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Skidi Pawni Earth Lodge Analysis

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A Universe Within A Universe:
The Traditional Skidi Pawnee Earth Lodge
Among the most proficient star watchers in North America were the members of the Skidi Band of the Pawnee Tribe. The Skidi Pawnee originally lived in the Great Plains region of the Platte River, Loup River and the Republican Rivers located in Nebraska. The Skidi were keenly aware of the stars and the planets. They watched them nightly for guidance throughout all their lives. Furthermore, the stories of the stars and the oral traditions of the people instructed them on the rituals of planting, hunting, harvest and worship.
The movement of the stars and their positions in the sky directed Skidi’s day-to-day lives. Consequently, the stars were their timekeepers and served as a calendar. The Skidi relied on them entirely to keep track of …show more content…
Because of the tremendous importance assigned to the observation of the cosmos, the traditional Skidi earth lodge dwelling functioned not only as a residence, but also, as a place in which to examine the heavens. The earthen, domed-shape of the earth lodge characterized the cylindrical shape of the earth, as well as representing the sky. The eastern facing entrance was similar to a tunnel and was oriented so people would enter in the same way that the stars enter the sky, from the east and toward the Morning Star, Mars. Also, the orientation of the entrance also allowed to first rays of the morning sun to enter the dwelling, symbolically imparting life and the giving of strength and power (Ruggles 332). Along the western wall was an alter, providing a place of sanctuary, where ceremonial artifacts were placed. Above the alter; a sacred and powerful medicine bundle is hung (Krupp 232). This western section of the dwelling symbolizes the realm of the Evening Star, Venus, thought to signify creation and renewal (Ruggles

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