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English Review Sheet


Submitted By Nehal90
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English 2328 Spring 2011

Unit Two: Early Twentieth Century
Review Sheets

|Survey Highlights |Modernism in American Literature |Imagism, Imagery, Image |
|Major Authors |Some distinguishing characteristics— |From Pound's "A Retrospect": |
|Historical Context |Rejection of traditional values and assumptions, in society and art. |—Three principles of Imagism: |
|Intellectual Movements |Strong break with traditional literary forms and techniques of |1. Direct treatment of 'thing' whether subjective or objective. |
|Genres, Elements of Literature |expression. |2. To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the |
|Authors |—Avant-garde, innovative |presentation. |
|Robert Frost, Ezra Pound, and T. S. Eliot |—Frost's "old-fashioned way to be new" |3. As regarding rhythm: to compose in the sequence of the musical |
|Wallace Stevens and William Carlos Williams |—Pound's "making it new" |phrase, not in sequence of a metronome. |
|Langston Hughes |Disconnected with the past, and disconcerted about the future. |Also discusses language, symbols, technique and form. |
|Eugene O'Neill, The Hairy Ape |— Eliot on tradition and the "historical sense"; "time and |—"An 'Image' is that which presents an intellectual and emotional |
|F. Scott Fitzgerald, "Babylon Revisited" |timelessness" |complex in an instant of time." |
|William Faulkner, "That Evening Sun" |—Sense of fragmentation in both style and |From Abrams: |
|Ernest Hemingway, "Big Two-Hearted River" |substance |"The typical Imagist poem is written in free verse and undertakes to|
|Literary and Intellectual Movements |Celebration of passion and free will over reason and social morality |render as precisely and tersely as possible, and without comment and|
|Modernism, Imagism |(and especially organized religion) |generalization, the writer's impression of a visual object or scene;|
|Impressionism, Expressionism, Symbolism |—Subjectivity and objectivity |often the impression is rendered by means of metaphor, or by |
|Genres |—Further elevation of individual man |juxtaposing, without indicating a relation, the description of one |
|Poetry |and inner psychology over society |object with that of a second and diverse object." |
|Drama |—Self-referential if not solipsistic | |
|Fiction |Mythopoetic impetus | |
| |—Creating one's own myth in the absence | |
| |of traditional myth | |
| |— Creating a world in the act of | |
| |perceiving it | |
| |"Lost Generation" | |
| |—Alienation, disillusionment, historical | |
| |—Satire, irony | |
|Imagery |Symbolism |Distinctions? |
|"'Imagery' (that is, 'images' taken collectively) is used to signify |Movement in literature and the visual arts that originated in France |A metaphor evokes comparison to an object in order to illustrate an |
|all the objects and qualities of sense perception referred to in a |in the late 19th century. In literature, symbolism was an aesthetic |idea or demonstrate a quality, whereas a symbol embodies the idea or|
|poem or other work of literature, whether by . . ." |movement that encouraged writers to express their ideas, feelings, and|the quality. |
|—Literal description |values by means of symbols or suggestions rather than by direct |Genre |
|—Allusion |statements. |Drama |
|—Vehicles of similes and metaphors |Symbolist writers, in reaction to earlier trends, proclaimed that the |Aristotle and the imitation of life |
|Emphasis on the senses, especially visual images and scenes. |imagination was the true interpreter of reality. |Prose or verse composition, especially one telling a serious story, |
|Also include auditory, tactile (touch), thermal (heat and cold), |Represent and/or suggest intensive emotions of poet, personal emotions|that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the |
|olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste), and kinesthetic (sensations of |which are, at heart, always in flux and almost impossible to |characters and performing the dialogue and action. |
|movement). |communicate. |Dramatic poetry, for instance, includes dialogue, monologue, |
|Related Movements |Figurative Language |vigorous diction, blank verse, or the stressing of tense situation |
|Impressionism |Metaphor |and emotional conflict. |
|A theory or style of painting originating and developed in France |Analogy; comparison between unlike objects; implied vs. expressed |Dramatic Conventions |
|during the 1870's, characterized by concentration on the immediate |(simile). |Actors as characters |
|visual impression produced by a scene and by the use of unmixed |Symbol |Lines of dialogue, choruses, soliloquies, asides, costuming |
|primary colors and small strokes to simulate actual reflected light. |A trope or turn which combines a literal and sensuous quality with an |Defining framework |
|Expressionism |abstract or suggestive aspect |—By the limits of the stage (proscenium arch as the fourth wall) |
|Movement in the arts, following Impressionism, during the early part |Evokes objective, concrete reality and prompts that reality to suggest| |
|of the 20th century that emphasized subjective expression of the |another level of meaning |—By the stage directions of the playwright |
|artist's inner experiences. |Includes universal suggestions of meaning, such as flowing water | |
|Described as the effort to "objectify inner experience." |suggesting the flux of time and eternity or a voyage suggesting life. | |
|Classical Dramatic Structure |Prose Fiction |Authoritative—Not representations of truth, but truth itself. |
|Acts, scenes |Narrative writing drawn from the imagination rather than from history |Central concerns of mythology include creation, divinity, and |
|Introduction, rising action, climax or crisis, falling action, |or fact. |religion; meaning of existence and death; explanation of natural |
|catastrophe |Short stories, novels, autobiographical fiction, roman á clef. |phenomena; life and adventures of a hero. |
|Hero, protagonist, antagonist |Narration is a basic mode of composition, along with description, |Conflict |
|Exposition, complication or conflict, exciting force, opposing force,|exposition, persuasion. |Struggle which grows out of the interplay of two opposing forces in |
|denouement, comic relief |Focus on recounting events (time), but often enriched with description|a plot. |
|Poetry |(place). |At the heart of interest and suspense in fictional representation |
|Various forms that human beings have used for rhythmic expression of |Short Story |Short story, drama, or poetry |
|intense perceptions of the world, themselves, and the relation of the|Brief fictional narrative in prose. |Usually focused on the struggle of the protagonist against: |
|two. |Distinguished from sketch or tale (or episode) in having definite |—Forces of nature |
|Conscious rhythmical patterning, versification: rhythm, rhyme, |formal development and a firmness in construction. |—Another person, often an antagonist |
|syllables, accents, lines, stanzas, stress, pauses, repetition, |Emphasis on unity |—Society or culture as a force |
|alliteration, assonance |—Plot, effect, theme, character, tone, mood, style, etc. |—Two elements within character |
|Variety in uniformity, compactness, unity, concreteness. |Characterized by self-conscious skill on the part of the author. |Alienation |
|Prose |Some Themes and Concepts |Act of alienating or condition of being alienated (unfriendly or |
|Written or spoken expression not having sustained regular rhythm. |Myth |hostile; withdrawn or unresponsive). |
|Characterized by logical grammatical order; ideas stated and |Traditionally, anonymous, essentially religious formulation of cosmic |Estrangement; emotional isolation or dissociation. |
|developed rather than merely listed or even suggested. |view of a people or culture. |In psychology, state of estrangement between the self and the |
| |Archetypal—Imagination looks for universal meanings embodied in |objective world (other people, society, or work), or between |
| |physical objects; something at once familiar and strange. |different parts of the personality. |
| | |Blocking or dissociation of a person's feelings. |
|Alienation and Philosophy |The Waste Land |The Hairy Ape |
|In philosophy, produced by a shallow and depersonalized society. |Poem on the theme of the sterility and chaos of the contemporary world|Expressionist play by O'Neill, produced and published in 1922. It |
|Saint Augustine, our sinful nature alienates man from God. |by T. S. Eliot, published in 1922. This most widely known expression |is symbolic of the perversion of human strength by technological |
|Freud, alienation results from split between the conscious and |of the despair of the postwar era has as a structural framework the |progress. |
|unconscious parts of the mind. |symbolism of certain fertility myths that reputedly formed the pagan |In the cramped forecastle of a transatlantic liner, Yank—brutal, |
|French social theorist Émile Durkheim suggested that alienation |origins of Christian Grail legend. |stupid, and profane—is the recognized leader of the stokers, who are|
|stemmed from a loss of societal and religious tradition. |The Waste Land itself is a desolate and sterile country ruled by an |the ultimate products of a society subservient to machines. When |
|Existentialists, some measure of alienation is an inevitable part of |impotent king, and the poem is divided into five parts: "The Burial of|Mildred Douglas, daughter of the ship's owner, makes a slumming |
|the human condition. |the Dead," representing the rebirth of the land after the barren |visit to the stokehole, she is shocked by the lurid atmosphere, and |
|Lost Generation |winter; "The Game of Chess," a contrast between the splendor of the |faints at encountering Yank's unashamed brutality. Although he is |
|Significance of World War I— |past and the squalor of modern life; "The Fire Sermon," vignettes of |completely adapted to this environment, he now discovers that there |
|"All of you young people who served in the war. You are a lost |the sordidness of modern life; "Death by Water," the vision of a |is a world in which he does not belong, and "the Hairy Ape," as his |
|generation.… You have no respect for anything. You drink yourselves |drowned Phoenician sailor who at least dies by water, not thirst; and |friend Paddy calls him, becomes sullen and morose, beginning to |
|to death." |"What the Thunder Said," representing the decay of modern Europe |think of his position. In New York on Easter Sunday, he swaggers in|
|—Gertrude Stein to Ernest Hemingway. |through symbols of the Grail legend. The poem concludes with |dirty dungarees up Fifth Avenue, trying in vain to insult the |
|"Sunday Morning" |quotations from the Upanishads, its last word, three times repeated, |aristocratic strollers, who politely ignore him. Arrested, he is |
|Verse, structure, dialogue |being "Shantih," meaning "the peace which passeth understanding." In |sent to Blackwell's Island, where the prisoners, misunderstanding |
|Speaker, character |the 433 lines of the poem are included quotations from, allusions to, |his rebellion, advise him to join the I.W.W. Rejected by the labor |
|Setting |or imitations of some 35 different writers, as well as several popular|organization, he goes to the zoo to see the ape, the only creature |
|Meditation "upon secular and religious conceptions of reality, death,|songs and passages in six foreign languages, including Sanskrit. The |with whom he can now feel kinship. When he liberates it, to help him|
|and the pleasures and beauties of this world as against those of |original poem was far longer than the published text, which was |wreak destruction, the beast crushes him to death. |
|heaven" (Oxford Companion). |severely pruned and edited by Ezra Pound, to whom the work is | |
|Striking lines— |dedicated. The original version with Pound's annotations was published| |
|"Death is the mother of beauty" (l. 63) |in 1971. |***Summaries from The Concise Oxford Companion to American |
| | |Literature.*** |
|Reading Inventory |Eliot on "Tradition and the Individual Talent" |Ezra Pound |
|Genre |Historical sense |"The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter" |
|Prose Fiction, Poetry, Drama |—Modernist poetry encompasses the significance of the traditional |"A Pact" |
|Lyric, Dramatic, Epic |works while at the same time altering the traditions. New Princeton |"In a Station of the Metro" |
|Narrative, Description, Exposition, Storytelling |Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics |From Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (Life and Contacts) (ll. 1-95) |
|Poetry and the Poetic—Types, Verse, Repetition, Figurative Language |—Compare Frost's "old-fashioned way to be new." |T. S. Eliot |
|Drama and the Dramatic |Subjectivity |"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" |
|Characterization, Conflict |Quality in artwork of originating and existing in the mind of a |The Waste Land |
|Setting, Context |perceiving subject and not necessarily corresponding to any object |Wallace Stevens |
|Time and Place |outside that mind. |"Sunday Morning" |
|Situation |Objectivity |"The Plain Sense of Things" |
|Voice, Point of View, Tone |Quality in artwork of impersonality and freedom from the expression of|"Of Mere Being" |
|Plot and Structure |personal sentiments, attitudes, or emotions by the author. |William Carlos Williams |
|Figurative Language |Eliot's "impersonal theory of poetry" |"The Young Housewife" |
|Metaphor, Imagery |"Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation are directed not upon the|"The Red Wheelbarrow" |
|Symbolism |poet but upon the poetry." |"This Is Just to Say" |
|Allusion |Selected Poetry/Works |Langston Hughes |
|Themes and Concepts |Robert Frost |"The Negro Speaks of Rivers" |
|Artistic and Literary Movements |"Mending Wall" |"The Weary Blues" |
|Realism, Regionalism, Naturalism |"Home Burial" |"Dream Boogie" |
|Modernism, Imagism, Expressionism, Primitivism, Symbolism |"The Road Not Taken" |"Harlem" |
|Patterns |"Fire and Ice" |Eugene O'Neill, The Hairy Ape |
|Passages |"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" |F. Scott Fitzgerald, "Babylon Revisited" |
|Significance |"Desert Places" |William Faulkner, "That Evening Sun" |
|To Work | |Ernest Hemingway, "Big Two-Hearted River" |
|To Movements | | |
|To American Literature | | |

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Premium Essay

“the Effects of Having Boyfriend/Girlfriend Relationships in the Academic Performance of Selected High School Students

...Ildefonso, Bulacan In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Course English 140 (Language Curriculum for Secondary Schools) Christian L. Chua Ray Rudolf M. Pastrana Rhenuel P. Tolentino Joanne N.Vicmudo March 2012 APPROVAL SHEET This action research entitled “THE PROBLEMS IN LISTENING OF THE FIRST YEAR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS OF BULACAN AGRICULTURAL STATE COLLEGE”, Prepared and Submitted by CHRISTIAN L. CHUA, RAY RUDOLF M. PASTRANA, RHENUEL P. TOLENTINO AND JOANNE N. VICMUDO in partial fulfilment of the course ENGLISH 140 (LANGUAGE CURRICULUM FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS), has been examined and hereby recommended for approval and acceptance for oral examination. PRISCILLA V. SAN PEDRO, Ed. D Research Adviser Date Signed Approved by the Examination committee on Oral Examination on February 20, 2012. PANEL OF EXAMINERS ANA MARIE D. ARGAMOSA JERRYL C. TUMALE Member Member Date Signed Date Signed ANADOLIA M. CRUZ, Ed. D Institute Coordinator for Research Date Signed Approved and accepted in partial fulfilment of the course English 140 (Language Curriculum For Secondary Schools). APPROVED: ANADOLIA M. CRUZ, Ed. D Institute coordinator for Research, Institute of Education Date Signed Arts and Sciences TABLE OF CONTENTS | Page | TITLE PAGE | | APPROVAL SHEET | ii | TABLE OF CONTENTS | iii | LIST OF FIGURES | v | LIST OF TABLES | vi...

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