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Lord Of The Flies: A Narrative Fiction

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The treacherous waves slammed into the cruiser as if an unstoppable force had met an unmovable object. For the first time this is not the factor that had woken Ralph from a forever interrupting sleep. He instead hears the most soothing thing that deepest desires could ever want; an adults voice. ‘Asmar’ Ralph had overheard as he half tuned into Piggy’s incensed wining voice while he talked to the nurse once again. But as the days before him Ralphs mind was elsewhere, where’s my dad? Ralph pondered as he hung he’s legs off the cool metal bracket suspended in the air holding a slim piece of foam he had called his bed for the last five days. He had now tuned out piggy underneath him and he had tuned out Samneric as they giggled with each other in the bunk opposite them on the other side of the room. and looked down slowly at his dangling feet, Where’s my dad? He questioned himself again as a single tear rolled down he’s right cheek. …show more content…
They had a few spare rooms the accommodate the boys, so they did so. All the boys were so full of emotion it was impossible for all of them to not break down for a day or two in sorrow, all but one… jack. Jack had sat on the edge of his bed for five days, only moving to go to the loo. No one attempted to talk to jack, not even Roger, they saw him as the evil that came upon them, they blamed him so they didn’t have to blame

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