is a blank state. In contrast, other philosophers believed that development involved an interaction between internal and external forces. 2) Stages and sequences
Continuity-discontinuity issue.

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