Reflection of the Six Branches of Philosophy
Various branches of philosophy have always become great debates in society. Many have questioned metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy and social philosophy. The author will discuss and reflect on the six branches of philosophy in which she will describe a time in her life when she have asked similar questions. In addition, the author will discuss specific circumstances that brought her to each of the questions and what conclusions she came about.
The author believes that people do have free will and that God has given men the greatest gift of all, the ability of choice. Growing up the author was accustomed to hearing that life is already predetermined by fate, but through a mature life the author has come to the conclusion that one can determine their own fate by the choices they make in life. Understanding that people from various cultures have different values, morals and beliefs can lead people to see things only one sided. If a person grows up in poverty it doesn’t mean that he or she is destined for poverty. Everyone has choice and free will to break the poverty cycle by becoming successful and living a rich and prosperous life. When the author speaks of rich it’s speaking in terms of supportive and appreciative friends and family who loves one another unconditionally. In the words of Wayne Dyer be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice (2014).
The author once questioned how is anything known and is all knowledge subjective or are there some universal truths. Questioning how is knowledge attained through encyclopedias, dictionaries, and even through history. Through maturity, reading and research the author has come to the conclusion that many of which are in our history books were attained through previous and