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Steve Jobs Sociology

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Steve Jobs
Did you know that Steve Jobs was adopted? Steves biological mother wanted steve to have parents that had college degrees, Paul and Clara Jobs adopted Steve, but did not go to college however, promised his biological parents that he would go to college. Steve Jobs was one of the most successful business owners.
Steve Jobs meet Steve wozniak, his soon to be apple co-owner, at a summer job at Hewlett-Packard electronics in palo alto. There is where Jobs met Wozniak, Wozniak was currently working on a project now known as the “blue box” it was a calling device to make long distant calls for free, basically cheating the phone system. Once Wozniak was finished jobs sold the “blue box” which later led to a partnership which created apple. …show more content…
the thing was is that job was not even interested in building computers, even though him and his partner were about to have a multi million dollar company, he was only interested in selling the computers and making money off of them. Going to this computer club Steve found something that he wanted Wozniak to make, a personal computer that was easier for the consumers to use. Jobs finally convinced Wozniak to build a personal computer that everyone could use, but the only way they could start up a new company is if they had money, Jobs had to sell his car and his partner, Wozniak, sold his expensive scientific calculator they had about $1,300. That is when the start of apple began, Wozniak quit his job to focus on the building of the apple 1, i bet you're wondering how in the world they came up with the name “apple” Steve dedicated the naming to a summer job he had at an oregon …show more content…
Jobs goal with apple was to simply put a computer in a home so absolutely anyone could use it. Jobs made over 3 quarters of a million dollars in just a year, a year later again Wozniak builds and Steve sells the apple 2. The only difference between those two computers is that the apple 2 had a color monitor. Sales had grown after releasing the apple 2 but over 700% business was doing pretty good for a company that started out of Steves parents garage and his own bedroom, but of course they weren't a monopoly and did not own every computer company in the world. IBM was right next to apple making it’s way up in the computer world, Apple needed to make an operating system that competed with

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