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Narrative Essay On My Last Shoot

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Kenneth shoots his last shoot…and he makes it. He wins it all. Oh hey didn’t see you there you there. I’m Kenneth and this is the time I won a district free throw competition. You’re probably a little confused. Let’s start from the beginning.
It’s February 20, 2016 and I’m on my way to the district free throw competition. I recently won my churches competition. When we get there I find out that it starts at 2:00 pm. So I practice a little. Once it started I waited about 30 minutes till it was finally my turn.
I shoot my first five and I miss them all. Then I shoot 10 more. I make 2 out of those 10. Then I shoot 14 more. I make 4 of those. I shoot my last shoot and it twirls around the hoop a couple of times and then it finally goes in. I

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History in the Birth of a Nation

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