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Arguments Against Crowdsourcing

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People argue that Information Technology tools and techniques, in the form of crowdsourcing, is what will stop the next virus outbreak from spreading globally, not biology. Indeed, crowdsourcing provides mutual benefits to the countries that experience pandemic diseases and the world as it helps to combat the diseases and limit its spread. However, I disagree that crowdsourcing alone can stop the next virus outbreak due to three reasons. First, globalization improved the transportation resulting in lowering the barrier to spread disease as people travel while carrying diseases. Second, crowdsourcing requires not only platform but also secure connection. Lastly, physician that are participating in crowdsourcing platform might result in errors and …show more content…
Furthermore, crowdsourcing health care provide exchange point for collective intelligence, where physician and experts can share, monitor, and diagnose medical issues through such a platform. Adding to that, using platform to crowdsource healthcare data will be vulnerable to human errors as well as to errors. Not only that, but sometimes the participation in such platform will dilute the responsibility . This indicates that the dilution in responsibility would result in less monitoring for error, which causes a problem that has no end.
Argument example:
SERMO is a private social media network for physicians open to licensed physicians in in the United States, and 149 other countries. The physicians in this platform are challenged to protect its information credibility. The reason is that some third party that participate in such platform may provide information that is not correct. What amplify the issue of integrity of the platform is that if the physicians prescribed wrong medicine, the SERMO would lose its credibility and instead worsen the

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