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Should Marijuana Be Legalized for Medical Purposes?


Submitted By bhop01
Words 324
Pages 2
Should Marijuana be legalized for Medical Purposes?
Brian Daniels


I. Should Marijuana be legalized for Medical Purposes?

a. Should Marijuana be legalized for Medical Purposes?
i. Some people agree and help aid the move to get marijuana legalized for medical use. ii. Other people disagree and help aid the move to keep marijuana illegal for medical and personal use.
b. I both agree and disagree with the move to legalize medical marijuana.
i. I agree the marijuana should be legalized for medical use. ii. But also disagree the marijuana should be legalized for the fact of abuse.

II. Facts and information.

a. As of 2012 18 states and Washington DC have legalized marijuana for medical use.
b. As of November 7, 2012 there are 4 states Pending Legislation to Legalize Medical Marijuana.
c. However, I am in favor for them to legalize medical marijuana in all 50 states, under strict guidelines to control the use of medical marijuana.


I. Pros
a. It could be a source of additional tax revenues.
b. Medical benefits such as those for cancer patients.
c. Police and court resources would be freed up for more serious crimes

II. Cons
a. Marijuana is often used as a stepping-stone drug
b. Driving while under the influence and other dangers would be increased.
c. Some consider use of the drug as morally wrong

III. Ethical, moral, or legal issues.
a. Some religions prohibit the use of intoxicating substances (marijuana included)
b. Some states made it legal to purchase with a medical doctors prescription, but still has it illegal to consume in public.


I. Summary

a. Marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes
b. It could be a source of additional tax revenues.
c. A way to control the use and consumption of it.


Medical Marijuana . (2012). Retrieved from

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