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Simon Bullies In Lord Of The Flies

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Simon had been bullied all his life.<br>

He was a skinny nerd in school and smart as a whip but that didn't stop Byron and Carl from bullying him so it came as somewhat of a surprise when Simon offered them a job as his body guards when he had become a wealthy dotcom mogul.<br>

Byron and Carl weren't the smartest of guys which probably answered the question why they were bullies.<br>

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But Simon had plans for his body guards.<br>

Monday rolled around and Simon welcomed them in and took them down to get uniforms. They looked good and then he took them up to his office and showed them where he worked.<br>

Just outside of his office was the reception area and a room with a two way mirror where they would be working.<br>

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All with his secret ingredients added and a bigger dose of the sedative. They wouldn't be using that gym equipment any time soon.<br>

This went on for several months and they ate more and more and although there wasn't a huge change in their bodies their moods began to become more emotional. <br>

Neither one had had sex since they started the job and in fact they hadn't really been interested in it but both of them noticed that their nipples were particularly sensitive.<br>

The drugs that they had been ingesting had chemically neutered them. They couldn't get it up if they tried. They had their testosterone loss replaced with female hormones making them more moody and sensitive. And the sedative had kept them docile. Their boredom had increased their appetite and although their bodies were changing it wasn't terribly noticeable yet.<br>

Simon had given them an xbox in their apartment which they seemed to be more interested in that the gym equipment. Just as he

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