...Goals are the foundation to the success of every aspiring individual. Without goals where would we be not only as a nation but as race? Everyone dreams of becoming someone their mother can be proud and someone who can make a difference in the world in which we live. Having short term goals and long term goals gives a person something to plan and work towards. A short term goal that I have would be finishing high school and college with a high grade point average. My grades have always been a top priority to me and that goal will continue into my college career. I hope to graduate from the University of Southern Mississippi with an impressive resume. This will help me along with my ultimate goal of becoming a clinical psychologist. The clinical psychology program only accepts a certain number of applicants a year so it is crucial I stand out in the crowd....
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...If you knew me, you would know that I am full of dreams and that I set high goals for myself. Those goals have lead me to where I am today by motivating me to do better each and every day to eventually achieve them. My short-term goals include: learning German, raising my ACT score and my grades, and being healthier. My long-term goals include: moving to Germany to raise my family, leave college debt-free, and being an amazing mom. All of my short-term goals correlate with my long term-goals because I feel like everything in a person's life causes the events that take place in the future one way or another. I really want to learn German because it has always been a dream of mine to visit Germany and eventually live and grow there with...
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...by creating educational goals and maintaining academic integrity. Your personal learning style will help you not only in school but in your career and in your life. With so many resources available to students you are sure to succeed at anything you put your mind to. Proper education and learning the core fundamentals of our major is very important, but without learning about how we learn as individuals and exposing ourselves to all of the services the university has to offer we may not be as successful as we can be. Beginning my educational journey at the University of Phoenix and taking GEN200 has helped me refresh my learning abilities, learn some new critical thinking skills and has helped me in taking the beginning steps to achieve success in my education and eventually in my career. Setting long and short term goals is the key to academic success. Creating realistic long term goals such as graduating college gives us something to work towards and creates the ultimate goal. Setting short term goals such as finishing a paper early, getting all of the reading for a class done or getting an A in a class brings us one step closer to achieving the ultimate goal. Short term goals will always help bring us to our long term goal without it becoming overwhelming and working toward that goal one step at a time. One way to help achieve a short term goal of succeeding academically is the writing process. Getting your thoughts on paper, completing research, working on a thesis and...
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...dictionary com; goal is the aim or object towards which an endeavor is directed. My personal goal is to become a Nurse anesthesiologist which one day will secure me a Job in respectable hospital and will be committed to working with the care of saving lives, by monitoring the patient like a hawk while under anesthetic medication and making sure of being with patient after surgery to make sure they are stable. This goal will be fulfil by setting my goal in steps of short term, long term and the ultimate goal. My plan comes into play when all of a sudden, my mum died during a surgery that she was not expected to die from. I plan to achieve my goal by taking one step after the other and letting things fall in place as I took my first step by deciding to go to nursing school. After I received my Associate in nursing which is the foundation in my nursing career. Although I work as a nurse at the moment I still I have hunger and the aspiration of moving forward and progressing towards my personal goal. According to American association of nurse anesthesiologist- The "Association of Nurse Anesthesiology www.aana.com "A nurse anesthetist is a nurse who specializes in the administration of anesthesia. In the United States, a certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) who has acquired graduate-level education and board certification in anesthesia. Personal Goal First and foremost goal, my short term goal is to complete my...
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...have created a Student Survival Guide that I will use to navigate successfully through my Bachelor’s program. The following tips and practices are listed in the order that I deem important to survive my Bachelor’s program. Before I can get started on my Bachelor’s, I need to re-establish my short-term and long-term goals. I have three short-term goals that can be completed roughly within the next two years. First, I will complete each course in my program to the best of my ability to achieve the highest grade possible. Second, when I have completed all my courses successfully I will receive my Bachelor’s Degree. My last short-term goal is to find an entry-level position in my field and begin gaining experience. I have three long-term goals. My first long-term goal is to go back to college while I am working and get my Master’s degree. This may be difficult, since I will be working and raising a family while going back to school but I believe it can be achievable if I stick to a strict schedule. My second long-term goal is to complete my internship. My third long-term goal is to pass my state licensing exam and become a clinical social worker. My short-term and long-term goals can be achieved if I plan well and manage my time wisely. Managing my time wisely will require a strict schedule. I am a student, wife and mother. I will need to balance the importance of my studies with the importance of my family. To do this, I will continue to keep a calendar and “to do”...
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...Term Papers COMPARING APA FORMAT IN A RESEARCH/LAB REPORT AND A TERM PAPER? WHAT IS THE SAME? * Margins (one inch) * Rules regarding quotations (long and short) * Rules for citations * Rules for references * Rules for page numbers * Rules for title page WHAT IS DIFFERENT? Parts * In a lab/research report, you test people/animals to collect data. You then statistically analyze that data and draw conclusions. Because you must report all these activities, a lab/research report must have a Methods, Results and Discussion section. * Term papers are usually about other people's research. Since you do not test people or animals yourself, you do NOT need a Methods, Results or Discussion section. Introduction * In a lab/research report, the introduction must explain what question your data will answer and how your study will help build a body of scientific knowledge. Because of this, the introduction of a lab/research report briefly describes related research by other people (that is, a literature review with citations).. * The introduction in a term paper is more like the Abstract of a lab/research report. It is an overview of the entire paper. In a term paper the literature review (with citations) is found mostly in the body of the paper. HOW TO WRITE A TERM/RESEARCH PAPER IN PSYCHOLOGY PURPOSE:A research paper describes and summarizes a specific area of research by providing a summary and evaluation of the research already done as well...
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...Personal and Educational goals paper HCS/301 Most of us would not set out on a major journey without an idea of our destination. Setting a goal improves you’re focus on where you want to go in life. Writing down step by step instructions will break it down so your goal is not so overwhelming, keeps you focused and makes your goal feel easier to realize. Goal-setting can be the difference between success and failure. For your goals to be successful, you need to make your goal realistic, with the steps measurable and doable. By breaking it down you can see each piece, set manageable time frames that are measureable and identify potential barriers to overcome. By having a plan for your goal, and being able to complete each step individually, you will have many successes to be proud of on the way to your goal, thus keep you motivated and on track. A goals success and achievement begins with good time management and a good plan. Each step of the plan needs to have an established realistic time frame, and divided into manageable pieces. Plans are based on current information and knowledge. As time progresses, you will acquire new knowledge and information, which may cause you to reevaluate and change the plan. Just like the nursing process, if it is not working, or finds a better way, we reevaluate and make a new plan or change the one we have. You will be monitoring your progression, reevaluating and changing your plan all along the way. As you complete each...
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...Katherine Clay Marketing Management May 28, 2012 Dr. Eva M. Ananiewicz Strayer University Abstract This paper will discuss the IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) and Customer Satisfaction. The paper will also deal with advertising strategies and the correlation with our marketing goals and the effectiveness of the advertisement utilized. We will also look at promotional strategies utilized in addition to the advertisement. The paper will measure customer satisfaction regarding our product/service(s) that we provide in addition to determining how gaps in customer expectations and experiences need addressing. Advertising Strategy Alignment with Marketing Goals Our advertising strategy is geared toward consumers/customers who have a need for our product/services either short term or long term. The marketing goal has always been to deliver quality products/services to our customer. Our main activity is renting items to consumers who have a need, whether the item is a PC, furniture, entertainment system, moving truck, or appliance/furniture dolly. The need can be long term if a theft of the PC or lap top has occurred or it can be a short-term rental due to repair or intent to own the product. Both item and need deals with behavior of consumers and often the goal is repeat business, loyalty to the product and service offered. Determining Advertising Effectiveness Measuring advertising effectiveness...
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...techniques that must be learned in order to achieve academic success. True academic success is utilizing what they learn in the classroom and applying it to real life situations. Understanding one’s own learning style and using the necessary communication skills will offer students a positive experience and validate skills that are essential for success in their career. In order to achieve long term success, setting goals is an important component. Setting goals, short and long term, can increase a student’s momentum and determination to succeed. Making short term goals like completing course work each week ahead of schedule can make the idea of juggling school and work less stressful. Many short term goals can make the long term that much more reachable with the small successes along the way; long term would be to graduate from the program. Personal success will continue to motivate and push an individual to succeed. Goals help you focus and allocate your time and resources efficiently, and they can keep you motivated when you feel like giving up. Studies show a link between setting goals and improved performance in professional settings....
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...Career Self-Development | Research Paper | | | | Majd Mohammed | [Pick the date] | | Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Classification of Career 3 2.1. Overall Goals & Objectives Development 3 2.2. Short Term Career Goal (few months to 2 years) 4 2.3. Long Term Career Goal (above 10 years) 4 2.4. Making Career Choices and Decisions 4 2.5. Managing the Organizational Career 4 2.6. Managing Boundary-less Careers 4 2.7. Taking control of personal development 4 3. Career Planning 5 3.1. Importance of Career Planning 5 4. Process of Career Planning 5 4.1. Self Assessment 5 4.2. Self Development 6 4.3. Career Research and Development 6 4.4. Action Plan 6 5. Need to Understand Career Self Management 7 6. Types of Career 7 7. Career Orientation 8 7.1. Organizational Tenure and Age 8 7.2. Employment Status and Gender 9 7.3. Educational Level and Employability 9 8. Conclusion 9 9. References 10 1. Introduction Career Self Management also referred to as Individual Career Management can be expressed as self monitored and examined process of planning the carrier. It involves selecting and setting of goals and working on strategies for achieving them. In recent times career options have increased to a great extent. Career opportunities have also increased due to rapidly development of technology and globalization. It is very essential to manage the career and understand the opportunities with...
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...Personal Goals Tracy Saunier HCS/301 September 16, 2014 Nancy Shultes Personal Goals Setting goals and achieving them are essential components for personal growth and development. When we set goals for ourselves we never set out thinking failure is an option. There are always barriers to overcome, but overcoming the milestones keep us motivated to achieve what we originally set out to do. My personal goals for the future consist of relocating, followed by a professional promotion into management, and completing my degree in order to have a successful life ahead of me. A personal short term goal of mine is to sell my home. I am preparing my home for resale and hope to place it on the market with a realtor in the next few months. There have been many barriers to overcome to overcome in this preparation. To date, I have replaced the kitchen, bathrooms, air conditioner, carpet, tile, and painted inside and out. There are still a few cosmetic things I need to do such as fixing up the yard and staining the driveway. Once those things are completed I will contact the realtor to obtain an appraisal to see how much I can list my property for. My long term personal goal is downsizing from my current five bedroom home and purchasing a town home. Three of my four children are grown and have moved into their own homes which just leaves myself and my youngest daughter. Living in this large house is no longer necessary nor financially beneficial. With the help of a realtor along...
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...your critical thinking skills and reachable goals, you’ll not only become successful in your academics but your career as well. But, before you can reach success, it all starts with the proper planning of your goals for the future “Success after all is all about planning.” (Reynolds, 2011) Setting Goals When it comes to setting goals, whether for your education or career, you first need to think of what you want to accomplish and start jotting then down on paper. Keep in mind when doing this, that these goals need to be achievable and realistic. The more achievable and realistic the goals, the easier it’ll be to put them into two different categorizes of short term and long term. As you are categorizing these goals you want to give them a timeframe you, this will give you a timeline on how quickly you can get them done. Now, some goals that you set, depending on your timeframe you allotted yourself, can be a little difficult to achieve. You want to be able to challenge yourself to reach these goals, but not so much that you go out of your way in reaching them (Reynolds, 2011). Once you have finished this, make sure to find a good location to put these goals. Visibility is the key to remembering what you want to accomplish, because in time they can be forgotten if not looked at on a daily to weekly basis. Keeping a constant reminder of what you are striving for is crucial, because it might lead you to revamping a few of your goals in the future. This isn’t a bad thing to do...
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...Implementation includes developing short-term objectives, identifying functional tactics, and determining key success factors. These items are critical for the successful implementation of UPMC’s new strategic plan. Short-Term Objectives WebFinance Inc. (2014) defines a short-term objective as “a smaller, intermediate milestone to achieve when moving towards an important goal” (para. 1). Short-term objectives are often long-term goals broken down into smaller pieces. By completing the short-term objectives, we are also completing parts of a long-term objective. The first long-term objective is to come to an agreement and a new contract with Highmark. Let’s see how we can develop some short-term goals from the long-term objective. By March 31, 2015, UPMC needs to start opening the lines of communication with Highmark. This will be done by stopping all anti-Highmark advertisements and propaganda and working to get the company to be agreeable to a new contract. Being the first to declare a cease-fire with Highmark will also go a long way with the people of Pittsburgh to build goodwill and a better reputation for UPMC. The next long-term objective is to dedicate more time and assets into the research and development of better treatment for age-related diseases. The first short-term objective to be developed is to find information about the elderly population of Pittsburgh. UPMC needs this information now to dedicate research to later. We need to know who they...
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...want to keep at the back of your mind in case you feel like giving up. You have been given some tools that you will utilize throughout your time in college and now you have a reference guide to help you. Using your general internet skills you know that when you research on the internet there are a few different things that you need to look for in terms of reliable sources for your papers. Looking for websites that end in “.EDU,” “.GOV,” and “.ORG,” is going to be the most useful for research as they typically will provide facts rather than an opinion of an author. Since blogs are typically the writer’s opinion, they may not be considered reliable sources unless they are backed up with facts of their own. While these websites can give you some ideas of where to look for reliable sources, weeding through all the opinions is time consuming and not usually worth all the work. When you are researching for a paper and looking for reliable sources, remember, CARS: Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonableness and Support. You also learned the importance of tone in online writing. Keeping a professional tone to your writing in class forums and assignments is going to be worth more points than using laid back slang on a term paper. It also shows a lack of enthusiasm to learn new things and close mindedness to new ideas. You want to use a different tone in your school forum than you do on your social websites, there is always a chance that the reader is going to misinterpret your meaning and...
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...drawing board with careful planning and research. Career stagnancy and burnout was a major driving force fueled by motivation and commitment for self-actualization. According to Plunkett, Iwasiw, and Kerr (as cited in Eccles et al., 1983) Eccles et al. stated, the expectancy motivation value and self-efficiency are the determinants of career choices in college (Plunkett, Iwasiw, & Kerr, 2010). Expectancy motivation value is driven by the utility value, which is long-term usefulness of the task and intrinsic value, which is short-term value, whereas self-Efficiency stem from mastery of tasks and social persuasion (Plunkett, Iwasiw, & Kerr, 2010). The utility value, as displayed by my ambition to climb the clinical ladder will combat my career fatigue and burnout I have suffered in last few years. Lack of career advancement and development does not only affect the quality of nursing care but also patient satisfaction (Lorber and Skela, 2012). This goal will improve the quality of care I deliver to patients and self-esteem. My second long-term goal is acquisition of skills and knowledge needed for my field of study. Health care transformation to digital age, government mandated transition to paperless, and electronic medical record has opened a new market for nurse informatics specialists. Obtaining this degree will enhance my marketability and job opportunities. The financial incentive component inspired my third long-term goal, which is a reward for the sacrifice, time...
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