...INVESTMAP Fact Sheet for June 2012 Toll Free 1800 425 5959 www.sundarammutual.com SMS SFUND to 56767 Email service@sundarammutual.com Sundaram Mutual Fund Track Record Equity Funds Fund / Benchmark Satish Ramanathan Sundaram Select Mid Cap BSE Mid Cap Index S&P CNX Nifty Index Srividhya Rajesh Sundaram Select Focus S&P CNX Nifty Index S&P CNX Nifty Index Sundaram Capex Opportunities BSE Capital Goods Index S&P CNX Nifty Index Sundaram Equity Plus S&P CNX Nifty(65%) & Price of Gold in INR(35%) S&P CNX Nifty Index J Venkatesan Sundaram Growth Fund BSE 200 Index S&P CNX Nifty Index Sundaram India Leadership S&P CNX Nifty Index S&P CNX Nifty Index Sundaram Financial Opportunities CNX Banks Index S&P CNX Nifty Index Sundaram Rural India BSE 500 Index S&P CNX Nifty Index Sundaram Entertainment Opportunities CNX Media Index S&P CNX Nifty Index Sundaram PSU Opportunities CNX PSE Index S&P CNX Nifty Index S Krishnakumar Sundaram SMILE Fund CNX Mid Cap Index S&P CNX Nifty Index Sundaram Energy Opportunities BSE Oil & Gas Index S&P CNX Nifty Index Sundaram Equity Multiplier S&P CNX 500 Index S&P CNX Nifty Index Jointly Managed by Srividhya Rajesh and S Bharath Sundaram Balanced Fund CRISIL Balanced Fund Index S&P CNX Nifty Index Jointly Managed by Srividhya Rajesh and J Venkatesan Sundaram Tax Saver BSE 200 Index S&P CNX Nifty Index S Bharath Sundaram Global Advantage Fund MSCI Index CNX Nifty 30/06/11 30/06/10 ...
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...Mutual Fund penetration in Rural India What are Mutual Funds? A mutual fund is just the connecting bridge or a financial intermediary that allows a group of investors to pool their money together with a predetermined investment objective. The mutual fund will have a fund manager who is responsible for investing the gathered money into specific securities (stocks or bonds). When you invest in a mutual fund, you are buying units or portions of the mutual fund and thus on investing becomes a shareholder or unit holder of the fund. Mutual funds are considered as one of the best available investments as compare to others they are very cost efficient and also easy to invest in, thus by pooling money together in a mutual fund, investors can purchase stocks or bonds with much lower trading costs than if they tried to do it on their own. But the biggest advantage to mutual funds is diversification, by minimizing risk & maximizing returns. Presently there are 33 Mutual Funds in India and close to 400 mutual fund schemes. Plans offered by MFs: Growth Option - Dividend is not paid-out under a Growth Option and the investor realizes only the capital appreciation on the investment (by an increase in NAV). Dividend Payout Option - Dividends are paid-out to investors under the Dividend Payout Option. However, the NAV of the mutual fund scheme falls to the extent of the dividend payout. Dividend Re-investment Option - Here the dividend accrued on mutual funds is automatically...
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...A PROJECT REPORT ON “WHOLE SALE BANKING OPERATIONS” IN AXIS BANK SUBMITTED TO ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR DEGREE OF M.B.A. (BUSINESS APPLICATION) For the Academic year 2008-2010 Submitted by: Miss. SHILPA S. UPADHYAY Under the Guidance of Miss. RIDDHI DESHPANDE CENTUM LEARNING CENTRE, SHANKAR NAGAR, NAGPUR AFFILIATED BY ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI CENTUM LEARNING CENTER, NAGPUR AFFILIATED BY ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this project titled “WHOLE BANKING OPERATIONS” is a bonafied work carried out and developed by SHILPA S. UPADHYAY in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. During the academic session 2008-2010, submitted to Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu under my guidance and supervision. This is also to certify that this project is the result of candidates own work and is of sufficiently high standard to warrant its submission to the university for the award of the said degree. To the best of my knowledge the matter presented in this project report has not been submitted earlier for any other degree/diploma to any university. The assistance and help rendered to him during the course of his project work in the form of basic source material and information have been duly acknowledged. Ms. Riddhi Deshpande (Project Guide) Nagpur) Mr. Sanjay Choure (Director, CLC, CENTUM LEARNING CENTER, NAGPUR AFFILIATED BY ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI ...
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...A PROJECT REPROT ON MUTUAL FUNDS IN INDIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In few years Mutual Fund has emerged as a tool for ensuring one’s financial well being. Mutual Funds have not only contributed to the India growth story but have also helped families tap into the success of Indian Industry. As information and awareness is rising more and more people are enjoying the benefits of investing in mutual funds. The main reason the number of retail mutual fund investors remains small is that nine in ten people with incomes in India do not know that mutual funds exist. But once people are aware of mutual fund investment opportunities, the number who decide to invest in mutual funds increases to as many as one in five people. The trick for converting a person with no knowledge of mutual funds to a new Mutual Fund customer is to understand which of the potential investors are more likely to buy mutual funds and to use the right arguments in the sales process that customers will accept as important and relevant to their decision. This Project gave me a great learning experience and at the same time it gave me enough scope to implement my analytical ability. The analysis and advice presented in this Project Report is based on market research on the saving and investment practices of the investors and preferences of the investors for investment in Mutual Funds. This Report will help to know about the investors’ Preferences in Mutual Fund means Are they prefer any particular Asset Management Company...
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...falling behind in competition by relinquishing their leadership positions. Making no mistake, the insurance industry is at a pivot point as further success is likely to rest on today’s technology strategies and decisions. With increased competition among insurers, service has become a key issue. Customers are looking for more and features that add to better service. So, any insurance company today must meet the need of the hour with more and more sophisticated approaches while handling the customers. Today, managing the customer intelligently is very essential for the insurer, especially in this highly competitive environment. This project aims to study the importance of information technology attached with its business processes at my SIP Company, IDBI Federal life Insurance Company limited. It also identifies the new developments in Information technology that can be applied to this company. Also, it analyses whether the company can gain any strategic advantage through e-insurance. It also aims at understanding how customer’s...
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...Managerial Economics - Trends & growth of Mutual fund in India. Mutual Fund: Mutual Fund is an institutional arrangement wherein savings of millions of investors are pooled together for investment in a diversified portfolio of securities to spread risk and to ensure steady returns. These funds bring a wide variety of securities within the reach of the most modest of investors. It is essentially a mechanism of pooling together savings of large number of investors for collective investment with an approved objective of attractive yield and appreciation in value. The Mutual Funds offers different investment objectives such as growth, income and Tax planning. Mutual Funds play vital role in resource mobilization and its efficient allocation to the productive sources of the economic system. Throughout the world, these funds have worked as a reliable instrument of change in financial intermediation, development of capital markets and growth of the Corporate sector. The process of Liberalization, deregulation and reconstruction of the Indian economy has created necessity for efficient allocation of scarce financial resources. In this process of development, Mutual Funds have emerged as strong financial intermediaries and are playing an important role in bringing stability to the financial system and efficiency to the resource allocation process. History Mutual Fund investment traces its origin to the investments of Scottish and English investors in the American West in the 1800s...
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...Mutual fund firms are continuously following the race in their endeavour to differentiate their products from competitors by responding to sudden changes in the economy. When compared to developed countries where Mutual fund has penetrated deeply into the financial system of people, the product could not get much popularity in India. Even though Mutual Funds provides investors an option of diversified investment with varying degree of risks, in practice it has failed to become a primary investment choice for Indian customers. The study focuses its attention towards the possibilities of measuring the satisfaction level and expectations of the Mutual fund products. It examines the changing behavioural patterns of the customers with respect to time and correlates the pattern with the economic conditions of the economy (National & Global). The report also attempts to suggest recommendations to improve the current perception level and customer patronage so that the customer gains the confidence/understanding, thus actively involves in Mutual fund investments. The study makes...
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...have been completed without the guidance of Dr. Apporva Palkar(Director) and the project guide Lect . Mrs. Pooja Aparajita. I express my sincere thanks to the above stated person for their utmost support during my project. The immense scope of this project has helped me to understand many facts of marketing in Indian industry. (Nitin Rathore) LIST OF TABLES LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title of the Table Page No. Table No. 2.1 Transactional Handling 19 LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Title of the Figure Page No. Figure No. 1.1 Objective of study 05 Figure No. 2.1 Mutual fund concept 09 Figure No. 2.2 Organization structure 13 Figure No. 2.3 Types of Mutual Fund Schemes 18 Chapter 1 1.1 Executive Summary India is one of the countries which is concentrating towards its share market & investment sector. Because a countries growth is totally dependent upon its educated people. So with the changing economical environment its effect can be easily being seen in this field also. The project “Market Research on Various Schemes of SBI Mutual Fund” analyses the future market and assists in understanding upcoming competition specifies about the future numbers, characteristics, and trends in markets of Bhilai & Durg region and trying to analyze the factors affecting customer expectations. The main aim of...
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...MUTUAL FUND A Mutual fund is a pool of money, collected from investors and is invested according to certain investment objectives. A Mutual fund is created when investors put their money together. It is therefore a pool of the investor’s funds. The most important characteristic of the Mutual fund is that the contributories and the beneficiaries are the same class of people, namely the investors. The term mutual means that the investors contribute to the pool, and also benefit from the pool. There are no other claimants to the funds. The pool of funds held mutually by investors is the mutual fund. A Mutual fund business is to invest the funds thus collected, according to the wishes of the investors who created the pool. Usually the investors appoint professional investment managers, to manage their funds. The same objective is achieved when professional investment managers create a ‘product’ and offer it for investments to the investors. The product represents a share in the pool and pre states investment objectives. FEATURES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF MUTUAL FUND A mutual fund is a financial intermediary and works as an investment company. It has distinct features and characteristics which differentiate it from other financial intermediaries. Some of the features of mutual fund are: Mutual fund is a pool of financial resources. Investors bring their individual funds together. Sometimes the funds which otherwise may not come for investment in the capital...
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...has been fully acknowledged. PREFACE The successful completion of this project was a unique experience for us because by visiting many place and interacting various person, I achieved a better knowledge about this project. The experience which I gained by doing this project was essential at this turning point of my carrier this project is being submitted which content detailed analysis of the research under taken by me. The research provides an opportunity to the student to devote her skills knowledge and competencies required during the technical session. The research is on the topic “Capital market”. Index Serial No. 1 Particulars Page No. Capital market 2 Role of capital market in India 3 Factors affecting capital market in India 4 India stock exchange overview 5 Capital...
Words: 16886 - Pages: 68
...A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS INVESTMENT AVENUES WITH RESPECT TO RISK & RETURN A Project Report Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of Degree of E-MBA Submitted by : Prabhjeet Singh [pic] BHARATI VIDYAPEETH DEEMED UNIVERSITY, PUNE (INDIA) School of Distance Education (SDE) Academic Study Center : BVIMR, New Delhi (University established under 3 of the UGC act,1956) CONTENTS |S.No | |P.No. | | |Acknowledgement |2 | | |Certificate |3 | |1. |Introduction | | | |1.1 : Introduction |6-7 | | |1.2 Company Profile | | | |1.3 Industry Analysis |8-14 | | |1.4 Problem in the Organisation | | | |1...
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... d) A collective investment vehicle. 2) Which of the following is true? Some close end funds sell at a discount to their NAV, because a) Of high expense ratios b) Investors expect that current NAV cannot be sustained by future potential c) The repurchase price fixed by the fund is lower than the NAV d) Of the inherent risk of closed end funds. 3) If the entry load is 2% and the NAV is Rs. 10, then the investor will have to pay for 1000 units a) Rs. 15000 b) Rs. 8000 c) Rs. 12000 d) Rs. 10200 4) Which of the following Mutual Funds was not set up within the Phase 2:1987-1993? a) Canbank Mutual Fund b) Kothari Pioneer Mutual Fund c) SBI Mutual Fund d) LIC Mutual Fund 5) Which of the following is not a benefit from a Mutual Fund? a) Investor has custody of securities where fund invests. b) Investor is able to diversify risk c) Investor can save costs d) Investor can get professional management to manage his money. 6) Which of the following has the lowest risk? a) Liquid Fund (MMMF) b) Gilt Fund c) Diversified debt fund d) Diversified equity fund 7) The current Mutual Fund Regulations from SEBI was introduced in a) 1992 b) 1994 c) 1996 d) 1998 8) The sponsor of a mutual fund may be compared to: a) A director in a company b) The chief executive of a company c) The promoter of a company ...
Words: 3314 - Pages: 14
...DECLARATION FORM This is to verify that I PRAGYA SAHU student Of SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS,DAVV INDORE has undergone training from “STOCK HOLDING CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED”. DURATION:- For 38 days (from 1st June to 8th July) in field of finance. During the training the student has abided by rules & regulation of our organization & his code of conduct were satisfactory. Detail of Reporting/ Authorized officer: Name of person: Sandeep Sharma Designation: General Manager Email Id : sandeep_sharma@stockholding.com Contact no.: 9425508941 Signature of reporting I hereby declare that this Project Report Entitled as Financial Planning submitted for the Project work is an original work done by Pragya sahu and it is submitted to Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited, Indore and will be submitted to SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS DAVV Indore. Except above not submitted to any University or Institute for the award of any Degree / Diploma / Certificate or published any time before. Date: ___21/08/2012_________ Place: __Indore__________ Pragya sahu ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “The completion of any project depends upon the Co-operation, coordination and combined efforts of several resources of knowledge, inspiration and energy”. My sincere thanks to Mr. Sandeep Sharma (Branch Manager) giving...
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...Workbook for NISM-Series-V- A: Mutual Fund Distributors Certification Examination National Institute of Securities Markets www.nism.ac.in This workbook has been developed to assist candidates in preparing for the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) Certification Examination for Mutual Fund Distributors. Workbook Version: July 2011 Published by: National Institute of Securities Markets © National Institute of Securities Markets, 2010 Plot 82, Sector 17, Vashi Navi Mumbai – 400 705, India All rights reserved. Reproduction of this publication in any form without prior permission of the publishers is strictly prohibited. Disclaimer The contents of this publication do not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the National Institute of Securities Market (NISM) or the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). This publication is meant for general reading and educational purpose only. It is not meant to serve as guide for investment. The views and opinions and statements of authors or publishers expressed herein do not constitute a personal recommendation or suggestion for any specific need of an Individual. It shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. The statements/explanations/concepts are of general nature and may not have taken into account the particular objective/ move/ aim/ need/ circumstances of individual user/ reader/ organization/ institute. Thus NISM and SEBI do not assume any...
Words: 66892 - Pages: 268
...ssA Summer Training Project Report ON “A STUDY ON MUTUAL FUND COMPANIES IN INDIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RELIANCE MUTUAL FUND AND UTI MUTUAL FUND.” IN [pic] SUBMITTED TOWARDS THE PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE MASTER’S DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 2009-2011, AFFILIATED TO GAUTAM BUDDH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (GBTU), LUCKNOW UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF: Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Shukla (Cluster Head- Delhi/NCR) KARVY, Ghaziabad SUBMITTED BY: SUNIL KUMAR Roll No.: 0903070054 MBA- 3rd Sem. [pic] SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, INDERPRASTHA ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GHAZIABAD, 201010 DECLARATION I, SUNIL KUMAR the student of Master of Business Administration, IPEC- Semester 3rd (2009-11) hereby declare that, I have completed this project on “A STUDY ON MUTUAL FUND COMPANIES IN INDIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RELIANCE MUTUAL FUND AND UTI MUTUAL FUND.” The submitted information is true & original to the best of my knowledge. Date: Student’s Signature Place: (SUNIL KUMAR) Roll No. 0903070054 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Before we get into thick of things, I would like to add a few words of appreciation for the people who have been a part of this project right from its inception. The writing of this project has been one of the significant academic challenges I have faced and without the support...
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