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Public Health Benefits Of Legalizing Marijuana

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There has been endless debate about the public health risks and benefits of cannabis. Legalization of cannabis for medicinal and recreational use has been a one of most disputed issues in the United States. This has become an important issue in public health because, although some risks and benefits are known, more research is needed to determine other harmful and therapeutic effects (Wilkinson, 2016). There is not enough evidence for wide-spread clinical or recreational use. Laws, initiatives and policies for making marijuana legal may lead to, “increased clinical and recreational usage, a wide range of methods for consumption, and conflicts between state and federal laws. However, these policies would focus on guarding the health and safety …show more content…
Despite its use by many for over five thousand years, marijuana use and production began to be prohibited around 100 years ago (Kilmer, 2016). It is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States (Lin, 2016). There is a growing-body of evidence supporting the use of marijuana for these purposes, but full legalization of marijuana has continued to be a controversial issue facing much resistance. In the public health setting, there has been major concerns over the risks and benefits that legalizing marijuana may pose to the health of all populations. Opposition to legalizing marijuana focuses more so on marijuana’s potential for danger without considering its potential for good. Legalization of marijuana would allow public health professionals to conduct key research which would maximize potential health benefits and minimize risks (Wilkinson, …show more content…
Although several U.S. states have legalized marijuana for recreational and medicinal usage, many other states as well as the federal government are still reluctant to do so (Kilmer, 2016). Similar to alcohol, tobacco and prescription drugs such as opioids, marijuana has the potential to cause harm. According to Wilkinson, “certain public health issues have become increasingly relevant, including the effects of acute marijuana intoxication on driving abilities, unintentional ingestion of marijuana products by children, the relationship between marijuana and opioid use, and whether there will be an increase in health problems related to marijuana use, such as dependence/addiction, psychosis, and pulmonary disorders. In light of this rapidly shifting legal landscape, more research is urgently needed to better understand the impact of legalization on public health.” These potential dangers are not much different than those caused by other legal

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