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The Second Industrial Revolution

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Unit 1/2 Project
Nabila Abdelfattah
Modern World History
Period 3
Instructor: Stephanie Mikulecky
September 28, 2016

The Second Industrial Revolution was a period of rapid industrial development that took place from 1870-1914. This revolution witnessed expansion in electricity, petroleum, and steel. It had great wealth, great expansion, and new opportunities. Although this time period had many developments it wasn’t necessarily all positive. Life was not easy, this age had several disadvantages regarding the following perspectives. Working conditions were tough and extremely dangerous. Moreover; workers were underpaid so the living conditions were low. Workers worked long hours, they weren't at home often which affected family relations. Finally employer-employee relationships grew strained. Working during the industrial revolution wasn’t safe, as a matter of fact it was deadly. Working conditions were extremely bad; factories were not well-equipped in the sense of light and due to the factories being careless many lives were lost. “The factories were not well lit, only letting natural light shine in and a dusty and dirty environment.” Aeration was not healthy for workers; it was full of toxins and fumes. These …show more content…
“The new jobs for the working class were in the cities.’’ This meant that employes and their families all moved to the crowded and polluted city. The living conditions during that time were very low for the average worker. Due to small wages families were forced to live in slums or tenements.“A whole family would use a room designated for one to two people and use it for five to nine. ” Moreover; they were exposed to many diseases due to scanty water and open sewage system. Because the city was crowded citizens and employees had to live in filthy slums, none of them got a luxurious

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