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Small Stream Research Paper

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Why are small streams so valuable to an ecosystem and to people? I chose this research question in order to explain the importance of the data from my project. To do this, I interviewed Chad Schwinnen and Ali Laughbaum. Both are environmental science teachers at New Albany High School. Schwinnen has his bachelors of science in biology from Ohio State University and his masters of science in biology from Wright State. He has been teaching for nine years and he has taught classes like biology, senior environmental research course, and environmental science. Laughbaum has a combined degree of a biology and geology from Ohio State University. She has been teaching for fourteen years and for nine of those years she has taught environmental science. …show more content…
Demonstrate how a large stream/ river ecosystem is different from a small stream? (Application) How would you compare a healthy stream to an unhealthy one? Does its health really impact humans? (Analysis)
Create a situation where an ecosystem is being altered. How would the small stream in it be affected? (Synthesis)
Describe the effects of an unhealthy small stream feeding in a healthy large stream/river. (Comprehension)
Discuss how humans benefit from large rivers. (Comprehension)
What watershed is Rose Run in? What major rivers does Rose Run eventually feed into? (Knowledge)
What would you infer might happen if we continue to pollute small streams? (Synthesis)
Evaluate how a typical person would be affected by an unhealthy small stream, like Rose Run. (Evaluation)
Many people would not mind altering a stream's surrounding ecosystem (deforestation). Would agree with them? Why or why not? (Evaluation)

Section Three: …show more content…
They both agreed that when people are ignorant about the environment, they should not be altering an ecosystem. However, Laughbaum stated that she does not “mind when people change an ecosystem” as long as they have an understanding of the earth (Laughbaum). She is completely supportive when people “make it nice and develop it, humans need a place too” (Laughbaum). Schwinnen discussed how difficult it is for ecosystems to recover from massive changes and it could take generations before it can be fully

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