Premium Essay

Small Business


Submitted By mubashir1975
Words 5882
Pages 24
STUDENT NAME : Mubashir Mustehsan


1.1: Produce a Profile of a Selected Small Business

Food has always been a centre of attraction for Londoners and tourist whose number during the year 2013 reached to 16.8 million with many attractive ancient palaces of the kings and eye opening amusement parks London has always been a tourist spot. The densely populated metropolitan has a mixed culture and almost festivals are observed every second mouth. Traditionally Londoners prefer fast and healthy food but it is the diversity of people which has changed the behaviour of the people especially aged between 18 to 30. Pizza is the other feast enjoyed by the people. Indeed this delicious baked bread along with pepperoni, mushroom, obverse and unions with pizza sauce and cheese topping sometimes with chicken or meat toppings is much preferred choice of the inhabitants of London. It was founded as a restaurant with the name as “Go Go pizza” in 1984 on the basic of quality along with customer care. They have been rewarded for pioneering free delivering to homes and offices through free home delivery services. Another specialty of this company is the use quorn instead of meat (Meat Free).
Go Go Pizza came into being in 1987 and since the it has remained a strong commodity in food industry. Soon after its birth GOGO pizza flourished and now is considered as a strong national brand with over 90 branches in the UK. This franchise owned business first introduced the concept of free delivering doorstep. The secret of progress with achievement and prosperity his in customers case good

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