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Shrink Trapped Essay

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Upon researching the background and the meaning behind the anti-psychiatry movement, which began in the 1960’s, I have come to the conclusion that the short stories encompassed within the book entitled Shrink Wrapped, should in fact be considered a part of this movement. Psychiatry has always had its fair share of opposition among the medical, religious and social fields, but this group of criticasters grew in the 60’s when the public was brought to awareness of the procedures and the treatment of patients in psychiatric hospitals around the country.
While the field of psychology and psychiatry are very closely related, psychiatry is generally geared more towards the mental well-being and chemical imbalances with the patient as opposed to solely the thoughts and feelings of this same patient. Psychiatrists focus on the prevention and treatment of mental disorders which in and of …show more content…
While in the waiting room, he has another break down and the psychiatrist rushes to find a syringe of Ativan to calm the boy down. While looking for this syringe, the assistant, Virginia, simply tells Grant that if he calms down, he can pet her dog. Sure enough, the boy stopped screaming and went calmly with her to see the dog. I found this story in particular to be leaning very much so towards the anti-psychiatry movement. The psychiatrist in the story quickly resorted to medical means of calming the boy down, when in reality, the presence of a dog had the same effect. The fact that the receptionist was able to get the young boy under control without the use of a drug discredits what psychiatrists revolve their careers around. And even after Grant was in a better state of mind, the psychiatrist proceeded to give the boy the Ativan, as if to prove that he had in fact succeeded in sedating the patient himself and that the boy was in need of a medical

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