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Short Summary: Song Of Love In The Spring '

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Listen to the tunes the birds do sing
Chirping to you, hoping joy they bring

Maybe a song of love is in the air
Or maybe just loud noises because they don't care

Spread your wings and take flight
Don't be afraid to go out at night

Even the nights can be warm during spring
Go out for a walk, have a fling

Spread some seeds, share the love
Just don't get too rough, if you see a dove

Pure in beauty and full of life
Reminding you to don't think twice

Heckle a tree, ask it why it barks
Beware if it begins to arc

The wind will come and will blow
Letting you know, fly a kite, must be yellow

Do not run into the rains
It could hurt and bring owwy pains

One last reason to enjoy Spring
Time to break out the old bling bling

Can you hear that? …show more content…
So rejoice, and spread the springtime cheer, winter recedes along with it's fears.
It turns to joy, as new life wings,
I thank the gods for every spring.

Plants in bloom like dancers mid dance.
The sunny sky like stage that they prance,
A light rain makes them glisten so clear,
Illuminates the stage, melts away all my fear.

So bloom tiny blossoms and raise to the sky, fore now is the time for life to give rise.
You twist and you tangle, branch and through bramble, your endless like prose that is beginning to ramble.

Distant smells of sweet grass blow on the breeze, as sweet smooth wind rustles the leaves on the trees.
Brings me back to the days of my youth once more,
Curious to see what future springs have in store.

Springtime brings the breath of new life, the end of winters dread and its strife.
The sun gives new life to this world that we know, as it melts at the ice and the cold frozen snow.

So never forget what springtime represents, and think of the springs that came and that went.
For each Spring comes means one less in the end,
So cherish the season, for as long as you can.

It Is that time of the year,
Spring arrives as Winter melts.
It blooms all over the earths …show more content…
He made a good stew

While others look at Spring charms
I am busy gathering winters arms
Grizzly you say? Hey the Shaman
Pay well for corpses & vermin

As you play in the sunshine's rays
Beware those digging down aways
They may not be looking for blooms
They may be looking to bury

Lifeless frost once transforms the valley ground,
The whispering wind no longer the only sound.
The snow is reduced once more to the rivers, our hope is restored with winters last shiver.

The stories that are written on the ground now revealed, the life that once was will return to the fields.
Broken and frozen were our spirits until now,
The warmth in our heart is renewed and profound.

The seeds of the past will flourish and root,
A universe of life beneath every boot.
The sun in the sky showers down on the earth, the grass reaching up, reaching forth from the dirt.

Adventure and fortune awaiting us now, colour and wonderous sights all around. farewell to our homes and our rest for a time, for a name is being called on the wind and its mine.

When springtime comes, it melts away the snow
A cavern appears and people stop their woes
From the outside I hear critters burrowing

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