...Some would contest the belief that assisted suicide is should be allowed by saying it is morally wrong. In the Netherlands, assisted suicide is allowed. One law pertaining to assisted suicide says that children with disabilities are allowed to be killed at the request of parents (Smith). It is estimated that around 1,000 patients are killed a year that do not ask to die (Smith). In the case that the person has lost means of communication the decision will be made for him or her. Many are afraid that allowing more restricted laws elsewhere will eventually lead to these more extreme laws such as in the United States (US). Those who are pro-assisted suicide would agree the death of children and individuals who cannot communicate should not...
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...Ever since 1972 when the US Senate held the first national hearing on euthanasia (assisted suicide), six states have legalized assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is a process in which, if a terminally ill adult chooses, a doctor will legally prescribe a lethal dose of barbiturates to end its life. Consequently, a direct result of the legalization of assisted suicide is the abuse of its power. Therefore, the U.S. government should illegalize assisted suicide in all 50 states to protect its citizens from abuse. First and for most, assisted suicide puts those with disabilities at risk of abuse. Rhoda Olkin, Professor at the California School of Professional Psychology, states “People without disabilities judge the quality of the lives of people...
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...coma or painful and incurable disease. One form of Euthanasia is the Physician-assisted suicide. Physician-assisted suicide happens when a disabled or a terminally ill patients are assisted by a physician or other medical practitioner to terminate their own life, either by giving the patient instructions on the suicide method to use or giving a lethal drug prescription to commit suicide. Several European countries have accepted physician-assisted suicide practices and euthanasia. However, in the United States, physician-assisted suicide has only been legalized in five states. Currently, the United States has not legalized euthanasia, but a vigorous debate on whether all states should emphases physician-assisted suicide and legalize euthanasia is going on. However, what derails the legalization of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia is the controversial arguments...
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...Assisted Suicide Suffering from an illness that is terminal can last weeks, months and even years, or it can take one massive decision on taking yourself away from the pain with assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is when a patient that is terminally ill, and qualifies for the procedure, asks for medication to take their own life to stop the pain. In the United Sates, forty six states do not give the option for assisted suicide, which means there are millions of people suffering from incurable illnesses, waiting to die. Many people try killing themselves on their own, because they are not a citizen of a state that allows assisted suicide. I believe that killing yourself unassisted is worse than killing yourself with provided medication. Assisted suicide should be legal, because it allows suffering people to decide when they want to overcome the pain. Assisted suicide is not like any ordinary suicide. It is a suicide to relieve pain from a patient who only has so long to live. To receive assisted suicide, the patient has to qualify to all of the requirements. Out of the four states that have legalized assisted suicide, three of them involve the same requirements. Oregon was the first state to legalize assisted suicide on November 8, 1994. “An adult who is capable of making choices, is a resident of Oregon, and has been determined by the attending physician and consulting physician to be suffering from a terminal disease, and who had voluntarily expressed his or her life in...
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...16,2009 Euthanasia The different between the legal aspects of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide can be looked at by two different sides. The terminally ill patient should be allowed to end their lives with dignity, physician assisted suicide is a compassionate solution to human suffering, and should not be criminalized, and that doctors be in the business of saving lives not ending them. Allowing physician to aid in suicide makes them accomplices in an immoral and unethical act. Every individual has dominion over their body and should be allowed to decide when to end their life. To achieve that end, with dignity and without pain doctors should be allowed to aid terminal patients by providing necessary dose of drugs. The only other place in the world that currently have legalized euthanasia are Columbia, Japan, and Netherlands. Many pro life activists believe that the choice between life and death belongs to God, not to an individual. Our society today does not condone suicide under any circumstances and there is no moral difference in this case. In addition it is felt that many terminally ill patients suffering extreme pain may want to live or die. The role of doctors in this complex situation is to provide medical treatment when possible and appropriate pain relief when treatment options have...
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...and how society should precede with this in application of law and legislation. I believe that allowing for Euthanasia globally and nationally will begin to further erode the very moral and ethical fiber that separates man from animal. I further support my stand with the example of abortion, and even though opinion hasn’t changed much in the 40 years since Roe vs. Wade allowed for abortion to take place, still millions of babies have been killed despite to negative opinions about it. My hypothesis on this issue is that if nationally legalized it would lead to an untold amount of elderly, handicapped, ill, poor, and lonely people vulnerable to being put to death against their wishes and before their time. The aim of this paper it too show that indeed legalizing “Euthanasia” or “Patient Assisted Suicide” would indeed lead us down the “slippery slope. This first step for me in this paper would be to talk about the theories and principles behind not being pro-euthanasia. There are a number of ethical principles that are deontological in nature, are part of the natural moral law, and relevant to the kinds of dilemmas that occur in euthanasia cases.Four of them are as follows: 1. The Principle of Autonomy. A competent person has the right to determine his or her own course of medical action in accordance with a plan he or she chooses. We have a duty to respect the wishes and desires expressed by a competent decision maker. 2. The Principle of Beneficence. One should act to further...
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...If you had the choice to live your life or stop it, what would you choose? Assisted suicide has been a controversial topic in the medical world the past years. Assisted suicide was once seen as unconstitutional, it is legal in only five states, and it sometimes does not give the outcome the ill are searching for. Assisted suicide once was seen as unconstitutional to the Supreme Court. For instance, “In the course of a single month in 1996, two federal circuit courts, the first to rule on the matter, held that laws prohibiting physician assisted suicide in some circumstances violate the United States Constitution”(Quinn). For it was once seen like this, it means at one point of time in U.S. history, people had value to their or others lives. Judges were questioning if they should legalize giving doctors the power to end someone’s life by just pulling the plug. Some had a thought it was morally wrong, while others thought it had a reasonable defense to be able to do it. A lot of the support for assisted suicide comes from people who believe terminally ill patients have the right to the procedure. They do not see it as killing someone, unlike the ones that oppose it. The supporters envision it as stopping the...
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...On November 1, 2014, Brittany Maynard plans to take her life through a pill given to her by her physician. Maynard, a young, vibrant woman was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer a year after she got married. Brittany was only given six months to live with an illness that had no cure. Since only five states in the United States legalized physician- assisted suicide; Brittany family moved from California to Oregon. Brittany states, “The freedom is in the choice”, making certain that the world understands physician-assisted suicide should be at the discretion of the person. Now, Brittany is an advocate for legalizing physician-assisted suicide in all fifty states through Compassion & Choices. Physician-assisted suicide is when a doctor assists a patient who has the intention on ending their life because of a terminal illness. The patient request to receive a medication that will end their pain from their physician, the patient self-administers the medication. Therefore, the patient is in control of his or her own death date, ending their life painfully and peacefully. If society allows for...
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...Assisted Suicide Letithia Terry PHI103: Informal Logic Kurt Mosser June 6, 2011 Assisted Suicide Assisted Suicide is when the physician provides the necessary means or information and the patient performs the act. Euthanasia is where the physician performs the intervention defined as the “act of bringing about the death of a hopelessly ill and suffering person in a relatively quick and painless way for reason of mercy (as cited in Mosser 2010). Physician Assisted Suicide has grown to be a controversial issue and one of the major disputes is; can an incurable ill patient be able to choose Physician assisted suicide? This phenomenal dilemma has risen debates on rather to legalize PAS or keep it illegal because of the different issues concerning the different religion, moral and ethical views people have on the topic. In this essay I will discuss issues of why many people and I believe assisted suicide should be legalized. There are different laws around the world concerning physician assisted suicide and only a few states that has legalized the procedure. In 2005, there were only four places in the world that open and legally authorize assistance in dying patients: “Oregon (since l997, physician-assisted suicide only); Switzerland (1941, physician and non-physician assisted suicide only); Belgium (2002, permits 'euthanasia' but does not define the method and the Netherlands (voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide...
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...Physician Assisted Suicide “I watched my father die a couple years ago,” says Caleb Heppner, “He died a really terrible death. It was forty eight hours of excruciating pain” (Caleb Heppner Discusses). Today, Caleb is fifty-seven years old and is diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer, which has already metastasized into his bones. He wishes to do whatever possible to avoid a painful death similar to that of his father. To Caleb, just knowing that there is a possibility to have control over his death is comforting. His death is the only event left to have control over. “I really see this as a medical option,” Heppner explains (Caleb Heppner Discusses). Physician assisted suicide should be legalized because everyone should have the right to choose how to live as well as how to die. In addition, assisted suicide provides an alternative to a painful death. By granting patients the legal right to physician-assisted suicide, terminally ill patients would be able to die peacefully. Physician assisted suicide refers to the procedure in which a physician prescribes a lethal dose of a medication to a terminally ill patient. Today, Oregon, Montana, and Washington are the only state in the United States in which physician assisted suicide is legal. California is currently considering whether or not it should legalize physician-assisted suicide as well. The law requires that both the patient and the medical personnel take the procedure slowly and seriously. In order to ensure...
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...Assisted suicide Assisted suicide generally refers to a practice in which the physician provides a patient with a lethal dose of medication, upon the patient's request, which the patient intends to use to end his or her own life (Somerville 47). Assisted suicide has been a highly controversial issue nowadays. In some countries it is legalized. Some people hold the opinion that assisted suicide is not considerable due to the fact that life is valuable than any substances, but I think assisted suicide should be legalized and put into practice because it will benefits all people involved. In the next paragraphs, I will talk about what are the advantages about assisted suicide. First, assisted suicide can release the pain of the dying patient who suffers terribly from the incurable disease. The most well-known method of assisted suicide is Euthanasia. The word “Euthanasia” comes from Greek words, means dying with happiness. In China, Euthanasia means, when the incurable patient nearly dying, suffering with extremely pain for both spiritual and physical, if the patient and his or her families ask for Euthanasia and the doctors allowed, the patient could get Euthanasia in a humanistic way. So we can safely conclude that Euthanasia or assisted suicide is not killing people, but helping them getting rid of the intolerable suffering. Second, assisted suicide will also reduce the great financial pressure for the families on living, because a great deal of money has...
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...this right? No. Physician assisted suicide should be legal. There are many people suffering right now wanting to have the option to end their lives safely with the help of their doctor. This option will give patients more control over their death and end patient suffering and here are a few reasons why. Firstly, this option is less costly than medication that will only prolong the patient’s life for a few days. It costs $55,000 for terminally ill cancer patients to receive chemotherapy in the last 2 months of their lives and researchers found that 20 to 30 percent of these treatments have had no impact on the patients’ health. (Meyer, 2010). These...
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...Death, a very taboo topic by itself, but assisted suicide can be an even more touchy subject. Dying is something everybody has to do eventually, it’s inevitable. Sometimes it is by the hand of mother nature, but other times, it is by the hand of oneself or a doctor. Some believe that euthanasia is immoral, violates the code of life, and it is unnatural. Others think that when a person wants to go, they should be able to go and make that make choice. Assisted suicide should be legalized because it could not only end the physical pain of the patient, but also the emotional pain of the family and puts the patient in control of their own life. The benefits of assisted suicide greatly outweigh the downsides. Many people with a terminal illness...
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...Physician Assisted Suicide: Why It Should Not Be Legalized Samantha Davis PHI 208 Ethics and Moral Reasoning Prof. Paige Erickson November 30, 2015 When considering what physician assisted suicide is and what the long term effects could be of legalizing it in all fifty (50) states, one would need to ask if a physician should be given the right to administer a lethal dose of medication to a patient with the sole intent of ending said patient’s life? In 2006 the United States Supreme Court held in “Gonzalez v. Oregon (2006) that the Federal Controlled Substances Act does not allow the U.S. Attorney General to prohibit doctors from prescribing regulated drugs for use in PAS (Physician Assisted Suicide)” (Gloth, n.d.). There are many people that feel as if there is nothing morally wrong or right with “killing” or “allowing” someone to die so to speak, by way of a lethal dose of medication or injection. Physician assisted suicide is a means to bring an end to a terminally or chronically ill patient’s life by administering some form of medication either by injection or by mouth. While this could be considered one of the most pain free options, it is still not a viable reason to commit suicide. A Utilitarian would argue that by doing what causes the greatest happiness to a person should be done. When looking at physician assisted suicide from this view it is easily understood that PAS (Physician Assisted Suicide) is a means to an end, an end of a life. By forcing an end to the...
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...Assisted Suicide Should assisted suicide become legal in the United States? This is a very serious question that many are split on. It is only legal in 5 states in the United States. Many people believe these laws allowing assisted suicide should be repealed and many think that more states should have laws to allow it. I personally believe that it should be legalized in more states because, there are people who would like the option, its puts families in bad situations, and they have a legal right to not suffer. The number one reason assisted suicide should be legalized is that there are many people I need of it. In a study done by the Institute for Rehabilitation Research and Development, it stated that 73 percent of terminally ill patients would like assisted suicide to be legalized. This is because people would rather live their last days without unboreable pain or symptoms of their disease and they don’t want their family and friends to watch them suffer. Since assisted suicide is not legal in many states this...
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