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Should Statutory Rape Laws Be Illegal

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Is it possible for a crime to be committed in a consensual act between two persons with no apparent self-proclaimed victim? If the act is statutory rape then yes, in fact it is, but should that act even be considered a crime in the first place? It is, after all, a consensual act between two people. According to law, although it is a consensual act, a minor cannot legally give consent to a sexual act. Thus, the statutory rape law causes a problem for many teenage couples that have intercourse but legally cannot. But if there is consent from all persons involved, who is the law actually protecting and is the law worth the problems it generates? I believe statutory rape laws are old-fashioned and result in more problems than they are intended to solve, therefore, there is no …show more content…
Laws are created to preserve freedom and the moral integrity of society as a whole. Making a consensual act of intercourse between two individuals is an unmistakable restriction of freedoms, rather than a protection of them. Laws are also established to protect the good values and morals of society but statutory rape laws beg the question of whose morals are being preserved? It is apparent that it is not the morals of our future generation because according to the Advocates for Youth organization, “46 percent of all high school age students, and 62 percent of high school seniors, have had sexual intercourse.” The organization also reports that “the pregnancy rate for U.S. teens aged 15-19 reached 67.8 pregnancies per 1000 young women: its lowest point in more than 30 years, down 42 percent from its 1990 peak of 116.9 per thousand.” With teen pregnancies down significantly and roughly half all minors engaging in underage sex, statutory rape laws are in obvious need of reform due to their preservation of nothing except for the outdated morals of previous

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