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Should Bookbags Be Allowed In Schools

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When in the course of attending schools, problems within the schools system may emerge and it becomes necessary for the students attending to report the issues that interfere with their learning, but if their needs are not met, it is up to the students to take action.

All students are required by law to attend school, at least until the age of sixteen when the students is allowed to dropout of school, but until the student reaches that age, they need to be encouraged to continue in their education. We have tried to find reasons to stay, but because our demands are not being met, we have no other choice but to allow the students to make the changes that are necessary.

The school system forbids the chewing of gum, which is vital …show more content…
The school system will not allow students to eat food in the classroom, but they must wait for lunch to be able to eat. The school system will not allow drinks other than water in clear water bottles in the classroom. The school system forbids students to use blankets no matter how cold the classroom is and they continually tell students that they want them to feel comfortable in their learning environments, but what if students feel comfortable when they have a blanket? The school system will not provide the food that students want or expand the food options to include a variety of different food that the students can choose from.

The students have tried multiple times to reason with the school system employees to make changes to the students learning environment so that the students can feel safe and comfortable. We have tried to talk to our councilors, principal, school board members and others to share our thoughts on what we believe will better improve our school, but they continue to turn us down. We have also tried to create petitions to gain support for our demands, but yet again we were turned

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