...VARK: Learning Strategies Susan Changala Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429v Linnette Nolte November 9, 2013 VARK: Learning Strategies Neil D. Fleming developed the VARK Learning Style module in 1987, it has since become one of the most popular representations of learning strategies and continues to be used by educators and students alike to help them to distinguish their learning preferences, thus helping them to learn and retain material better. (K. Cherry) VARK was designed to be a starting place for a conversation among teachers and students about learning. VARK is an acronym for visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic. It consists of a simple questionnaire of approximately 16 questions. How you answer these questions will determine what kind of learning style works best for you. If you are a visual learner you would rather see material presented in a visual rather than a written form. Charts, diagrams, handouts and videos are helpful to you. You use highlighters and underline things that you want to come back to. If you are an auditory learner you tend to like lectures and are able to absorb the information and remember it well. Reading out loud also helps you to retain information. You enjoy attending classes to listen to lectures, and frequently have discussions with your teacher and other fellow students. Your notes may be poor because you prefer to listen. If you are a reading and writing learner you prefer...
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...head: ANALYSIS OF VARK LEARNING STRATEGIES Analysis of VARK Learning Strategies “The acronym VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic sensory modalities that are used for learning information (Fleming & Mills, 1992)”. Each person learns in a unique yet definable way, and through the utilization of the VARK system, categories have been established to assist in understanding and promoting effective learning by the individual. The VARK system is based on a questionnaire where each person describes their response to a given situation, and the compilation of the answers then allows these results to place the individual within one of the four identified groups, with the addition of a fifth being an all-encompassing “multimodal learning preference (Fleming & Mills, 1992)”. The design of the program assists the learner to not only receive their identified learning style, but allows for the instruction of changes or habits that the individual may find helpful in developing their learning effectiveness. Visual learning includes the use of printed graphs, charts, and visual comparisons by using labels, arrows, and symbols that the individual can associate with items of interest. The visual learner equates symbols and figures, and this allows them to process and retain the information more effectively. This style of learning was identified with the lowest number upon completion of the personal questionnaire. Aural/Auditory learning involves the hearing...
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...The VARK Anaylsis: Learning Styles Lesley Good Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V October 19, 2015 The VARK Analysis: Learning Styles Over the years, research has discovered that the ability for students to learn is based off of an individual’s strengths, weakness, and learning preferences. These learning preferences are divided into five categories: visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic, and multimodality. The VARK analysis developed in 1987 by Neil Fleming “was the first to systematically present a series of questions with helpsheets for students, teachers, employees, customers, suppliers, and others” (VARK Learn Limited, 2015) to determine an individual’s unique approach to the learning process. “VARK is an acronym for the Visual (V), Auditory (A), Read/Write (R) and the Kinesthetic (K) sensory modalities” (Kharb, Samanta, Jindal, & Singh, 2013). To better understand how this process works we will establish a scenario using Student A, allowing her to access the VARK questionnaire and give us some insight and understanding on how the evaluation process works to establish an individual’s learning style. The VARK questionnaire consists of 16 questions and given the results we will review the learning style for Student A, compare preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies, and discuss how the recognition of individual learning styles, preferences and strategies influence teaching and learning. Summary of Results ...
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...VARK Analysis Paper Rebecca Rivera Grand Canyon University July 23, 2016 Abstract The acronym VARK stands for visual, aural, read and kinesthetic comprised if 16 question to analysis and gain a better understanding of personal learning styles (VARK a guide to learning styles, 2016). Understanding of personal learning style aids in the ability to teach others in a variety of styles to ensure that the learner has an understanding on new information. An analysis of an individual study will aid in the understanding of how the VARK learning styles can be applied. VARK Analysis Paper The VARK system was developed in 1987 by Neil Fleming to aid in understanding and providing strategies through a series of questions to evaluate how a person learns (VARK a guide to learning styles, 2016). As diverse as the human population is so being the different styles of learning that can be used to understand new knowledge. There are four categories to the VARK learning style. The acronym VARK represents these categories being visual, auditory/aural, read/write and kinesthetic. A detailed analysis of an individual study including VARK analysis, ones preferred learning strategies compared to ones identified style and how it can influence teaching and learning. The VARK questionnaire is comprised of 16 questions and can have more than one answer creating very individualized results. After completion of the questionnaire the highest score was in read/write category at 11. Next was the category...
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...Head: VARK Learning Style Assessment VARK Learning Style Assessment Joby Reji Grand Canyon University Family Health Promotion NRS-429V Dawn,Peter November19, 2011 VARK Learning Style Assessment Learning styles are different methods of learning. Each individual has his/her own way of learning . Identifying a learning style would help an individual to focus on his strong points and pay more attention on weak points. People with learning disabilities or attention deficit disorder would benefit from these learning styles. In 1987 Neil Fleming invented VARK Questionnaire which help users to identify learning preferences. These preferences are about the ways that they want to take in and give out information (VARK, 2011).VARK questionnaires are very helpful for some learners, which enable them to change their study habits, some learners already know about their way of learning, questionnaire or inventory does not make any difference in their study habits. VARK questionnaire can be found online or on paper, gives an option of more than one answer for a question. VARK questionnaire is short with 13-16 questions to prevent students survey fatigue (Fleming and Baume,2006).VARK questionnaire is not a distinctive measure, but it gives a method of thinking about how to prioritize the learning strategy. VARK consist of 5 strategies- visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic and multimodal. In visual study strategy learners...
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...The VARK Analysis Paper The VARK Analysis Paper June 9, 2012 The VARK Analysis Paper The VARK questionnaire was created by Neil Fleming who taught about teaching and learning. VARK is an acronym for Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic. This survey can bring awareness to people about different learning strategies by offering simple information on studying tips. This analysis paper will focus on Sylvia Arias’s learning style, preferred learning style, and identified learning style using the VARK questionnaire. Learning Styles Sylvia’s current learning style is to read the learning material over and over until she understands it. When she does not know a word’s meaning, she uses an on-line dictionary and thesaurus for reference. If she does not understand the reading material after reviewing it several times, she will refer to the internet to look up other learning sources pertaining to the subject that may explain in a simpler way. Memorization has been a learning style of Sylvia’s but will only last temporarily. If she writes down what she is learning with notes and key words, this helps her to remember her subject material and it will be stored in her brain. In nursing school she studied by making note cards with pictures that was helpful for her. Tape recording class lectures and listening while driving or at home has been another learning style. Preferred Learning Strategy Sylvia’s preferred learning strategy is the...
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...Learning Strategies Learning Strategies This paper will discuss the “VARK, a guide to learning styles” (VARK, 2015). One subject who took the “VARK Questionnaire, How Do I Learn Best?” learned the results were Aural and Kinesthetic “AK”, a multimodal learning style preference. The subject’s preferred learning strategies were compared and found to be compatible with the VARK learning style strategies. Using VARK as a tool can give an instructor awareness of the individual’s learning style. This aids the instructor in developing strategies that will accommodate and influence the individual’s learning style. The subject that took the sixteen part VARK questionnaire chose to answer some categories with one selection and others with two or more selections. The questionnaire concluded the subject’s scores were Visual “V”-3, Aural/Auditory “A”-11, Read/Write “R”-5 and Kinesthetic “K”-9 resulting in a multimodal “AK” learning preference. This individual’s learning style mixes “A” and “K” modalities where they have the ability to switch between them, allowing the individual to adapt to the learning strategy. VARK defines four sensory modalities that are used for learning (VARK, 2015). The “V” modality uses graphics such as maps, charts, diagrams and symbols instead of words to represent the information they are trying to learn. “A” modality prefers information that can be heard or spoken. This represents a traditional classroom type providing lectures, open group discussions, webinars...
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...VARK Questionnaire Analysis Julie Gongaware NRS-429V August 23, 2015 VARK Questionnaire Analysis Preferred learning strategies and styles have a tendency to vary significantly from person to person. Everyone has a different way, or combination of ways that they absorb, perceive and process newly learned information. In ‘The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best,” a short series of questions identifies learning strategies for the person that is participating in the questionnaire. In this particular analysis J.G., the subject of the questionnaire, found that she has a multimodal preference to learning and is flexible in her communication preferences while switching from mode to mode depending on what type of material she is working with (VARK, 2015). Multimodal learners may encompass all of the strategies, visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic or at least more than one. J.G. found that she possessed preferences in each strategy with stronger learning attributes in aural and read/write strategies. Through the VARK questionnaire, J.G.’s personal learning preference has been identified as multimodal with aural being her primary style and read/write being the second most preferred style for learning. Aural refers to listening. The description of an aural strategy per the VARK (2015) questionnaire shows a preference toward receiving information that is vocalized or heard and the use of questioning as a vital component of learning. According to The Institute...
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...The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best? VARK questionnaire is composed of many fundamentals that associated with people’s preferred learning styles. VARK questionnaire help leaners identify their specific learning methods to focus on learning material with important segments. Any profession can use VARK learning methods to teach or introduce study materiel to their associates. The VARK questionnaire is based on four scores and there are five different learning strategies and they are, multimodal, visual, aural, read-write, kinesthetic. When an Individual takes the VARK questionnaire assessment, they will be scored under these four learning methods: visual aural, read/write, and kinesthetic. Each individual learning method are different, also it could be situational to the subject, environment and subject approach. After conducting VARK questionnaire, the results show my learning preference is multimodal. And according to VARK, if you have multiple preferences you are in the majority, as approximately 60% of any population fits that category (please use citation from VARK Multimodal study strategy_). My learning method scores are, visual 11, aural 11, read/write 13, and kinesthetic 11. Multimodal individuals’ shift their learning preferences depend up on matter of subject or certainty of subject. Changing learning preference according to the situation is significant to multimodal learners. According to VARK questionnaire Designer Neil D Fleming, there are two groups...
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...Vark Analysis Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V Professor November 16, 2014 Vark Analysis As a way to assist teachers and students, the VARK Learning style assessment was established by Neil Fleming in 1987. The VARK assessment describes four different types of sense modes, with an extra group of multimodal students (Khanal, Shah, & Koirala, 2014). VARK stands for visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic ways of learning. Those who learn by seeing things such as charts, portraits, or illustrations are referred to as the visual learners. Students who prefer to hear the information, and are able to understand it best by listening to lectures or having information read out loud to them are known as the aural learners. The read/write category students like to see words in writing, do great when they take notes and are able to read them back to themselves repeatedly. The kinesthetic learners perform great by experience and practice, they need to move around and work best with activities that are hands on and related to reality. The rest of the multimodal category is made up of students who have more than one sensory modality in combination (Khanal, Shah, & Koirala, 2014). The VARK tool gives students the information necessary for maximizing their learning needs. In this paper the author will be discussing personal learning styles, strategies for preferred learning style, and how the awareness influences teaching and learning. The...
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...VARK Learning styles: Read/write learning style Name: Institution: VARK Learning styles: Read/write learning style Overview of the read/write learning style The read/write learning style mainly makes the use of printed words to receive and convey learning information. Using the style enables one skill to become the input of another through the transfer of the ability to read to that of writing. The skills transfer is integral in raising the awareness of how the structural components involved in learning are shared in both reading and writing modalities (VARK, 2016). One of the reasons a leaner may choose to embrace the read/write learning style is because it facilitates cognitive concept mastery since it brings out the aspect of making sense of what is read through fixing it in memory by writing it down (Crawford, 2005). Therefore, the method strengthens the learning quality by incorporating both the senses of sight and touch. Pointed out herein is how personal reading/writing strategies compare to the VARK preferred read/write learning style strategies and how the awareness of the individual learning style (read/write style) influences teaching and learning. Preferred learning strategies for read/write learning style * Identification of the item or subject that require a study. * Development of learning goals and questions or hypotheses with regard to the subject of study. * Identification of the sources from which the study will derive concepts from. The sources ought...
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...VARK: A Detailed Analysis of Learning Styles Randi Vance Instructor Mary Ann Bjorkman June 15, 2014 VARK: A Detailed Analysis of Learning Styles What are learning styles? According to Wikipedia, “a learning style is an individual’s natural or habitual pattern of acquiring and processing information in learning situations.” (Wikipedia, 2010) Wikipedia also notes that the core concept of learning style is that individuals vary in how they learn. (Wikipedia, 2010) Neil Fleming’s VARK Model was developed in 1987 and is now one of the most widely used categorizations of the various types of learning styles. (Wikipedia, 2010) The VARK Model requires completing a questionnaire and places learning styles into four categories: Visual, aural (auditory), read/write, and kinesthetic or tactile. (vark-learn.com) The purpose of this analysis is to determine and evaluate the author’s preferred learning styles, preferred learning strategies, and a comparison of the author’s preferred learning strategies to the identified learning strategies according to the author’s learning style. Also, how the awareness of these learning styles, preferences, and strategies influence teaching and learning. While reading about the author’s learning styles, you may find that some of the mentioned learning styles apply to you as well. Summary of Learning Style Results: The author completed the questionnaire and got the following results: Visual: 3, Aural: 1, Read/Write: 7, and Kinesthetic: 6. The author...
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...VARK Learning Styles Diane Harman Grand Canyon University Family-Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V November 09, 2013 VARK Learning Styles Learning styles can be defines as the way an individual processes and obtains information. Learning styles vary for each individual. The VARK model, designed by Neil Fleming, is a guide that focuses on 4 different learning styles, Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic. Students who utilize the VARK model, to focus on preferred learning styles may increase their educational experience, and satisfaction with the learning process. This paper will focus on the preferred learning styles, strategies, and changes to current learning styles, of the author, after taking the VARK questionnaire. Learning Styles and Preferences Learning is more satisfactory, for the author, when utilizing several different styles of learning or multimodal as described in the VARK model.(Flemming, 2001-2011) However, focus is usually centered around action while learning, doing, utilizing hands on experiences, and visual aids, this learning style represent the kinesthetic, and visual learning styles as defined in the VARK model.(Flemming, 2001-2011) The author would prefer learning when content is provided in diverse methods, nevertheless, is able to adapt to different styles with the use of modifications, to enhance learning. If presented with a didactic lecture for learning, the author may try to encourage the instructor to provide real...
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...Vark Analysis Juli Thompson Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V February 28, 2015 Vark Analysis This paper will discuss and compare the different learning styles of the VARK Questionnaire. It will also address the preferred and suggested learning styles for this writer and if knowing specific learning styles affect the perception of how teaching and learning are delivered. The Vark Questionnaire was developed by Neil Fleming in 1987 to discern why some students were able to comprehend and retain information while others were not (VARK Learn Limited [VARK], 2015). This gave way to the question, does learning preference of an individual affect the way information is received and understood? This lead to the development of the VARK Questionnaire so students and teachers alike could determine their own learning style preferences. VARK is an acronym for visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic learning types, or a combination of the four types known as multimodal (VARK, 2015). Finding one’s own learning preference depends on the answers given to various questions on how one would like to receive and give information, the answers are then calculated to give a percentage to each of the four categories to determine either a single or multimodal learning preference. Each learning style can incorporate different strategies to help facilitate learning and comprehension. For example: Visual learners can use charts and graphs, aural learners can...
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...VARK Analysis Paper Oleksandra Vasylchenko GCU Oct.11, 2015 NRS-429V VARK Analysis Paper The VARK questionnaire was designed by Neil Fleming to help people understand their learning styles; suggested categories include: visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic learning (Carlson, 2015). Questionnaire consists of sixteen questions, and one can select more than one answer to best explain his/her preferences. When answered truthfully, results will give a snap shot summary of one’s particular learning style. When the writer completed the questionnaire, the results revealed that she has a multimodal learning preference, read / write, kinesthetic. The paper will further discuss how writers preferred learning strategies compare to her questionnaire results, as well as how awareness of individual learning strategies affects teaching and learning. Four different modalities were identified to reflect experiences of students and teachers, and some could definitely overlap. Visual preference uses maps, charts, graphs, diagrams, symbols, hierarchies and other devices to represent what could have been expressed in words, and some are able to learn information better when it is presented in such way. Aural preference learners learn best from lectures, group discussions, email, phone conversations, saying things out loud to self, anything that is “heard or spoken”. Read/write preference is for information that is presented in form of words. This mode is preferred by majority of students...
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