...Should Abortion be legal? 2 Should abortion be legal? What is abortion and who does it affect? An abortion is to terminate a pregnancy by removal of the fetus . The woman is affected by it because it’s her body that this method is performed on. There are millions of abortions done every year, and 95% are done illegally in the United States of America. There are different methods a woman can do to have an abortion done. Some of the methods are taking the” Morning after Pill”. This method will make the woman have a miscarriage within 48 hours. Another method is to have a surgery to remove the baby or fetus. This method gives you up to 22 weeks to have an abortion. The first reason why women have abortions is the mother is in a life threating position. The doctors are the ones who can say if its life threating or if the mother and baby can make it together. About 90% of women who are in life threating situation do not want to live, but they want the baby to make it. The life threating situation is because if the mother can be n a suicide watch and trying to kill the baby and herself. What if the woman fell into a coma while she is pregnant? How would the baby survive, if the mother is not eating and getting the right vitamins that she need for the baby. Sometimes you have to think about the good and the bad in some situations. The second reason women have...
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...Should abortion be legal? With the recent presidential campaign of 2012 one of the greatest issues of concern for the democrats and republicans is; should abortion be legal? During the presidential debate of 2012 each candidates expressed their concerns about abortion. It boils down to moral reasoning and core values. Logic gives the ability to decide what we believe to be true based on premise and conclusion. We use logic to decide whether an argument it is ethical or justifiable. Often times these decisions are formed by the media, religious affiliation and family values. These arguments come from many areas. Most commonly they are from the politics/law, science and women’s rights. The question is should abortion be legal? The Democratic Party supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay. Roe v. Wade has been a monumental case associated with a woman’s right to choose. With the Democratic Party in favor of women right to make her own decision on the basis of sanctity of life many people on this side of the spectrum voted in favor of a democratic president that represents their own core values. This particular issue affects people in the here and now along with people that are yet to come. Republicans oppose Roe vs. Wade because of the sanctity of human life. They believe that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed upon...
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...Should Abortion Be Legal and Accessible? Abortion is viewed as being both right and wrong in many ways and by a diverse selection of people in our society. As some people view abortion as safe and acceptable and a right that women are entitled to, others view the subject as a complete destruction of a helpless life and an unfortunate way to decrease the mental health of a woman who chooses to have an abortion. To begin with, I will address why abortion should be legal. My points for PRO are #1, abortions are safe and #2, women have the right to do want they want with their body. Regarding point #1, abortions are safe, it is easy to agree with that statement due to the fact that abortion is legal to this day and data shows that abortion has a safety record of more than 99%. Since 1973, abortion has been protected under the law and is something that women have a legal right to in all 50 states in the United States of America. According to Jamila Perritt- a board-certified obstetrician, gynecologist, and medical director of Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan- major complications occur less than 1% of the time in abortion procedures. Furthermore, in the cases where a complication does occur, the result is similar to the ones that may occur from a miscarriage in which health providers treat every day. Because abortion has become a more common practice in today’s society, it is a matter in which continuous research is put into and is a constant part of regular medical practice for...
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...Should Abortion Be Legal? Joseph Morris PHI 103: Informal Logic William Tullis April 29, 2013 If there is one thing that everyone can agree on, it would have to be that no matter where you are in the world, there is always going to be disagreement. Today’s society is made up of such an abundant number of controversial issues. One of the most controversial issues being abortion- the act of intentionally termination a pregnancy resulting in the death of the fetus (Kreider, A. personal communication, March 24, 2011). Abortion is both constitutionally and morally wrong, and should be illegal in the United States in all but two cases: if the mother was raped (and pregnancy was as a result of the rape) or if the mother’s life would be put in endangerment by the pregnancy. Abortion is murder at any stage of pregnancy, and acts against the U.S. Constitution. Not only does abortion harm innocent babies, but abortion also rises the risk of medical complications for the mother. Majority of women who choose to abort regret the decision later in life. There is always a way to prevent pregnancy, and if by some chance pregnancy does occur and the baby is not wanted there are other options besides abortion. “When a murderer kills a woman who is with child; the murderer is charged with two counts of capital murder. Why is this?” (Huffman, 2010). The reason is because a fetus is a person whether he or she is born or unborn. Life begins at conception, since living...
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...Should Abortion be Legal? Julianne Jackson PHI 103 Fabio Escobar June 11, 2012 Should Abortion be Legal? Abortion is something that I am for, not against. I was raised as a Christian and I believe that, “thou shalt not kill” however, there are circumstances in our lives that cause us to believe differently. Life is about making choices and our maker and society gives us the freedom to choose. It is because of these choices that we will make a decision as to if we are ethically right or wrong. This is because regardless of what people may believe abortion is neither right nor wrong. It is the matter of a personal opinion where each side can say with conviction that the other side is wrong. Abortion is the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. Abortion is one of the most controversial issues around and it will remain an issue that will never be agreed upon. The issue of morals has been put into the question of whether it should be legal to have an abortion thus elevating the subject to a higher level. Some people no longer look at abortion as a question of choice but as a question of morality, and these perceptions have led to a full-blown debate over something that should not be questioned. A single pregnant woman brought a class action suit that challenged the Texas law that prohibited abortions except when medically advised with the purpose of saving the mother’s life. Roe was the single mother in this case and Henry Wade was one...
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...Top Three Reasons Abortion Should Remain Legal What would you do if the government repealed your rights to control what you do to your body? Whether it be a tattoo, a piercing, or giving a transplant, those are decisions that should be left up to you. So imagine how some women must feel when abortion is the main topic of a conversation. Imagine how women must feel when people around her are saying that abortion should be illegal because the mother is “murdering” her child. The fact of that matter is that there are multiple reasons a mother may abort her child. Abortion is not always necessarily done to benefit the mother’s needs, in many cases, it benefits the unborn child's life as well. Abortion mitigates the risk of mental, physical,...
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...Abortion is the practice of ending a pregnancy by the causing the death of the human fetus. In 1973, abortion was legalized in the United States via the famous court case of Roe VS Wade. Abortion is a growing issue in the world among women and their right to reproduce children. Abortion has been one of the biggest controversies of all time. The reason for this surrounds the idea of whether the induced expulsion of the fetus is murder or rather in the interest of the mother. Pro-life people argue that all life in the instant of its conception is innocent and deserves a chance at life. God chooses its time of life and death, not the mother. Pro-choice followers argue in favor of science. The first patient is the mother, and she is the one who allows the pregnancy to happen or not. Abortion should remain legal because they’re safe, it’s not killing another human since it’s a fetus, and it is not a form of contraceptive. One reason abortion should remain legal is because it is a safe medical procedure. Most pro-life people will argue that abortion is...
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...Should Abortion Remain legal? Name BCOM/275 July 12, 2013 Instructor Should Abortion Remain legal? Abortion is a controversial subject. It is legal in every states because of the Supreme Court’s ruling seven to two on January 22, 1973 Roe v. Wade. The abortion is a fundamental right to every woman (procon.org, 2013). According to the U.S. News website “Support for the ruling has grown since polls began tracking public opinion on abortion in 1989, with 70 % of Americans now believing the ruling should stand” (Debate club, 2013 Should Abortion be Legal, para 1). Whether people are for it or against it, there are many reasons and justifications for why it should remain legal as well as many other reasons for why it should not be. For example, in the case of a late term abortion, rape, unfit mother who may be using drugs, or life and death risk of the mother or child. Prochoice groups argue that abortion is a right that should not be control by government or religious authority. Pro-life groups give emphasis to personhood and that it begins at conception. Unborn babies are human beings with the right to live, and it is immoral to kill innocent human being. Through the research and study pros and cons of abortion, the legal ramifications, and the effects it may have on women and the unborn child will be discuss to determine if abortion should it remain legal. Life Starts at Conception After the Roe v. Wade case, two main groups emerged, Pro-life to oppose the...
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...Abortion is a huge topic of debate in the United States and in the world. In the United States, the majority of the members of the Democratic Party are pro choice, meaning they are for abortion, while the majority of the members of the Republican Party are pro life, meaning they are against abortions. In the United States, abortions are legal, but everyday there are people working to stop them. Abortions are still illegal in many developing countries and women die from unsafe abortions every day. There are many valid arguments on both sides of the debate, such as the fetus being a human vs. women-having control over their own bodies. Scientific research has been conducted for both sides of the argument, and both sides will say that the research...
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...Should abortion be legal? PHI-103 Legalized Abortion Abortion is not an easy decision. In society today abortion has been a very important issue for thousands of years. Everyone has their own opinions and views about abortion. There are two different types of views, the pro-choice activists and there are pro-life activists. Whatever side one decides to take, the argument seems to be pretty equal. For every point supporting abortion there is a counter-point stating just the opposite. The Pro-choice activists believe that it is the woman’s right to choose whether or not to give birth. There are people in our society who believe that abortion should be illegal. For the people who oppose abortion are called the pro-life. A woman should have the right to do as she will with her body and whatever may be inside. Abortion may not be an easy decision but why be against women who make the choice to have one. For thousands of years women have had abortions and many more continue to make the choice of having an abortion for many good reasons. If the government tries to outlaw abortion it will only force women into doing them in a dark and that can be very dangerous to their health, embarrassing, and expensive. Legalized abortions helps protect a women’s health, decreases the world’s population and keeps women from having unwanted pregnancies. Many women had died or have been severely hurt before abortion was legalized. Doctors would perform back alley abortions and at a pricey fee...
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...Should Abortion be legal? Nearly half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and about four in ten of these are terminated by abortion. In 1973 Roe V. Wade decision, the supreme Court ruled that women, in consultation with their physician, have a constitutionally protected right to have an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. Abortion is a very serious and dangerous thing to decide 50% of women who have had abortions report experiencing emotion and psychological problems lasting for months or years. Only 12% women reported having a physical problem with their health among having an abortion like an infection called hemorrhage and uterine perforation. My personal experience having an abortion is when my mom had one in 2000. She said that she was not ready to raise other child at this moment in her life, because she just moved to North Carolina and was looking for a job. She felt no guilt about what she has done she thought it was the right thing to do at this point in her life. Most people would argue that abortion is not only wrong, but it is murder to an innocent child with no fault of its own. The first reason that abortion should be illegal because it is murder! For example, the fetus is a distinct individual therefore its DNA is completely its own while the baby is in the womb the baby will show definite signs of emotion. I think that when a human egg and a human sperm meet, the resulting individual is simply human. The number of American babies killed...
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..._________________________________________________Abortion should not be legal and must be stopped. Laws have never stopped abortion, but only made it unsafe for women. Abortion is a universal practice that has been with us since the beginning of time, whether legal or illegal. _________________________________________________Most Canadians believe that abortion should be illegal. The majority rules in a democracy. About 78% of Canadians believe that abortion is a private matter between a woman and her doctor. Human rights are guaranteed for everyone and are not subject to the whim of the electorate. Even if only a minority believed in freedom of choice, that right should be protected from the tyranny of the majority. _________________________________________________Pro-life is pro-family. Pro-abortionists are anti-family. Abortion destroys the family. Legal abortion helps parents limit their families to the number of children they want and can afford. This strengthens and stabilizes the family unit. Therefore, pro-choice is pro-child and pro-family. Anti-abortion laws can cause stress and hardship for families with insufficient resources to raise unwanted children. Families with unwanted children often consist of a child and her child, living at the lowest levels of society. _________________________________________________The right of the unborn to live supersedes any right of a woman to "control her own body." Margaret Sanger said, "No woman can call herself free who...
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...progenies in the world terminate in induced abortion. More precisely, the number of induced abortion is nearly 50 million every year(Berer, M., 2000 ). Induced abortion means “abortion brought on deliberately by drugs or mechanical means” (Stedman, T. L.,2008). It can be defined as an abortion that is preceded initiatively, which is opposite to spontaneous abortion. According to World HeaWHO (1993), every year the number of woman who chooses abortion is about 1.5 million in United States. Almost half of American women get unplanned pregnancy, and 54% of these end in abortion (Finer LB &ump; Zolna MR, 2011). Nearly one fifth of pregnancies end in abortion (Jones RK &ump; Kooistra, K, 2011). The laws on abortion have developed varied in countries since there are different social and moral perceptions due to the different cultures. In Great Britain, only medical professionals are able to provide abortion(rethinking of abortion p13). While it comes to Northern Ireland and the Irish republic , the law only allow women to get information of abortion and have abortion outside of their states (rethinking of abortion p19).Abortion is always a sensitive topic when it is regarded as killing a person surrounding with social and political discussion. It seems that the debate between anti-abortion and the opponents is increasing heated (BEYOND CHOICE P19).Woman tend to choose illegal abortion when it is unavailable for legal abortion, even it is unsafe with poor conditions and...
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...right is it: Abortion Alexander Ontiverios ENG 135 Advanced Composition Abortion a Woman’s Right to Choose The topic of abortion is one of the most controversial of our times. When does life begin? When, if ever, is it right to terminate a pregnancy? These are some of the moral dilemmas that are faced when dealing with the issues of abortion. These questions have caused long and brutal arguments between pro-life and pro-choice supporters. It is my personal belief that an unborn fetus is not a living being and abortion or birth of that fetus should be left up to the pregnant woman. I also believe that the present abortion laws according to Roe v Wade should be upheld in the United States. Roe v. Wade was a landmark decision that legalized abortions in the U.S. It was the case of a poor, pregnant woman who filed a lawsuit against the state law of Texas, which stated that abortions were illegal. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court, which meant that the decision made affected the nation on a whole. On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jane Roe and stated that the 14th amendment guarantees an adult woman the right to seek termination of her pregnancy until viability (capable of living outside the uterus). From this day on, abortions in the United States were legal. No matter what people may believe abortion is neither right nor wrong. It is a matter of personal opinion. However, the question still remains; should abortion be legal? Though many...
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...have an abortion, she must consider her health, the baby’s help and her religious belief. Would you destroy your baby just because you are young or single or unable to take care of her or him? Is an unborn baby really even a person? Some people think abortion should be legal. These are some reasons abortion should be legal. Making abortion legal does not keep a woman form having abortion it just makes them safer. Another reason why it should be legal is if the woman may have health problems, psychological problems or financial difficulties that make caring for a child very difficult. The last reason why abortion should be legal is if the child is unwanted. Abortion is one of the most persistently controversial issues in American culture and politics today. Since the 1973 national legalization of abortion, competing groups have fought to either restrict or increase access to the procedure, leading to heated debates among political activists, religious organizations, state legislatures, and judges. This conflict is perhaps reflective of the nation’s ambivalence over abortion. While it is often depicted as a two-sided debate, the abortion controversy is actually quite multifaceted, involving complex speculation on biology, ethics, and constitutional rights. Those who identify themselves as prolife, for example, generally contend that abortion is wrong because it kills human life, which they believe begins at conception. However, some pro-lifers grant that abortion should be allowed...
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